Saturday, August 20, 2016

Looking Cool & Birthday Fun

Benny got to a go to a super fun birthday party last week at a place called Airtime. He loved "flipping" into the foam blocks (more like crashing head first into them). He got some pretty awesome sunglasses as party favors there and Penny decided that they looked pretty good on her too. I loved seeing her strut around in them, so much sass: 

Over a week ago I ordered the kids new tennis shoes. They were all in dire need of new ones and with school around the corner I figured it was the perfect time to get some. Lucy picked out a rainbow pair and was constantly wanting to know when they would arrive. They finally came a couple days ago and she was ecstatic! She loves her new rainbow, lite up shoes:

On another note, I am almost positive that my kids have meetings where they determine who is going to be a stinker on a given day because it never fails that at least one of them causes me problem each day. It was really a rough week in the Hatch home. 

On Friday I guess it was determined that Penny would be the trouble maker. We had a swim play date and all was going well (minus the bees who wanted Lucy's PB&J sandwich) until about a half an hour in Penny slipped and fell, scrapping her knee. She was not happy about the scrape and was crying on and off until I got tired of her fussing and put her down, then she escalated to her full out scream cry. She was a definite party pooper. We had to leave and it was super depressing because pretty much all my other kids' buddies were there. Steven even wrote in his journal about how swimming was fun...until Penny started crying. 

Of course after screaming all the way home, she passed out on the couch:

Friday night, I had a little belated birthday get together at the Dairy Twist with my church friends: Laci, Bethany, Sarah, Virginia, Ashley, Ranell and Heather. I ate me some delicious Superman ice cream while we chatted about motherhood, and all the fun things that come with it.

I took some selfies with Miss Lucy before heading out to my party:

 Today is Miss Penny's birthday and since we have been to like 4 birthday parties in the last month, I decided against adding another one for friends to go to. Plus Penny isn't super social so it really wouldn't be something she loved. Instead of a party, I took Penny and Lucy to the mall play area (while the boys cleaned the church, poor guys). Penny had such a good time and was on the move so much that these were the best pictures I could snap:

When we got home from the mall I baked her birthday cake (we're going to have the neighbors come help us eat it tomorrow). Penny loved licking the beaters:

Then when the boys got home from cleaning, we let her open her presents. All her siblings were desperate to try and help her open them but she really didn't need help after the first present. She loved ripping off the paper and seemed to love all her gifts. She got a small Dollhouse from my parents, cute little buckets for water play from Tyler's parents and from us: a pretend cleaning supply bucket, a book and a Crayola Mess Free Touch Lights:

Tonight Tyler and I have a date night (we haven't had one of those in ages) and we are going to go see "Jason Bourne" (we haven't been to grown up movie in ages either!) I'm pretty excited! And tomorrow will finish up Penny's birthday celebrations with cake and ice cream with the neighbors. We really are blessed, even if our kids are a little cRaZy!

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