On Tuesday Ben was supposed to walk with his class to Central Park for a picnic but the weather was forecasting rain so they cancelled the field trip. In the end it didn't rain but it was so stinking hot that I am glad they cancelled. That would've been a hard walk for first graders in that heat. Instead the kids had a long recess and then we had a picnic in the classroom. The kids got nice red cheeks from recess and then had fun eating in their classroom. I think Ben was less excited about me being there and more excited about having his sisters there.

On Wednesday, the last day of school, I helped host Steven's party. After his teacher handed out candy awards (he got the Jolly Rancher award for being happy to learn) we played Minute-to-Win-it Games. The first three went really well and were fun to watch them do- putting fruit loops on a pipe cleaner with one hand, getting an Oreo from forehead into mouth and stacking red cups. The last 2 were a disaster, the kids hardly listened to directions and basically just went crazy. The one they were supposed to knock over cups using the air from in a balloon. Instead they just whacked cups down with filled up balloon. The other they were supposed to move cups- one at a time- from desk to floor without using hands. Instead they just knocked all the cups off their desk with their head. It was seriously chaotic but the kids had fun so I guess that's all that matters.

After the crazy games the school day was basically over so I had the kids get one last pic with their teacher and then we headed out to start our summer vacation.
Steven with Mrs. Boyd and Ben with Mrs. Rupp:
After school we began our summer vacation by throwing water balloons and playing in the sprinklers with the neighbors. When the kids were done with that me & Stefanie basically sat on the porch and chatted while the kids played (sometimes outside, sometimes in her house). It was honestly a great start to summer vacation but unfortunately as soon as they were done playing with the neighbors, the boys were fighting like crazy. They have been fighting since and so I am feeling like this is going to be a really rough summer. Wish me luck!
That night we went and saw a house that is literally my dream house. It was old but still in good condition and still so charming- it was brick, it had big rooms for the kids to share, it had a great sized dining room AND a breakfast nook, it had a partially finished basement with a bathroom, it had a grassy fenced in yard and it was located close to Fenton's downtown. We made an offer on it ($190,000- they were asking $185,000) and we didn't get it. I knew it was such a long shot but it still broke my heart. House hunting is rough- especially in these super competitive times.
Wednesday night Ben had his first sleepover with non family. He slept over at our neighbor's house with Beck. Stefanie said he did so good and was super polite. I love having neighbors that are such good friends!
Thursday I went to the dentist with all 4 kids. They took an impression of my teeth for the mouth guard I'm getting. I had the kids watch some shows on my phone and they did super good- all the staff at the dentist's office were impressed with them. I was feeling so good about myself (like I am such a great mom= look how great my kids are) and then we went to the library. When we were checking out books the kids were CrAzy! They were running around and being super naughty. It was a nice slice of humble pie for me- I really did NOT want to eat that humble pie.
Friday I watched Beck for my neighbors (they had to work and summer camp doesn't start until next week). I figured I would go crazy with all 5 kids in the house so I decided to take them to Greenfield Village. At first I was really regretting my decision- it was warm, the kids were whiny and they had consumed most of the snacks 10 minutes after arriving. Thankfully when we got to the place where they blow glass the kids did a total turn around in behavior. They watched the glass being turned into a vase for like 20 minutes- they were so intrigued! Then after that they got to turn the Railroad Turn Table:
Then we ate lunch and went to the play area. The play area has a machine that randomly squirts out water and they all got soaking wet. I wasn't happy about them getting their socks and shoes wet but I was happy that the water helped cool them down.
After playing for a LONG time I decided it was time to leave so we got our traditional candy sticks and headed home. It a good outing after all!
That night the Brandley's asked us to pick strawberries with them and after a long day at Greenfield Village, I was tempted to cancel on them, but I am glad I didn't. It was such a nice time! The kids had fun helping- even if they weren't super great at finding strawberries that were ready.
While we were waiting for the tractor to come back, the kids had fun climbing trees and I had fun feeding the Brandley's little girl strawberries so that she would love me, ha ha! It was seriously a nice way to spend a summer night!
To end our busy week, the boys had their final soccer games today. Ben had 2- his team lost the first but won the second so they ended the season on a high note. Steven just had one and they won theirs too so they also ended on a high note. In between games we hit the library for their celebration of the start of the summer reading program. The kids had fun learning how to twist balloons into dogs and swords, doing crafts and getting Creepers and Cupcakes painted on them.