Monday, May 21, 2012

Last Week

Last Sunday was Mother's Day and Tyler did a good job of taking care of me. He made me my favorite breakfast, which is more like a dessert, strawberry crepes. He also gave me a Kindle Touch, to replace the one broken by Steven:

In preschool, Steven's teacher interviewed him about me. Our scanner is forever broken so I will just write out some of the questions with his answers:

What does she do? works at school, teaches the kids, works on computer , takes me to the water and the park
How old is she? big, 20
How tall is she? 5 inches
What is her favorite food? enchiladas, cookies, strawberries (he got this right!)
What message do you want to send her for Mother's Day? she gives me some hugs, give her some stuff, thank you for giving me snacks and candy

After Mother's Day, I kind of had a miserable week. I think with camping that weekend and working Monday and Tuesday I wore myself out and had my first throw up of the pregnancy. It was awful and I felt pretty awful the whole week.

But at least I was feeling well enough Friday to take Steven to his Preschool Graduation Party at the VVL Clubhouse. Although he looks cranky in the pictures, he did have a blast. He was just having so much fun that he didn't want to stop to pose.

All the teachers minus one.

Saturday, after a week of feeling lousy, Tyler and I were able to go on a date. We went to Cheesecake Factory where we shared our favorite Chicken Chipolte Pasta entree- so good! And then we did some shopping. He got some new pants and I got myself a bathing suit that fits my pregnant belly! Since I am about to go into a summer with very little income, I figured we'd do the smart thing and splurge before we're broke ;)

Then on Sunday the boys got their summer hair cuts. Now they look like boys again, no more girly hair!


  1. So you're pretty much saying my boys have girly hair since I'm forever telling Loren to cut it and he shrugs and says no. Oh it's coming off soon!

  2. oh no! i hope you feel better this week :( yay for a swimsuit, though!
