Saturday, November 11, 2017

It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas

I know it's only November and we haven't even had Thanksgiving yet, but Christmas celebrations have definitely begun in the Hatch home. I figure since we will be out of town that first week after Thanksgiving and since that is usually the week when we start our Christmas decorating and fun, then that makes it ok to start our Christmas festivities now. That's good logic, right?

So last weekend we were at Walmart and we came across Santa, really convincing Santa, right? 

Then on Tuesday, the kids were off of school for Election Day so Grams and I took the drive out to Bronner's in Frankenmuth and got to see a giant Santa. I think that one is much more realistic than the Walmart one ;)

So going to Bronner's is always way more fun for the kids than the adults. At least this time it was not crowded at all, a plus for visiting before Thanksgiving, but there are still breakable ornaments EVERYWHERE and always at the perfect level for kids to touch and that is always stressful. Also, the kids change their minds at least 50 times before finally deciding on an ornament which can be annoying. Although, I think some of the mind changing was definitely for the best because I was much happier with their final choices and less thrilled with some of their earlier choices (Steven wanted to get big obnoxious cake ones, Lucy wanted to get a large sparkly wand at one point and Penny was leaning towards a Sofia the First one). Their final choices are in some pictures further down because I couldn't get any good pictures of them at the store and plus they all got boxed off when they were bought. After buying them, we of course had to take a bazillion pictures at all the fun photo spots around the exits and outside.

Penny is so funny when it comes to mannequins and little statues, she always considers them to be close friends of hers and she had to hug this penguin goodbye. Sometimes I think she loves inanimate objects more than she loves real people.

Grandma is a lover of fudge and since Frankenmuth is a touristy place there are plenty of fudge shops all about so we had to stop at one so she could stock up. The kids were excited about all the free fudge samples and Penny was pretty excited when she found a painted rock outside of the shop.

Here they are with their final ornament choices: Penny got a meow, Ben got his traditional marshmallow one, Lucy also got another marshmallow one (this time it was a fairy instead of a ballerina), and Steven settled on an owl.

Tuesday, late night, Penny came down with a really awful stomach bug. I did not get her to the toilet in time and in my half asleep and blind state, when I did get her there, I ended up having her totally miss the toilet. Poor Tyler had to clean it up and then ended up getting up with her the rest of the night since he was better at ensuring her aim. It was a rough night for them both and the next day wasn't much better for her. She couldn't keep anything down and didn't seem to recover until late Wednesday afternoon. So far the rest of us have remained unscathed and I am hoping our luck can continue. It would be miserable for the rest of us if we got it while we were in AZ.

Thursday I did a thorough cleaning of the house (hoping that will help keep the germs away) and then Friday afternoon I had a sub job. It was for a fourth grade teacher (not Steven's). It was only for the afternoon but it seemed to take an eternity, they are a challenging bunch but somehow I survived.

Friday night we had some fun with the  new filters on my phone because that's how exciting we are on a weekend, ha ha!

Look it's Poppy!

And today we had fun decorating our Christmas trees. I gave away the kid's Charlie Brown looking Christmas tree from last year so we actually went out today and bought them a smaller one of their own. I wanted to do my own thing with the big tree so I wanted them to be able to have one they could decorate too. The one we bought ended up looking far more black than green but the kids covered it so thoroughly with ornaments that I am not sure anyone would notice. And maybe with some orange lights we can use it for Halloween too, ha ha! 

I added ribbon for the first time ever on my tree and it was really tricky and I am not sure about how well I did it but it was a fun change.  

And to end with a funny story. Steven was saying that he wanted to be 5 feet tall and Lucy shouted out, "No! Not 5 feet! You can't walk with 5 feet!"

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