The weather has been pretty hot and humid here. I think the last few summers we had here were pretty mild so this once has been a rough adjustment for us. Since we don't have a pool of our own, we must make do with what we have. The girls have been requesting lots of bubble baths, they seem to make Penny extra happy when she is fussy. I honestly don't think the hot weather agrees with her. But bubbles certainly do! (And Lucy is extra creepy in her bubble mask)
On Monday I turned the big, fat 31. Now I feel like I am officially in my 30's and I don't much care for that. I was kind of feeling depressed about the whole day, especially with Tyler having to go to Missouri for work but it ended up being a pretty good day. Tyler took us all out to breakfast (which was only a slight disaster with Lucy spilling ice water all over herself and me). Then he watched the kids while I went grocery shopping which honestly was the nicest thing ever. And then he had to start his drive to Missouri. To celebrate my oldness, I spent the rest of the morning cleaning the house while the kids rotted their brains watching a movie.
For dinner my amazing friend Laci had me and the kids over. She fed us pizza and even made me a cake (from scratch). I had candles to blow out and got sung to and everything. It was so entirely thoughtful of her and made my evening a lot better than I thought it was going to be.

That night after I got the kids to bed, I turned on my sob fest "Miracles from Heaven." Steven ended up sneaking out of bed and watching it with me. Now he's extra worried about cancer and other fun things. But anyways, it really was a good day, even if it's not a great age...
Tuesday we had some friends over, Wednesday we made a trip to Target to get some things (and Penny spent a majority of the time screaming because she wanted to eat the fruit pouches I was buying for her, she makes for some excellent birth control), Thursday we actually had an uneventful trip to Krogers and so we celebrated with some cookies at the bakery:
Friday began Milford Memories, our towns arts and crafts festival. That morning we invited some friends to go with us to the kid's tent they have. The kids had fun doing all the free crafts and playing some games for free prizes. As stated before though, the weather was muggy hot so when they finished with the kid's tent they were all ready to go home so home we went.
But that night while Tyler was away at a birthday party with Benny, I took the other 3 back to Milford Memories for some treats. We got snow cones and cotton candy and enjoyed our deliciousness. Thankfully the kids voted to just go home after we ate our treats because when we were a few minutes away from home, the rain poured down. We didn't get too wet which made me happy but the kids decided they wanted to get more wet and that made them happy. We haven't got much rain this summer so I guess they really had to enjoy it:
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