Saturday, February 13, 2016

Birthday Fun

Last Saturday Grandma came to town! She came just in time for Steven's first ever Blue and Gold Banquet. The food was good and the company was fine but those are not the most exciting things ever. Tyler and I both were in charge of running a hero training course at the end of it and that was definitely the highlight and most fun part of the event. 

On Sunday the kids got in some good snuggle time with their Grams:

Monday and Tuesday were pretty uneventful but Wednesday Steven turned the great big 8! That morning he HAD to open his presents and could barely handle waiting until after he had eaten breakfast. Between both sets of Grandparents and us, Steven was spoiled: 

Benny, without any prompting, even made a sweet note for Steven (it says "I love you. You are cool.") and insisted on giving Steven one of his own dollars:

I volunteered in Benny's classroom that morning and then went and took Steven out from his class and out to lunch at Subway. He was not feeling very chatty and was super quiet but then he was introduced to emoticons and had a blast sending every single one to Tyler.

That night I made Steven's favorite "white noodles" and then Grandma took him to DQ for dessert. It was such a cold day that they were the only ones there. To reward them for venturing out in the cold, they gave them a balloon:

Thursday we took Penny to the Doctor, she had been acting super cranky, had a fever and a runny nose and was not sleeping well at all. I thought maybe she had an ear infection but she didn't. Turns out it's just a virus and we have to wait it out. I'm so tired of waiting it, I miss sleep :(

Saturday morning was Steven's Minecraft super duper party! 4 friends from church and 1 neighbor came (Max, Liam, Gavin, Coloton & Dallin). The beginning of the party was chaos! I had the boys make Minecraft faces to shoot with a Nerf gun and I was also letting them make Creeper faces on green balloons and doing this apparently made them cRaZy!

So when most of the kids had arrived I we played Minecraft BINGO to try and calm things down. Thankfully that worked perfectly! They all calmed down and they really enjoyed it so we played 2 rounds. 

After BINGO we did the Creeper bean bag toss and pin the tail on the pig. Steven had a meltdown when we did pin the tail on the pig because he didn't want to be spun around or blindfolded.When he finally let us blindfold him and spin him, he then cheated because he could see under it and then was upset when we called him out for cheating. The whole situation was aggravating but at least his friends still seemed to have fun.

After all the games the kids played with Minecraft Lego's and they played Minecraft on the XBOX. Steven was still being a stinker and was upset that he couldn't have a controller the whole time. I really hope his friendship skills improve soon....

 After play time was food time! Steven's favorites: Corn dogs and Cheeto's! 

And then cake and present time:

This kid was seriously spoiled rotten and he was not super appreciative of it all so this may be his last big bash for awhile... But despite his stinkerness, the other kids seemed to have a blast so...go me :)

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