Saturday, September 14, 2019

Painting, Braces, Kensington

Sunday we had Stake Conference and they decided to not televise it at our building this time so we had to drive out to the Stake Center. We ended up getting there an hour early because Tyler had choir practice. My friend Melissa was there early for the same reason and we ended up squishing into her row and sitting with their family. She had a migraine so I was able to help with her kids but really our kids do so well together that they entertained each other and they all did pretty good for having to sit for 3 hours.

This week Steven started Cross Country and mostly all he does is complain how tired it makes him. It only lasts until the end of October though so he will just have to suck it up for a couple months. I have been grateful that my friend Stacey is able to pick him up from practice because they end at 4:15 and I can barely make it back to my house by then with Penny. The Cross Country meets are going to have even worse timing. They start at 3:45 and Penny gets out of school at 4. I need a clone because it seems like everyone needs rides at the same time. 

Monday night we took a family bike ride to Dodge Park- even Tyler came along for once. It was all fun and games until Ben's bike got a flat tire. We ended up ditching it in the woods and he ran with us to the park and then on the way back he had to walk his bike. His bike has issues and I think for Christmas he is going to be needing a new one from Santa. Besides the flat tire drama it was all pretty fun- we played a game of tag with the kids and that always reminds me that I am not as in shape as I think I am.

Tuesday I volunteered at Ben and Lucy's library. It was actually pretty fun. There was another mom there and we checked in books and shelved them. I also got to help the kids check out books when they came. It was nice because it kept my busy and I enjoyed chatting with the other mom.

Wednesday I started my project of painting the living room. I was able to buy all the beginning supplies with birthday gift cards, so that was nice. Hopefully I won't have to spend too much more since we seem to have lots of extra expenses coming up with everything breaking on us these days (water softener, washer, unreliable truck...) I began with the ceiling and trims and ugh, my neck was so sore by the end of it. I hate painting ceilings so much and I didn't do the best job but it'll have to do- my neck can't take anymore craning. I did take a break and met Tyler for lunch. It was nice being able to have a little date while all the kids are in school.

Wednesday night I went to Young Women's where we attempted to get some planning done. We at least got things planned through October and I feel like the planning went a lot better with the young women present than when it was just us leaders. It looks like I will have my first opportunity to teach on the 22nd and I am actually really excited about that. I've been reading all the topics for September and there is a lot of really good stuff. On our way back from Young Womens there was a big lightening storm and it was really cool. Surprisingly Lucy didn't get scared at all- she might be growing out of her lightening fear.

Thursday morning I went for a run in the rain and then picked up Ben from school and took him to the Orthodontist where he got braces. He still has the expander and now he has a brace face too- lucky kid ;) He complained that day and the next morning about his teeth aching but hasn't since so I'm hoping that means it's not hurting as much anymore.

Thursday afternoon I took Tyler to get his endoscopy done since he's still having swallowing problems. That's another money eater- $2400- and basically they just re diagnosed him with eosinophilic esophagitis and prescribed him a new medicine to try- this ones an inhaler of sorts. I hope after spending all that money that this will actually help and it was not all wasted.

Later when I picked up Penny at her bus stop (we only do it occasionally now because I hate how late it is) and I told her that I really missed her. Her response, "Well I didn't miss you." I am just so glad she is adjusting to school so well.

Thursday evening I went to Steven's Curriculum Night where I discovered he hasn't been reading or practicing his instrument like he should. That led to lots of lectures and a feeling that nothing is sinking in. He is so smart but he is lazy and a huge procrastinator and this is going to be problematic if we can't nip it in the butt now. I started a technology fast with the kids today because of this. I figure if maybe he doesn't have the screen distraction maybe he will be more willing to do work. Who knows. Day 1 has already been rough- we'll see if I survive until next weekend.

Lucy also got a hold of my phone Thursday and took all these gems and more. She loves taking pictures and videos of herself way too much.

Friday I finished painting the trim, let it dry and then taped off the living room so I can do the walls next. Later when it was time to pick up Penny the sky started rumbling something fierce and it made Steven anxious so he decided to come with me. On our way we encountered a super scary, storm- strong winds, giant rain drops that sounded like we were being pelted by debris. Cars were pulling over and everything. Thankfully it was fast blowing and ended fairly quickly but not without Steven and me suffering a panic attack first.

That evening Tyler and I were able to go to the temple which was really nice. There were only a few other couples there (maybe because of the weather?) so we got to be the witness couple. I enjoyed the peace of being in the temple. I've felt unsettled with all the kids at school now. I am able to keep busy and the days fly by but I wonder if I am spending my new found time the way I should. Should I be volunteering more, looking for more ways to serve others or looking for a job? I still don't have the answers but it was nice to feel at rest in the temple, if only for a couple hours.

Saturday we started our technology fast so the boys went to a HAM radio thing with Tyler and I took the girls to the Kensington Farm Center. The weather was absolutely beautiful and we really enjoyed our time there. We played, saw animals, threw rocks in the was dreamy.

Afterwards we hit up the Dollar Store and it was there, as I went to check out, that I discovered I had lost my debit card. I had put it in my pocket and it was no longer there. I tried to stop it on my app but it wasn't letting me log on so I started driving home so I could go make phone calls before someone could use it. As I was driving home I had this thought that it probably fell out of my pocket at the Farm Center when I took out my phone. I had a prompting to call the Farm Center so I did. I am so grateful for promptings- someone had turned my Debit Card in to the lost and found. So we rushed back there and picked it up. Such a relief. Then we went back to the Dollar Store to get the things we had tried to buy before. And another tender mercy in all this was that when searching for my debit card in my car, I found our HSA card which had been missing. If I had never lost the debit card, I might never have found that HSA card.

The girls posing in front of the taped off wall- the trim is done but I figure this will still be a good before picture to compare with when things are all done.

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