Saturday, October 12, 2024

Cousins in Town

Sunday was General Conference and with the time difference, the sessions don't start until noon. I decided to spend the morning cleaning since we were hosting dinner that night for Tyler'sisters.I do not love cleaning with kids awake because they just seem to make a mess of everything I do. I have definitely grown to prefer my night time house cleanings. Still I managed to get it done and still have time to take a shower and make the casseroles for that night. I was quite impressed with myself. After doing all those things, I was able to just relax and watch the conference sessions. I think my biggest take from the sessions was that I need to focus on my testimony of my Savior. Anyways, after both sessions, Tyler's sisters came over. Keshia had just flown in town with Knox, Nash and Reese and they were staying with Mariah's family. This was there first time visiting Michigan. Obviously it took Mariah living here for them to want to come visit but I guess I will just have to accept that that is the way things are. For dinner, the pasta casseroles I made were nothing special but thankfully they were very kid friendly so no complaints. The adults had a good chat and the kids all had fun with their cousins.

Monday we were able to homeschool before everyone (Mariah and Keshia's family) came over again. The flat on the Equinox was getting fixed so we only had one car so it was nice they all came here. After I picked up Steven from school and put Ruby down for a nap (we have been switching her to just one nap) we all walked over to Scarlet's Park. We spent several hours there. The kids were actually playing really well together- only minimal drama from Penny or Jessie feeling excluded. Penny is always feeling excluded so I took it with a grain of salt. Mariah, Keshia and I actually had a pretty deep conversation about things in the church. I really just brought up the things that my friends have been struggling with because I was curious what their thoughts and opinions were- the Hatch's have a lot of thoughts and opinions. They had some good, helpful ones. But they also sometimes had some "blind faith" opinions and I find that hard sometimes. I like there to be logic and reasoning behind things.

After the park we walked back to our house and then they had to leave because Mariah had to pick up Jeff from work. Mariah was also picking up Tara from the airport that night. Reese stayed with us though and spent the night. The girls were happy to have her over. I made my ground turkey skillet but had to make her something separate because she wasn't a fan. I feel like all kids just like the things their mom makes and have a hard time expanding their horizons. I know that is true for my kids. That night we all watched the "live action" "Dora the Explorer" movie and Reese really seemed to love it. They all went to sleep really nicely that night.

Tuesday we didn't homeschool in the morning because Reese was over. Instead we had a slow morning with pancakes, I did a work out and then we all walked down to the nieghborhood beach. I was determined not to sit around waiting for Mariah to text me when they were ready to meet up. It made things less frustrating for me for sure. The girls enjoyed playing on the little playground there and then on our way back, we ran into Julie and her kiddos which was nice.

By the time we were home from the beach, Mariah sent a text and it was time to meet up. Tyler took off the afternoon and we all met up at Three Cedars Farm. Once again, Ruby was home napping with Steven so they both missed out on the fun. The kids spent most of the time playing in the corn (which they all brought back to our house with them) but they did take a short break for doughnuts and cider. At one point Tara lost her phone but thankfully after much searching she found it. I am so glad I am not the only one who does that.

After we were done at the farm, Mariah's group was starving because they hadn't had lunch. We ended up picking up pizza for them on the way back to our house so they could have a very late lunch/early dinner. At our house the cousins had a lot of fun on our board game tablet and playing outside in the fairy garden. At one point Jeff and Tyler left to get some more sophisticated food for the grown ups- Pita Way. Around 8pm everyone but the girl cousins left. Navi, Saylor, Jessie, and Reese stayed for a girl cousin sleep over. It was quite a task to set up the living room for 6 girls to sleep but I accomplished it with an air mattress, a cot and the couches. We all watched "High School Musical" and had popcorn. I warned the girls that there was kissing and a few were slightly disappointed when it was only a kiss on the cheek. After the movie, I read them two of my favorite picture books, we said prayers and then it was time for bed. I did not hear them at all upstairs but according to Penny, Jessie would not stop asking questions and I honestly believe that.

Wednesday morning felt like a lot. I had to feed all the girls,and help them get ready for the day (which meant lots of hair to do) and prep a bag full of food for our outing. At 11am we met the rest of the Hatch gang at Kensington. I had to drive unsafe because I did not have enough seats in my Traverse- we risked Lucy's life. I will be so happy when the Suburban is fixed again. The drive was sort of obnoxious  because Jessie kept questioning what movie every Disney song we heard was from and what was happening in the movie for each part of the song. I was tired and had little patience for silly questions. Anyways, despite us leaving after they said they had, we beat them there. After some waiting, they got there, but they were lost in the park so we did some more waiting. Finally they arrived (minus Mariah who had to pick up Jeff) and we toured the Nature Center- because we were cold from all the waiting outside. When we were done in the Nature Center we went on a walk. It was a really beautiful day and I think everyone enjoyed the walk.

Tyler was taking another half day off work so by the time we finished our walk, he was done working and ready to join us. I took a car full of kids back home so we could eat lunch at my house and get Tyler. Keshia and Tara took another car full to Mariah's house and they ate lunch there. When we were all done with lunch and Ben had gotten home from school, we met up at downtown Northville to play on the playground and see the skeletons. There was a lot of picture taking with the skeletons and lots of fun games played on the playground. Ben is such a fun cousin and all the kids just love him. Around 6pm we had to part ways because Lucy had a church activity that she was leading that night and was really excited about (Torture Trivia). Keshia and her kids were leaving early the next morning and so it was a final gooodbye to them.

Thusday after the girls finished their school work we went over to Mariah's house for one final hurrah with Tara and her girls (they left that night). We did Halloween crafts. They made monsters and haunted houses with popsicle sticks and paint. There was even glitter involved. I have been so anti glitter for so long that I forgot how pretty it can look. My girls had some struggles with getting things to stay glued together because Mariah didn't have hot glue so they had some drama moments but overall it was a nice final hang out with Tara and her girls.

Friday I canned chicken and it always makes me a little anxious but I did it successfully. Thankfully Rebecca answered my Marco Polo questions, I always seem to have questions. Also Friday, Andrea was over again and while her and Ben were doing their usual pacing down our street, Ruby and I were outside in the backyard. When she saw them go by she wanted to go after them and did her best to follow them but her legs were too tiny. Thankfully Ben happened to turn around and see her and came back to give her a little love. It was cute. I took a pic of her following them when they were way off in the distance.

That night for our usual movie night we watched "1408". I had never seen it before and I felt like it started off really good and creepy but then it just kind of got weird and flopped. Too bad.

Saturday Penny had a soccer game in the morning and Tyler took her- her team won! Meanwhile Ben had a soccer fundraiser at Brightside Nutrition. I am not sure why they are fundraising now that the season is over but whatever. He was nervous about going but ended up having a good time. He got to wear a soccer ball costume to try and get costumers to come in and he said he was very successful. That afternoon I went over to Julie's and helped her can some chicken. Her kids were all there and her husband wasn't too helpful with them so it wasn't a super fun hang out but we did get some conversation in between the canning and the children. Saturday night I had puzzle night with Grace and Caroline. It was a chill night and we all had a chance to catch up with each other. 

Ruby has still not been a great sleeper. Even with the girls out of the room and us trying to let her cry it out, she is stubborn and inconsistent and I am tired. We have just discontinued her getting a bottle everytime she goes to bed so maybe that will do something. We shall see. She is lucky she is adorable.

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