This week felt pretty calm after the busyness of having family in town last week. Sunday Ruby was all smiles when we first got into the church and then turned cranky pretty fast. She ended up in the halls with Tyler for most of sacrament. After sacrament we had the primary program practice and I feel like I did ok playing the piano for all but the last song. "I Will be What I Believe" is just a tricky song to play and they added in the ym and yw singing and it was a lot for me. I wish we could have just a couple more run throughs of that song before Sunday. It's a song that can really bring in the spirit and I really hope I don't blow it.
Anyways, I came home from church feeling not great because of crazy Ruby and the piano playing...and then Grace did the nicest thing ever and dropped off a skeleton of my very own at my door. I feel like a spoiled brat because I had been saying how I really wanted one and how envious I was of hers. She really did not have to do that for me but she did and that was so nice. I am so excited to have my very own. We named him Chad and the first day he just sat on my porch chilling but the next day I got Tyler to help me hang him up in the tree and now he looks like a pirate that had a deadly mishap. Ruby loves saying "hi" to her spooky new friend.

Monday I was invited to a friend from Bunco's birthday lunch but after so much rushing from thing to thing last week, I just couldn't muster up the energy to do that this week. We had a rough night from Ruby, then there was homeschooling and my work out. Then I had to put Ruby down for a nap and pick up groceries. I could have delayed the grocery pick up and gone to the lunch, Tyler was home to listen for Ruby, but I just wasn't in the right spirit to rush to a birthday celebration. That night Ben went and turned in his uniform and then him and Tyler joined in the scrimmage with parents. Tyler was sore for ages after that. He said they were much more difficult to play against than Ben's CW3 team. We also finally got Ben's official soccer picture- without the watermarks. He looks so old!

Tuesday Steven had to get some cavities filled so I made him go by himself because it was during Ruby's nap time. I am glad that he has these opportunities to be more independent, I think they are good for him. He asked lots of questions before hand which I find annoying but I wish I wouldn't get so annoyed. He is a lot like me and just wants to know exactly what is going to happen. It seemed like he did good with it all...except paying with my HSA card. He said it didn't work so he used my regular credit card but the HSA card worked for me just fine later that week...
We still just have 2 cars working so on Wednesday after dropping off the girls, I had to take Tyler to work so I would have a car to pick them up from their electives and Steven would have a car for his classes. I don't hate having to drop him off. It gives us some time to talk and then me and Ruby were able to stop at the Milford Park on our way home. It was soooo cold and we were literally the only ones there but it was good to get some fresh air. I am really trying to be outside with her everyday. Even when I am not happy about the weather.
Wednesday night all 4 kids went to the church building to help with the coat drive. Melissa has been heading it up and I feel bad that I haven't been any help but I just don't have much helpful energy in me these days. I will say that it was nice to have a quiet night in with just Ruby and Tyler.
Thursday at 3am Ruby decided to be a terror at night again. I don't know what triggers it and I am just so exhausted with it. She didn't go to sleep until almost 5am and by that time I was just awake and didn't sleep much. The girls are still sleeping in the guest room. It is starting to feel like a permanent arrangement. That day felt rough to push through but I was determined to not let the bad night ruin my day and I think I did good. We survived homeschooling with minimal drama, I still did my work out, and got all my household things done. That night I took Penny to her last soccer practice in Milford and Ruby came with. We hung out mostly in the library because it was pretty cool outside. She had fun toddling around and saying "hello" to people and playing with the various things they had. She is funny and will oftentimes say "hi" to someone not looking at her but when someone says "hi" to her she will not respond. That night I decided to turn off the monitor and so I don't know if she woke up and I just didn't hear her or if she slept all night but I do know that I certainly slept through the night.
Friday afternoon I took Lucy to get her cavity filled. She was really nervous but did well. When we went to pay, they informed me I owed $70 for her filling and that I had a previous balance of $500. It turns out that they thought insurance was covering part of Steven's cleaning and cavities but he had actually maxed it out on his wisdom teeth and therefore they did not chip in at all. UGH. That was like a punch to the gut. I have this goal for how much I want in savings by the end of the year and life is just not making that possible. It is so frustrating. Lucy and I had plans to go to Five and Below to get some things for her upcoming birthday party after the filling, and we still did, but the fun was sucked out of it for me. That night I took Lucy and Ben to the temple for youth baptisms because Steven had to work. I sat with my friend Amy in the temple and probably chatted too much but she caught me up on what her kids were up to and then was a really good listener for my Ruby struggles. Then afterwards we went to Culver's and I sat with Caroline and we had a good chat. It was a filling night for me.

I turned off the monitor again Friday night and we all got some blessed sleep again. Saturday morning, Penny had her last soccer game. It was in the 40's but the sun was shining on us and I actually got warm. It was quite nice. Mariah came and we had a good chat near the end of the game about homeschooling our tricky kids. Ruby kept going rogue and trying to run into the field. She is trouble. Penny didn't get much play time but she had a good attitude about it. Her team won 3 to 1. Afterwards they did awards and Penny got the Sunshine and Smiles award. She was very happy with this award. I really love her coach but there's a strong chance he won't be back next season and that will be such a bummer.