Sunday, August 7, 2016

Newspaper Article, Bike Ride& Marblehead, Ohio

Benny, Lucy and Steven were featured on the front page of the Milford Times newspaper a week or 2 ago, and a friend of mine was nice enough to share the picture with me! This is the second time my kids were featured in this newspaper, aren't we so popular? And this time Benny was actually in the picture and he was in the forefront! Yay for him overcoming his middle child status!

A road near our house has been under construction for awhile and recently they finished it. To celebrate they closed it to cars and let people ride their bikes down it. The kids thought this was the coolest thing ever! Benny and Steven rode down the whole stretch and back with Tyler. I am so proud of Benny for FINALLY figuring out how to peddle and getting excited to ride his bike. Penny and I followed Lucy on her bike but Lucy's bike has gotten way too small for her and it was a struggle for her to ride it so she didn't make it very far. This whole ordeal inspired us to buy Lucy a bigger bike this past week. It was well worth it because she is riding much better now!

The rest of this week was busy- a play date at the park, a doctor's appt for Penny, a beach play date and on Friday we had to take Tyler to the hospital for a scheduled endoscopy (he's been having a hard time swallowing). He needed a ride since they would be putting him under but he didn't realize we would have to wait there with him. I was under prepared for entertaining 4 kids in a hospital waiting room but somehow we survived. He survived too but turns out he has an allergy causing him to struggle with swallowing. It also turns out he has some benign ulcers in his intestines. Awesome. No more soda (and other things) and some medicine will hopefully help this.

Since Tyler has to drive to Missouri for work on my birthday, we decided to celebrate it Saturday with a little daycation. We made the 2 hour drive to Marblehead, Ohio to see a lighthouse because I have a thing for lighthouses. This one did not disappoint. It was beautiful and located on the shore of a gorgeous, rocky beach. The kids loved standing on the rocks and trying to stay clear of the waves. I was sure one of them was going to slip and fall in but somehow my clumsy babies stayed safe. 

We didn't end up going inside this lighthouse because the tour guide was a mean lady and made me angry. I came to ask for tickets to go inside and she told me they didn't open for another 5 minutes. So I gathered the kids and came back (in less than 5 minutes) and was informed the tour for 11am was sold out. Frustrated I told her that she told me they weren't open for 5 more minutes and now they are sold out. Her response (in a cranky voice) "Please don't argue with me." This made me want to actually argue with her. Anyways, after a really stupid "conversation" with her I went to buy tickets for the 9:20 tour but then Ben started to cry that he didn't want to go and I was so upset at that point that I decided I really didn't want to go on a tour with the mean lady (and a scared Ben) so we didn't go. But we did have some more fun playing on the pretty beach:

By that time we were hungry so we stopped by Netty's Chili Dogs on our way to a sandy beach. The hot dogs looked questionable but were actually pretty good. After the kids finished their food we told them they could ice cream cones, the only catch was they had to go up and order themselves. My kids who are usually way to shy about doing this, did it happily for chocolate ice cream. It was fun to watch them order and pay all by their lonesomes, however Lucy had a hard time departing with her money and needed a little help.

Penny didn't get her own ice cream but Benny was nice and shared with her:

After our kids were all properly covered with chocolate ice cream, we headed to East Harbor State Park where there was a beach on Lake Erie. This beach was so perfectly awesome for our kids. They could go far out and it was still super shallow, like waist high. Plus the wind was giving them really good waves. They had so much boogie boarding on the waves and Penny was actually all about being in the water for once. Despite us fair skinned ones (Benny, Lucy and me) getting a little burnt, we all had a good time. 

After the beach we stopped by a Chick-Fil-A in Toledo for dinner because we must enjoy it anytime we have the opportunity. The kids spent a good amount of time eating and playing and then it was off to our next stop, Cabela's. My parents had given me a gift card there for Christmas and I was finally made it there to use it! I was going to get a life vest but the options were few and expensive so I got a swimsuit and swim cover instead.

So summary- lighthouse, rocky beach, hot dogs, ice cream, sandy beach, chick-fil-a deliciousness and a shopping trip! Was a pretty perfect birthday day if I do say so myself!

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