Saturday, May 26, 2012

Rebecca's Baby Shower

I always tell myself that I will just do what's needed when I plan a party but for some reason I always end up deciding to go all out when the time for the party actually comes. I really was very good at delegating but thanks to all my last minute add-ons I ended up being crazy busy the day before Rebecca's Baby Shower. Here is how it turned out...

This pic didn't turn out well but the banner says: "It's A Boy" and has pictures of cookies and milk. I made it all by myself! The flower balls I bought thinking that would be easier but me and my mom discovered that assembly was difficult...

 We put regular milk and chocolate milk in the dispensers and then there were cute jars and shot glasses to drink it out of:

 That morning I decided we needed a game so I made this one- Match the Celebrity Mama to her baby:One of Rebecca's friends got ALL of them right- I was so impressed!

 The lighting behind it was bad so I didn't get a good full view picture but I had a clothesline with diaper, pictures and onesies. Underneath it there was a table where you could make a picture for Baby Brady and write a silly note on a diaper for Rebecca. 

Of course I failed and didn't  get a picture of all the food. I had made Andes Mint Cookies, Snicker doodle Bars & my Rocky Mtn Cookies. Rebecca's family came with a couple more kinds of cookies, an adorable giant cupcake and PB&J sandwiches. Needless to say, there was WAY too much food. I totally over planned!

Although I didn't know very many people it was still a nice time and I think Rebecca enjoyed herself which is what's most important. Here she is taking a shot of milk:


 My mommy( who was a big help with the set up the day before)

The Brady Girls

 I love this picture of Rebecca with her mommy :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Last Week

Last Sunday was Mother's Day and Tyler did a good job of taking care of me. He made me my favorite breakfast, which is more like a dessert, strawberry crepes. He also gave me a Kindle Touch, to replace the one broken by Steven:

In preschool, Steven's teacher interviewed him about me. Our scanner is forever broken so I will just write out some of the questions with his answers:

What does she do? works at school, teaches the kids, works on computer , takes me to the water and the park
How old is she? big, 20
How tall is she? 5 inches
What is her favorite food? enchiladas, cookies, strawberries (he got this right!)
What message do you want to send her for Mother's Day? she gives me some hugs, give her some stuff, thank you for giving me snacks and candy

After Mother's Day, I kind of had a miserable week. I think with camping that weekend and working Monday and Tuesday I wore myself out and had my first throw up of the pregnancy. It was awful and I felt pretty awful the whole week.

But at least I was feeling well enough Friday to take Steven to his Preschool Graduation Party at the VVL Clubhouse. Although he looks cranky in the pictures, he did have a blast. He was just having so much fun that he didn't want to stop to pose.

All the teachers minus one.

Saturday, after a week of feeling lousy, Tyler and I were able to go on a date. We went to Cheesecake Factory where we shared our favorite Chicken Chipolte Pasta entree- so good! And then we did some shopping. He got some new pants and I got myself a bathing suit that fits my pregnant belly! Since I am about to go into a summer with very little income, I figured we'd do the smart thing and splurge before we're broke ;)

Then on Sunday the boys got their summer hair cuts. Now they look like boys again, no more girly hair!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Camping in May

A couple months ago we decided we were going to go camping in May with my brother & his wife- we figured the weather would be good then and Tyler would be done with school. I am told this idea to go camping was mine. I regret my idea.

 It had nothing to do with the company. The company was fantastic. It had everything to do with the work involved in preparing to camp and cleaning up from camping (I'm such a lazy, pregnant lady) AND with the fact that my allergies went completely crazy as soon as I awoke in Payson.

Despite my tickly nose and burning eyes, there were positives to the camping: 1)Seeing a herd deer which of course my camera failed to document. 2)Toasting marshmallows 3)Not freezing to death at night 4)Baby talk with Rebecca 5)Watching my kids' reactions to Tyler's potato gun 6)Enjoying a perfectly short hike with my boys which involved pushing down a tree 7)Steven catching fuzzy caterpillars 8)Watching Ben in his element-dirt!

Visiting my New Mexican Fam

When my mom announced that she was going to New Mexico for a wedding of some distant second cousin that I don't really know, I didn't automatically jump on the band wagon. But somehow everything came together and soon, Steven and I were both planning on going with my mom and my brother Mike. We loaded up my van on Thursday morning and headed on our way. Have I told you lately how much I love my van? It is such a perfect vehicle for traveling- so spacious ad roomy!

Sadly, the first 2 days were less than wonderful. Steven had turned monster child. He was spitting, hitting and whining- in general making me crazy. This is Steven at our typical stop in Holbrook, AZ.

After the long trip there, we stopped to visit my Aunt Charolette. Steven loved swinging in her yard and then playing with his superhero toys in her living room. After hanging out there we, of course, were in need of some dinner. She took us to this place that made amazing Navajo Tacos. So good! 

(Look that's my hand print in my Aunt's backyard)

Then we continued on to our final destination, my Aunt Irene's house. Here he met his favorite dog, Georgia, and a dog that terrified (him and me) York. I swear it's bigger in person!

The next day Steven got to hang out with his buddies, William and Richard. He was super stoked to be with them again.

Together we went to visit my Grandma Palmer's grave. It was covered in weeds but Steven was a big helper and we cleaned it up.

Then it was off to Durango, CO so we could visit Honeyville. My mom loves her honey and the boys love watching the busy bees. Unfortunately, before Steven entered Honeyville, he got in some major trouble with me because he kept spitting and hitting his buddies so he was less than tickled pink to pose for the pictures.

Me and my favorite cousin, Breezy, with the Honeyville bear- just like old times. 

After we left Honeyville I was STARVING so we stopped at a Mexican place in Durango to eat but Steven had other plans. He decided to throw a fit almost as soon as we sat down. He wanted a hot dog just like his friends but he had already eaten so I was saying no. It ended up with me and him in the van crying. I hate how emotional I feel when pregnant.

The next day was the wedding of my second cousin. The only memory I have of her is from a family reunion long ago where she was on a wooden swing that hit the back of my head. I got a permanent bump from it so I guess that memory will always be with me. 

It was a perfect New Mexican wedding in my Aunt's backyard. And Steven was actually a good boy for most of it. He especially loved picnicking by the nearby river. It was nice to finally have a good child and to get to socialize with family I rarely see. Steven also caught what he believed to be tadpole, Mike thought they might be tapeworms. Surprisingly they survived many days in that sealed water bottle. They may still be alive if I hadn't thrown them out in the back yard...

After the wedding we went to my Aunt Ruth May's trailer and Steven had fun tramping about their backyard. So much fun for my little boy. And definitely a plus that he got to do it with his best bud, William.

Before we headed home we stopped by where my Grandpa Palmer is buried (he is buried with his first wife so he is not with my Grandma). I also found the grave of the relative Tyler and I share. So great to have common ancestors with your husband.

That was essentially our trip. The drive back was relatively calm and included ice cream which makes me happy. Steven also made us laugh as we changed elevation and he commented, "My ears are making my mouth soft." He then proceeded to yell because and say how soft he was being. Love that kid!