Sunday was the Primary Program. I was feeling pretty nervous about playing the piano and my palms were nice and sweaty. I thought I might feel better after I started but I didn't really feel any better after playing the first song. I personally know I made mistakes in every song but thankfully nothing major. The kids were able to sing along. People were nice and told me I did really good. I would be happy to not do that again. Or maybe it would have been better if I had started off the year as the accompanist...
After church we put Ruby down for a nap and then Tyler and I went to Sister Facione's 80th birthday party. She has always been super nice to all of us. They had some yummy popcorn and candy to snack on and I chatted with various people. Conversing at parties exhausts me. I feel like I have to a put on a particularly outgoing demeanor that is not so much authentic me.
Monday when Ruby woke up from her nap I decided to take a spontaneous trip to get doughnuts from Longs, and Ruby and Lucy came with me. Since Longs always has a million wasps that come to say hello when we eat the doughnuts, we decided to stop at a little nature park to eat them on our way home. Lucy and Ruby had a blast playing in and around the shallow water. Even though the water was icy cold, Ruby kept sitting in it. She was pretty happy sitting and playing with rocks. Lucy really enjoyed climbing on branches and logs and wants to go back.

Monday volleyball started for Lucy. It was a clinic at a nearby high school and the parking was awful and it was so peopley and loud. They had us parents go to a quick meeting and I picked the wrong spot. I ended up sitting by someone who was hacking up a storm. I really hope I didn't catch anything. Coughs are the most annoying sick to have. Lucy doesn't love the clinics either beacuse they are just so many people and she will be happy when we start up normal practice and games next week.
Tuesday evening we went to Tilson Street in Romeo to see all their cool decorations. We went last year and the kids really loved it so I thought we should go again. I also wanted to see how Ruby would react to all the spooky things. Steven normally has class that night but since he wasn't giving a speech, he could skip it. You would think that would've meant he would join us in our family outing, but alas he did not. The drive there was long but pretty with all the fall colors out. Tyler was a little grumbly but mostly because he hurt his toe on Sunday and it was bothering him. Ruby made sure to say "hi" to everything that scared her and she didn't love turning her back to the spooky guys. Ben was especially excited by a Pillsbury Doughboy hanging in a tree. Good times were had but I am not sure we will make the trek again next year. It really is all the same things for such a long drive. On our way home we hit up Wendy's for Frosties and fries.
Wednesday after dropping off the girls at school, Ruby and I ran a few errands to get things for Trunk or Treat and costumes. Then I came home and took Tyler to work. And as per tradition, Ruby and I stopped at the park on our way home. While there, there was a mom group and this lady asked me if I was there for it. When I said nope, she said I was welcome to join but they were all young beige moms (beige moms is literally a thing where all the kids dress in very beige colors). I did not feel like I would fit in so I politely declined, and after overhearing conversations, I definitely would not have. They were all talking about making their homemade granola and food for their dairy allergic children and things that just were not my jam...Ruby and I had a good time though and the weather was much warmer from the last time we were there.occasionally we
Friday night our Ward had it's Halloween party. Tyler volunteered to watch his sister's kids that night and Lucy's friend Claire came with us and Luna and Geli and their mom met us there... So lots of extra people with us that night. Thankfully Tyler was true to his word and I did not have to help much with his sister's kids. He basically divided them out with our kids- Ben had Red, Penny had Jessie, and Steven had Wesley. That left Tyler with Maverick and me with my own baby, Ruby. Dinner was of course, chilli and hot dogs and there were games for the kids. Afterwards there was the Halloween costume parade and our family won for best family costume- Penny was Angel, Lucy was Lilo, Ben was Mr.Bubbles, I was Nani and Tyler was David (Steven was lame and not part of the fun, he just wore his work attire) After some careful reflection, I realized we were the only family in a themed costume so...go us?
Then it was time for Trunk or Treat and our Trunk was epic. I was quite proud of it. Lucy made a poster of a cat that said "I left you a treat" and then we had a kiddie pool full of sand and candy. The kids had to get the treats out using a litter box scoop. I also brought a long my skeleton who was Claudia the cat lady for the night. We surronded him with cat stuffies and put him in a robe. The kids all had fun finding their treats. Ruby did not understand the point of trunk or treat and just wandered around watching everyone. I tried to get her to hold her bucket and "beg" for candy but that was not going to happen. After, when all the kids were trading candy, she did try to steal some from other kids. Not that she really knows what candy is since I never give her any. I am really trying not to ruin her as much as ruined the other kids.


Saturday was another busy day. Steven had an archery competition in the morning and got an awesome score of 275- this is after months of no practicing. Imagine what he could do if he actually put in some effort (a perfect score is 300). Meanwhile, the girls had some friends over for Halloween crafts. Mimi's mom actually dropped her off and didn't stay. That felt like more trust than I deserve but also felt nice to be trusted. The girls painted pots, made paper windsocks and decorated cookies.
After the crafting here, we all walked over to the beach for our neighborhood Halloween party. They did the cake walk and all won prizes so now we have way too many treats. Then there was a punch a cup thing where they got more prizes and then a pinata. They all had fun and I enjoyed a nice chat with Julie who was there and some of her friends. She literally knows EVERYONE in the neighborhood. She is much more social than me. After the party the girls' friends went home and then it was a quiet movie night for me, Ben, Lucy and Andrea. We ended up watching "The Haunting" which I think creeped out Lucy a little bit. It's a weird one.
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