Saturday, May 25, 2019

Sea Life Aquarium

Monday was my usual productive day. That night I asked the kids at dinner what they wanted their future houses to look like. Lucy said purple. Penny said pink. Steven wanted one like what we have now. And Ben wanted a big square, one story house. When I said if it's big that means more to clean, he said that's ok he'll just clean it on Mondays like me. Good man. Steven on the other hand informed him that that's the mom's job. I think Ben is going to the better husband candidate in the future.

Monday night Stefanie came over and we walked down to Dodge Park and back. It was nice to catch up with her. We also talked a bit about our beliefs on some controversial things and it was interesting, we don't completely align but pretty close. She's a good friend who seems to respect my beliefs. I think she would make such a good member of our church but she's turned the missionaries away so...not yet...

On Tuesday I got Ben's stomach bug. It was rough still having to take the kids to the bus stop and make dinner and all the while feeling gross. Also Tuesday night Lucy had her last basketball practice and Steven's Middle School had instrumental rentals night so I had to take Lucy to basketball so Tyler could go sign up to rent a clarinet for Steven. Somehow I got through the basketball without running to the bathroom so that was good. I am grateful for that. And I am grateful that Lucy was able to take basketball. Even though she will probably never be a fantastic basketball player it was fun to see her growth and she really enjoyed it.

On Thursday Penny and I met Chalsea and Reed at the Sea Life Aquarium. Chalsea had informed me that they do a Toddler Time at Sea Life during the school year that is actually much cheaper than there normal rate so we had to take advantage of that before summer starts. Our friends were a little late so Penny had some fun sitting in the pretend cars outside of it before going in. Once in her and Reed kind of rushed through it- I always forget just how small these aquariums are- but they still seemed to have a good time. Penny's favorite part seemed to be where they color a digital fish and then send it into a digital aquarium. I enjoyed watching the sea turtles get fed and watching a sting ray appear to back float in the water. She also got to enjoy story time in front of the fish tank and the play place at the end.

After we finished up at the aquarium we walked down to the mall play area which had apparently been revamped since we had last been there. Instead of a food theme, it now had a Michigan theme with The Great Mac bridge and a lighthouse and boats...It was real fun. Then we went to the Lego Store where Penny created our Lego family (we didn't buy it so I took a picture). From L-R: Dad, Mom, Penny, Lucy, Steven and Ben..

Our last two stops were to get a pretzel (because that's what you do when you're at the mall) and the Disney Store. The Disney Store had some costumes on sale and I bought one for Penny thinking it was a Moana costume. They informed me they had the matching jewelry on sale in the back and I thought why not, it'll be great for Halloween. When they brought it to the counter I was all confused because it was Pocahontas Jewelry. Turns out I actually bought a Pocahontas costume and jewelry for Penny. Apparently I do not know my Princesses but luckily Penny is still very happy with her future Halloween costume.

Thursday night I got out with my friend Caroline. She had had a hard week and needed to get out. I always stay out way too late chatting with her and we talk about everything. She's a good friend to me. I love that I don't ever feel like she's judging me.

Friday morning was uneventful and then that afternoon I subbed at Kurtz. They had an assembly which always means chaos. Really. But it also means less work from me in a lot of ways so not too bad of an afternoon.

Also this week I got a few new shirts (because apparently I am no good at saving my sub money). I bought one that says "it's too peopley outside" and when I attempted to take a picture of it all my children surrounded me. Apparently it's too peopley inside too. I also got a shirt that says "you had me at chips + salsa." This ones going to AZ where I am going to eat oodles of chips and salsa. 

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Bunco, Farm Day

Sunday was Mother's Day and I was served my traditional Strawberry Crepes. My most favorite thing ever. Mother's Day needs to happen more frequently because I pretty much crave those all year. My morning was nice and chill. I got a couple new puzzles that the kids picked out (one a collage of treats and the other a book collage), a stuffed animal llama (Penny apparently really thought I needed one) and some fun things that kids wrote and made for me. My favorite thing was how Lucy spelled my name- Jenna Frye. Church was really nice too. For the second half of church they gave a short 5 minute lesson and then we got to eat and socialize with friends. After church it was life back to normal- I had to cook dinner and such things but at least the first part of mother's day was fantastic.

Monday morning we had Book Club at my friend Ashlee's house. We had read "Fish in a Tree" and I really love that book. It's geared towards older elementary kids and has some real good messages in it. One person said it was too much like "Wonder" but that's ok, it's still one of my favorites. Also, at book club, Ashlee had made these amazing scones with orange cream on top. Maybe I need to get the recipe because I am super craving them right now.

After Book Club, I spent the rest of the day and all of the next day prepping for Bunco. I get real anxious when I host parties. I obsessively clean and buy too much stuff because I worry about running out of things. And cook too much because of the same worries. It was Cindy's last Bunco so I had the added task of making it special for her. The "We will be so blue without you" theme turned out pretty cute and in the end she got a little teary eyed so I think I did good. Everyone brought her something blue and we put it in a basket for her and I also made some Michigan state shaped blue cookies (which Penny helped put sprinkles on). No one would eat the cookies though, which upset me. They all said they were sugared out from the candy on the tables but that's never stopped them from eating dessert before. I guess if the guests not eating the dessert was my biggest complaint of the night it probably wasn't so bad. I of course over analyze all my awkward behavior (like when I shoved the cookies in someone's face trying to get them to eat them) so really I am just relieved that is all over. 

And if I look like a sweaty mess in these photos, it's because I was....

Wednesday I woke up exhausted, I guess Bunco stole all my energy. After Penny's speech class we spent a chill morning at the park with Laci and Janie and then we met Tyler for lunch. It's always nice when it works for us to meet up with him. The rest of the afternoon I napped and relaxed and it was exactly what I needed to recover. 

At school Ben had VIP mileage club that day. I was a bad mom and didn't go but Jacob's mom was nice enough to take a picture of Ben for me.

Thursday morning we met some friends at the library and because the weather was so perfect we ended up playing at the little playground outside the library. I love spending time with both these friends but unfortunately their kids do not get along. The fight of that hang out was the one wanted to play pirates and the other wanted to play superheros. Poor Penny usually ends up in the middle attempting to be a peace maker but sometimes she gives up and picks a side. It bums me out that their kids don't get along because we probably will have to start hanging out with them separately.

On Thursday Penny got frustrated with a bee that tried to follow her inside so she had me help her make a "No bees allowed" sign. She was pretty specific about it- had to have yellow and black alternating letters (which she wrote) and she had me draw it and she colored it in. I really hope then bees listen to her sign ;)

Lucy had filled up her jar so Thursday evening I took her to Nothing Bundt Cakes. I was so tempted to get one for myself- they are so good but I resisted the temptation because I knew I would still probably eat all the junk at home that we have left from Bunco. The weather was perfect so we sat outside the shop and Lucy chowed down on her bundtette (next time I need to remember to bring our own forks). I love these one on one moments I get with my kids.

Friday morning the school where Penny has speech services had a Farm Carnival. It was kind of awkward because it seemed to be only kids that attended preschool there and they all knew each other and the teachers- we didn't see our speech teacher there so we felt a bit like impostors. But Penny still had fun- we played on the playgrund, painted a cardboard wall, played with farm toys, saw chickens and a duck, got to pet bunnies, goats and what looked like a mini llama, she got her face painted and best of all- she got to ride a pony! There was a horse and then this pony with all the ribbons and such things so of course she insisted on riding the girly pony (not to mention it was shorter and less scary). She had so much fun.

Friday night Tyler went camping with Steven and Lucy. Ben had soccer and a sleepover with Jacob and Tyler didn't want to take Penny. It was supposed to be a Ward Camp Out and Lucy has been dying to go camping since last summer but the Ward Camp Out got cancelled so Tyler just took them to a campsite in Pinckney. Unfortunately for them it rained 80% of the time but he said for the 2 hours when it wasn't raining, it was really fun. Lucy says she likes camping now but only if it's not raining.

Ben had a bummer Friday night and Saturday. He was acting real weird at soccer- not even attempting to get near the ball and then when he went to have a sleepover with his friend Jacob, he came running back only a half hour later saying he pooped his pants. Ugh. He had some sort of stomach bug and spent the night and next morning making frequent visits to the bathroom. He hadn't said he wasn't feeling well because he had been so excited for this sleepover so he was super bummed when I told him he needed to stay home. This meant he also missed going to see "Pikachu Detective" with his friend Saturday. Hopefully we can do a redo of both things and hopefully nobody else catches this bug.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Zoo, Mall, Lettering

On Monday I forced myself to put aside my to-do list and met up with Penny's friend, Brooks, and his mom at the zoo. I'm glad I did that. The weather was warm and Penny always has so much fun with Brooks. We went in the middle of the day so I was slightly productive before and after which made me feel less guilty about the excursion. Probably the coolest part was the monkeys. We got to watch one pat the other on the head as it was passing by it in the tree. We also got to see baby Jane (a chimpanzee) right up at the window. She was super cute.

After the zoo I filled up our 5 gallon water jug and on our way home it tipped over. I figured no big deal, the lid was on but then I heard glugging. The lid had popped off and about 2.5 gallons spilled out before I could right everything. Our car now has a super lovely musty smell.

Earlier this week I ordered a pair of pants (I hate shopping for pants)but when I got them they did not fit. So Wednesday Penny and I got to take them back to the store in the mall (since they would charge for shipping if I returned by mail). Penny was super excited to go to the mall- of course to her the mall equates play area and pretzels. I am going to miss our little outings when she goes to school next year.

Thursday I had substitute job. It wasn't great, it wasn't awful, it was just a day at work. The students claimed that I was the best substitute ever, probably since I use bribery, but it's still nice to hear. Last week when I was subbing they had these "Wanted" posters up in the hallways (they were doing a Western theme for Teacher Appreciation) and one of the kids said my picture should be up there. And then they said, "Mrs. Hatch would be wanted for being too nice. And your reward for catching her would be that she would be your guest teacher." 

Thursday evening I went out for dessert with my friend Caroline. We got ice cream at a place called Proving Grounds. I had Cookie Monster ice cream and it was ah-mazing! It had cookie pieces and cookie dough in it, I pretty much inhaled the deliciousness. It was really nice chatting with my friend and I stayed up way too late. We had to sit outside the store because the store closed and then we chatted by her door for awhile (only to realize her windows were open and her kids pretty much heard our whole conversation 😳). I didn't end up getting home until almost midnight.

Friday I took Ben to the orthodontist and paid the giant fee so he can do as Steven did and get an expander, then braces and then retainer. These kids are killing our wallet. His expander should be ready at the end of this month which is going to be a fun adjustment for him. Our next big expense is going to be a clarinet rental so Steven can be in band in Middle School next year. I heard there's a down payment for the instrument rentals. Super fun.

Friday I was also babysitting for a friend and when I asked her son if he needed help he told me, "Men don't need help." Totally cracked me up. He's a funny kid and Penny just loves hanging out with him so it was a good day.

Since this week wasn't overly busy I even had some time to chug out some hand lettering. The chalkboard sign is for the Bunco party that I am hosting Tuesday. Since it'll be Cindy's last Bunco- we will just be so blue without her. And the lighthouse one I made because I wanted something to go on the mantle by the stained glass lighthouse my mom made me. It turned out really great but I am not sure it works to have a drawn lighthouse next to the stained glass lighthouse. I might have to make something else with just words.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Choir Concert, Talent Show

Sunday was not my favorite day this week. There have been a few things that have made me disgruntled about Primary lately (namely not having a partner) and while I was promised a resolution it did not happen. Instead of calling me a teaching partner, they called someone who already had a teaching partner one. It was frustrating. Then they were telling me that when I got a partner I could start going to singing time with my class even though I have specifically mentioned to them multiple times how much I appreciate the Sundays when I get to go to half a grown up class. Also I had a kid in my primary class going to another primary class and no one was communicating with me about this. All this made me feel very unheard and this has always been one of my biggest insecurities so I left church feeling disgruntled. I'm just trying to hold out hope that everything will work itself out.

Also on Sunday the girls decided that "no boys are allowed" (unless they are friends). The signs didn't last too long before I think  their brothers got a hold of them and made them disappear...

Monday night Steven had a Choir Performance. It was with 2 other elementary schools and they each performed 3 songs and then they all did 1 together. I had a minor heart attack when he pulled out his Choir Shirt and I discovered it was stained. I vaguely remember him spilling something on it last time he wore it so apparently I failed to "Shout" it out. I told him he'll just have to make sure he covered the stain while he was performing and that was a poor advice. He sang all the songs with his chin resting on his hand- you can kind of see what I mean in the picture below. Ugh. Besides looking silly he did appear to be singing the words for most of the songs so that's good.

Tuesday I skipped out on volunteering in Lucy's class in the morning and subbed for a second grade class instead. They were actually really well behaved and it made for an easy morning. The only hiccup was that the teacher had accidentally double booked a sub for the morning but since I was there first I got to stay. I am grateful because it take a lot of effort to get me there and it would've been annoying to have to just leave.

Tuesday night Lucy had her basketball skill class again. I am seeing small improvements in her basketball skills- she can dribble a little bit further before losing the ball and she actually hits the rim when she shoots. Baby steps! We now have our own basketball hoop at our house. Our friend had one that the previous owners had left but she didn't want it so we got it for free. We've had some fun games of PIG as a family and I am really grateful to have it.

Wednesday was spent catching up on life and early afternoon into the evening I babysat for a friend. I love my friend but she parents differently then me and her kid kind of makes me a little nuts. We clashed heads over the wearing of a jacket and some other things  but somehow I got through watching her. We also had another kid over who lives near the bus stop. He is in between Lucy and Ben age wise and has been asking FOREVER to come over. The stars finally aligned and we had him over. The boys wanted to just play Minecraft with him and it was a real struggle to get them to play outside with this neighbor- the weather was really great. I have a hard time with this because I want kids to want to come to our house but I also want these kids to all interact and do something other than stare at a screen. Being a mom is rough.

Thursday I babysat for 2 of my friends so we had 3 extra kids hanging around all day. Then on top of that I had 2 more friends and their kids come over to hang out. It actually all made for a great day. The extra kids got along really well with Penny so she played happily and I got in grown up conversation. Helped the day go by fast.

Also for a couple days this week Penny decided she wanted to look like Cinderella. Since we don't actually have the costume we made due with a blue dress and the hairdo. It was pretty cute.  

Friday was a LONG day. I subbed for a third grade class and it would have been a really great day if it wasn't for the afternoon. All the third grade classes got together to watch a movie but the kids couldn't watch it unless they finished their writing. Honestly, most of the kids who couldn't watch it were kids who really struggled with writing. It seemed unfair that they missed out because they have writing issues. It also was real overwhelming trying to help these struggling writers (some of them had no idea how to use punctuation!). After that long work day, we had the Ward Talent Show that night. We had to miss out on Ben's Soccer class because of it and it went super late (9:15!) but it was fun to watch Steven and Tyler perform.

Steven did a lip sync with some friends to "The Greatest Show" He is one easily distracted kid but overall he did pretty good. I enjoyed seeing him having fun with his friends.

Tyler played the Ukulele while his friend Roger 
sang "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and then him and some friends sang a capella "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles." For the singing one he got up and pretended that he didn't know he had been signed up to sing so he was just going to sing a lullabye he sings for his kids- the he proceeded to sing "Baby Shark" for a bit. Then he said it wasn't going well so he needed some friends to help him which led to him calling up the guys in his group. Also, during the song when he had to sing a high note he hiked up his pants. Everyone thought he was sooooooo funny.