Saturday, August 25, 2018

Penny's Birthday, Last Week of Summer

Before I move unto tales of this week, there were a few things I forgot to share about last week. The first thing was a missionary moment that I unexpectedly found myself in. During my annual check up at the OBGYN the doctor asked me if I drank alcohol and usually I just say "Nope" but for some reason this time I said "Nope- I am a Mormon." This led us into a whole conversation about how he dislikes drinking and then he started asking me about temples and then when I spoke about sealings in the temple we started talking about marriage. It was a really neat conversation, although it would have been a lot better if I wasn't in a super awkward doctor's office gown, ha ha!

My other story is super humiliating so maybe that's why I left it out. We had been going in and out of fudge shops at Mackinac Island because they have at least a dozen of them and mom was searching for a specific kind of fudge (Creamsicle). Well after scanning one and not seeing the fudge, without looking down I grabbed the arm that I believed belonged to Steven. I tugged on it and said, "Come on, let's go." The arm didn't move so I tugged again, harder and then I looked down. That was not Steven's arm. I have never seen a child look more horrified of me. I was so embarrassed and apologized to the parents telling them that I thought it was my son. They tried to smooth things over saying, "Oh does your son have a hat like ours?" Nope. Definitely not. I think the icing on the cake was the hat that I was wearing. I just so happened to be wearing the "Free Hugs" hat the my friend had got me. What a creeper I must have looked like!!!

Last story that I don't think I have shared yet has to do with Ben. He still has accidents at night so we bought him a pee alarm. Well after night after night of waking up to that awful sound, we finally stopped hearing it. After a couple quiet nights I asked Ben if he really was staying dry at night and Steven replied, "Yeah he is...because I wake him up every night to go pee." Turns out Steven hated the sound of the alarm so much that he has taken it upon himself to be Benny's own personal alarm. I mean it's not the best solution's working....

Anyways unto this week. We started off the week with Penny's birthday. I can't believe that crazy girl of mine is 4! She woke up that morning and opened presents as per tradition and then (after TV time) we went to Splash Universe. The kids had a lot of fun there and I think it was a proper way to celebrate her birthday. For dinner she requested I make her hot dog mac and then afterwards she got to have some of her amazing ballet bear cake. Lucy totally had this same cake a few years ago so it was fun to see Tyler make it again.

Tuesday was the sad day that I had to say goodbye to my parents. I hate when they leave so I distracted myself by throwing an end of summer party for my Primary Class that night. I had planned on keeping it simple- just pizza at our neighborhood beach and the kids could bring dessert. Well the weather was rainy off and on all day and it kind of led to a disastrous start to the party. The forecast SAID it was supposed to be clear during the party- literally a 0% chance of rain. But about 15 minutes after all the kids were there it started to sprinkle on us and Penny and Lucy were having panic attacks (because they believe that rain leads to lightening) and the rest of the kids were just being crazy. Tyler, of course, was late and not there yet so I was on my own trying to manage the chaos. We moved all our food and things under the ramada (which was quite the undertaking) and I managed to calm them all down by letting them eat junk food and soon after Tyler arrived. After that, the weather cleared up and things went much better but it was definitely a rough start.

Then to keep me further distracted from missing my parent I went to see the movie "Crazy Rich Asians" with Carina and Lauralyn after the class party. I am Carina's minister and we had been trying to get together for awhile so this is just what worked. It was a very predictable romantic comedy but it was a nice escape from life.

Wednesday I took the kids to their new school to play on the playground. It's a pretty fun playground and I had a hard time getting them to leave. I think this helped some in getting them more excited with school starting next week. Shortly after we came back, I let Steven be the babysitter for an hour while I went with my friend Corinne on an Arby's date. She is my friend that miscarried recently and she was looking to be distracted- apparently I am a good distractor. Even though she is struggling and having a hard time, I did see bits of her old self there.

Thursday afternoon we watched my friend's daughter. My friend left to NYC with her older kids that evening and her hubby was out of town for work so Eliza got to stay with us for the night and the next day. That night I took the kids for a walk and Steven was pulling Penny and Eliza in the wagon. At one point Penny stood up to look at some dogs and without realizing this, Steven tugged the wagon. Penny tipped over backwards and hit her head hard on the street. Thankfully no blood, just a really big bump. Scared me real good.

Also Thursday we had an air tech come to check our unit (Tyler signed up for their maintenance program) and he told us it needs replacing. It's wired wrong, it's from 1999 and it's probably going to die any day now. Great. That's just a $3000 fix. Talking to Tyler, as far as our ac smarts go, if the outside unit doesn't affect our heater then we will wait until next year to replace it. It's working for now, and it's almost September which means the hot month are almost gone. Still, we're just delaying the inevitable.

And to add icing to the cake, Tyler was out late at work Thursday night and driving home his tire went askew. He is fine but his truck is not. We are down to one car until he can fix his truck so that's super fun.

Friday night Laci threw me my belated birthday party. Per my request it was a puzzle party since I love doing puzzles. She had a succulent puzzle and a Harry Potter puzzle and we all just sat and chatted. The conversation wasn't always my most favorite. There was a lot of baby talk since two of the ladies there were pregnant- birthing stories and nursing stories and I feel like being 33 with 4 kids, I have had these conversations so much that I am getting tired of them. Especially when it was all the horror and shock stories of nursing and birthing. One of ladies was pregnant for the first time and I am sure she is now terrified. They also all got talking about their miscarriages and apparently I was the only one there who has never had to go through that. Honestly, I felt miserably out of place at my own party. I can appreciate how it can be therapeutic to talk about it so trying to think positively- I think my party was therapeutic for some of them. Anyways I shouldn't be such a grumpy pants. It was really nice of Laci to throw me the party and there were some really fun moments and I had the added bonus of having a really good chat with my friend Caroline afterwards so that was nice. I think if anything I can just learn from this for the future that I am really just not a birthday party girl. Group things are not my thing, I so prefer one on one. 

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