Along with this calling there has been a lot of drama this week surrounding picking the counselors and advisers. I really prayed on it and thought about it and some of the names that came to me were surprising (especially one that is a person that I don't exactly love) but after rearranging names several times, I kept getting the same people. So I submitted the names, only to find out that they rejected all but 1. Then they put out names that I just don't think will be good fits for working with the Youth. Lots of tears of frustration shed and venting. I haven't felt that unheard in a long while. Tonight I am meeting with the Bishopric member in hopes of talking things out and coming to decisions that we can all be comfortable with. I am also hoping they haven't already called people and made decisions without me. Oh this calling is going to be a rocky road.
On to the rest of my week. This week my big project was painting the living room and I got it done. Making a color decision was challenging and I am still not 100% sure I love it. It's definitely an improvement to the warm golden color it was previously though and since I dislike painting so much- I won't be changing it anytime soon.
Tuesday the older 3 had a half day from school. Penny was very distraught that she didn't have one too and spent an hour screaming about it Monday night when I accidentally let it slip. It's rough to be her. Even more rough that I took the other kids to the beach with some friends while she was still in school. It was a pretty good time at the beach, even if it was a tad cold.
Thursday and Friday I had my first sub jobs of the year. They were both afternoon sub jobs which worked out perfect for getting the kids to school and back. I had no problem getting them to school obviously and then Penny just took the bus home those days and I got off work in plenty of time to get her from the stop. Thursday was an extra tough day because the class had no breaks- I was in charge the whole time. Friday was a little better because they had part of lunch, a short recess and music while I was there. However both classes were tough and left my voice exhausted. By the end of Friday my voice was hoarse and this morning I can only whisper. I honestly hardly talk during the day lately so I think going from that to talking loudly--- a lot-- killed it. I have been downing lots of water and cough drops in hopes of getting it back. I've got a meeting tonight and a lesson to teach tomorrow- I really need it back!
Funny story regarding my lost voice today though. In trying to rest my voice I was writing notes instead. Well after I wrote one to Ben, he grabbed the pad and wrote me a question. It made me laugh. I can still hear kiddo ;)
Also, guess who lost a front tooth this week!? She was so excited and made sure everyone she saw noticed. She also asked Penny to tell Mrs. Richter for her (Penny's teacher, Lucy's old teacher). It is super important that everyone knows ;)

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