Sunday, September 25, 2022


 After getting school work and chores done on Monday, I took the younger 3 to Long's Farm to get some doughnuts and cider. As per tradition the kids measured themselves and sat on the giant rocking chair. We decided not to eat there because the bees always come at us in full force. The doughtnuts were still nice and warm when we got home and I may or may not eaten more than my share...

That night I was in charge of getting all the kids to their soccer practices so Tyler could go the High School's Curriculum night. He is very interested in what the teachers are teaching Steven, especially since one of Steven's teachers asked all the students what pronouns they go by. He feels 2 of Steven's teachers might be pretty liberal but he's less worried about the rest. We shall see. 

Tuesday I had my annual check up and I may have overshared, I just feel so comfortable with my doctor that sometimes I share more info than I need too. Our convesation started with me sharing about my finger that I slammed in the door and I asked her if she had a cure for clumsiness. She came back with she wish she did because she recently tripped in a plane and got a concussion. I told her about my bowl issues and my "poop contractions" (maybe TMI with the contractions part?) and my lack of self control with food and she prescribed me a pill that can help with IBS. I really hope it does because these tummy issues are getting old. She also prescribed me some cream for my achey joints. I hope it helps.

After school on Tuesday the girls were invited to a birthday party at a park near their school. Since it would be too much gas to go home, I just took all the kids to hang out at the park. The Mays were there too and Steven had a half day, so he came as well to hang with David. It was nice to chat with Caroline but I didn't want to stay too long. I was looking forward to a quiet evening at home. However, the party got a late start and then they did a long nature walk and then my kids couldn't leave without cupackes and then Lucy didn't want to leave until her gift was opened. Ugh. The birthday girl was being really annoying about opening gifts- opening them slowly and complaining that everyone was trying to rush her. I eventually got frustrated and made the girls leave. I had already stayed longer than planned. 

Wednesday Steven had a tennis match. I was going to stay and watch but he told me he would be playing in the second group so I left. But when I got home he text me that he was in the first group. So I ended up not going to see him play. Then he texts me that the match is done which was not cool. He was supposed to give me a 20 minute warning. I got in trouble for picking him up late. As I left to pick him, my car flashed a check engine light and then wouldn't shift gears. That sent my anxiety spiraling so I took Tyler's car instead. When I got home Tyler checked the car and said the light was gone and everything seems fine. I don't know why it's problems never show themselves to Tyler but now I have trust issues with my car again. I really hope getting the engine fixed was not a waste of money.

Because of Wednesdays fiasco with getting Steven from tennis, I was desperate to get Steven a ride to and from his match the next day. I decided to reach out to the moms I met at the intial tennis parent meeting. The one mom was no help but the other mom was a gem. She not only offered to take him there but arranged for another mom to take him home. I feel so grateful. It was nice to not have to worry about his pick up and if it would interfere with soccer pick ups and practices. I really cannot wait for this tennis season to be over. But I am also worried about Steven becoming a slug once it is....

Friday Ben had his check up with the doctor. He is a nice healthy boy and did really well with his shots. I think he is finally growing out of his intense fear of them. The doctor did mention that he has a slight curve in his spine and that planks could help with that. Hopefully it doesn't become worse as he grows. He is also in the 10th percentile for weight which she said not to worry about but boy do I make skinny kids.

Saturday morning Ben and the girls had soccer games. I went to the girl's game and Tyler went to Ben's game. The weather was awful. Rainy and in the low 50's. I had my chair with the shade to protect from the rain and 2 jackets and a blanket and I still felt cold. I need this to be just a phase. I am not ready for the cold yet. Anyways the girls lost 0-2 but their team played well. Penny took a soccer ball in her face and that was a bit traumatic but I was proud of her for not totally melting down and for getting back out there. Ben also lost his game 2-5. I am not sure what is going on with his team. They only lost once last year and now they have already lost twice. 

Saturday evening Tyler and Ben went to a professional soccer game in Detroit with his soccer team. However, Ben's team apparently sat by a crowd that was shouting all sorts of rude obscentities and Ben got really upset so Tyler and Ben moved somewhere else. Although he ended up not having bonding time with his team, I think they still had a good time. Tyler got Ben a scarf to help remember the occasion with.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Sports, Car Fixed

Monday morning we fed the seminary students a FEAST while they used the acronym FEAST to write a devotional (find scrip, explain, apply, story, testimony). That day we were able to borrow a friend's car so that we could get everyone to all the places they needed to be. That was a relief because we had Steven at a tennis match in Novi, the girls at soccer practice in Milford (Penny's first time playing soccer) and Ben at soccer practice in West Bloomfield. Miraculously the tennis game ended at a time that didn't interfere with pick ups and drop offs for soccer. At this match Steven wasn't totally creamed, his partner and him lost 3-8. And interestingly enough, one of his teachers from Renaissance was the coach of the team he was playing against. Out in Milford, the girls loved their first day of soccer practice and made new friends and I hope their excitement lasts.

At 11pm Monday night I received a text from one of the seminary guardians complaining that our class was giving their teen anxiety. We literally have put no pressure on anyone to answer questions, give devotionals, etc because we have had this teen before in our callings. The text was super frustrating not just in content but also that it disrupted me trying to sleep. I ended up texting her the next day, and I let her know that it is not ok to text a seminary teacher at 11pm at night. Her response was that her teen insisted she text me right then. Who is in charge? This teen is frustrating and I feel like her guardian enables her. This teen also causes drama when I drive her to school, fighting with her brother and talking about all the boys that love her. It feels like it is going to be a long school year.

Tuesday morning we did Lego's to build the outcome of following Satan vs the outcome of following God (Israel's destruction vs blessings of those who stick with Christ). This class didn't spend as long building lego's as our previous class did. A new class has so many things to adjust to. Then while my kids were at school, I met Stefanie at a Coney Island for breakfast. I think we both had a really nice vent session about life. It felt good to finally do something for myself on a day without the kids. Typically I manage to fill the time with errands and tasks around the house and somehow the day slips away and I haven't just sat down and enjoyed the silence. 

Tuesday evening I went Bunco. I had debated going because the above mentioned seminary guardian would be there too but I ended up going. I pretty much avoided that woman like the plague and when we ended up at the same table rolling dice, I just smiled politely. I did not want to be pulled into that drama on my girl's night out. The food was good, I had fun with everyone else that was there, managed to roll dice despite my bum finger, I won a prize (fancy hair products) and the woman who hosted (Debbie) showed us her art studio and art. She is really talented and I would love to have her teach me her ways. I need more art in my life. 

Wednesday morning switched to Tyler teaching seminary, it was a welcome relief. I was sooo tired that day. I passed out right as Ben and I finished reading his school book and then I dreamed about being so tired that I had to park a car in a weird spot so I could sleep. I think when your dreams are about being tired you must be really tired. Seminary is definitely taking a toll on me. Also Wednesday, miracle of all miracles happened- my car was done! I am so glad to have my car back, even if I still have anxiety that it's going to die on me. I have trust issues. That evening I used my car to take Ben and 3 friends to the church activity in Novi. Even with the car fixed, I still feel annoyed with these activities all over the place. I was even more annoyed when I was 5 minutes away from the activity and they cancelled it. The kids still wanted to do something so we stopped at Kroger's for some candy and then I took them to my house to do do some outdoor hide and seek. We made the best of a bum situation.

Thursday I spent the time while the kids were at school rooting through more junk, making cinnamon rolls, making another casserole for dinner and running a couple errands. That afternoon  Steven had tennis practice, then the girls and Ben had soccer practice. I thought doing a casserole would make dinner time easier but it was tricky because I had to leave to get Steven while it was still cooking. Family dinners are getting hard. After a rushed meal Tyler took Ben to soccer and I took the girls to soccer. The girls' soccer practice is right next to the Milford library so I dropped them off and then went into the library and enjoyed some quiet time planning seminary lessons. It was nice to have some quiet time but also hard to come home from practice with the house still a mess from dinner and seminary needing to be set up. 

Friday was more tiredness, trying to stay awake while working on homeschool stuff with the kids. I snapped at Ben when I was starting to drift off and he insisted on my help right at that moment. It was 9am, he had plenty of time to do his work. Ugh. After lunch Lucy had a reading assessment at Renaissance and then I took both girls to get haircuts after that. The person we have cut their hair had said she would be working at that time but she was not. I think she had a family emergency or something which stinks for her obviously but also it was super disappointing. I am fine with just anybody giving Penny's hair a trim but I prefer someone trustworthy to cut Lucy's pixie hair. In the end, Penny's hair looks better with all the dead ends gone. Lucy's hair is ok but the front is still a little longer than I would like.

Friday evening I made Tyler take me to the movie "See How They Run." It was pretty fun and made for a nice night out. 

Saturday morning the girls had their first soccer game. To be honest I was worried it was going to be a disaster. My girls are no pro's and that league has not been so good in the past. But their team did really well and I was impressed with the girls and their efforts. In the end their team won 5-0. And although Penny didn't contribute too much to the win, Lucy did assist with a goal.

Saturday afternoon Ben had a soccer game in Dearborn. His team lost 2-5. It was rough game. The other team was really agressive and his team seemed to give up near the end. It was a bit hard to watch. But I did finally meet another soccer mom during the game. Turns out her oldest also goes to Northern. Maybe I'll finally have some friends at soccer?

And we'll end with Steven's rockin' tennis pic:

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Kayaking, Seminary, Slammed Finger

 Monday morning was Labor Day and Lucy had asked Tyler if we could all go kayaking. He hates kayaking because of all the effort loading and unloading kayaks and paddles- I get it, I hate that part too- but he was nice enough to comply. We went to the Huron River because it's close and it's not super deep. Penny once again got to ride along with Tyler and the rest of us had our own kayaks. The outing itself had some goood moments but it also had some really rough moments thanks to 2 surly boys that didn't want to be there. Steven just did not want to come and Ben wanted to hang out with Jacob instead. I guess we've reached the time where family time is torture for half our kids. Thanks to the boys' negative attitudes they spent quite a bit of the time scowling and picking fights with each other. Tyler and Penny, on the other hand, had a blast ramming into everyone with their kayak. Those were probably the fun moments. The worst moment was near the end when Ben accidently fell in to the dirty water and burst out into tears and then Steven laughed at him and it pretty much just escalated from there. I was feeling so emotional and so I broke down too. Not the best outing. Afterwards Tyler treated them all to seven eleven and that just made me more angry. I felt like they were being rewarded for being buttheads. But anyways, here's some pics from the beginning of the outing.

Afterwards we had a stake picnic at central park in Milford and my emotions were still on edge. I ended up crying in front of my friends about the events of the morning for a minute(definitely PMSing). Thankfully my friends were cool about it and I had a good conversation that brought me back to Earth. Sometimes it's easy to think your teen is the only one that acts that way (like a sunshine killer) but talking to my friends, helped me to realize how normal he is. They had similar stories to share. It was comforting.

Tuesday was our first day of seminary. We had 3 students added to our class last minute so we now have 14 kids (although 2 have yet to register and probably won't ever come). We finally got to do our "nailed it" activity with our seminary class. They did not get super into it- it was 6am in the morning- and they all finished in 10 minutes or less. But it was still fun to see thier results. I ended up having more time for a lesson than expected but I made it work. We had a good talk about how our job as teachers it to provide the info each day in seminary and their job is to "make the most of it". Similar to how we provided them with decorating materials and had them make the most of them while making the cakes. 

Tuesday all the kids were at school and I had the joy of cleaning the house with no interruptions. I kept getting side tracked with cleaning projects and ended up going through all our canned food and boxed goods and rearranging some kitchen stuff. I feel guilty for all the food that I had let go bad, such food wasters but my kitchen feels a lot better now. Cleaning and organizing basically took my whole day.

Wednesday felt very long. Seminary in the morning, a lesson on why we "sacrafice" for the Lord. I'm employing some new methods that helped with participation (think-pair-share, everyone write answer on their clipboards, etc). After seminary I drove the kids to the high school, did my work out, worked with younger 3 on their school work (tears from Ben, and went on a bike ride to Seven Eleven for candy. Then it was time to pick up Steven and a teammate and take them to a match in South Lyon which had a hard to find tennis court. Conversation was sometimes awkward but I survived the 35 minute drive. Then there was an hour of waiting for the game to start. This match was the first time Steven actually played doubles against a team that seemed to also be beginners. Steven and his partner won 8-3- his first win! He needed that! After he won, more waiting since we are supposed to stay until everyone is done. Then we rushed from the match home so we could all get to the church for activities (still just 1 car, I'm not sure I'll ever see my car again). After the church activities Tyler and I met with one yw to encourage her to some to seminary. It was sort of awkward and she definitely made no commitments to come. We tried. And then home where I had to clean up dinner dishes and prep stuff for seminary and make sure Steven did his homework. Like I said, a long day.

Thursday morning we talked about good fruit and bad fruit behaviors for seminary. Someone wrote "Kill Someone" as a bad fruit behavior, should I be worried? Another day without kids and I wasted the morning strolling various stores because sometimes it's just nice to window shop. Then I spent lunchtime and beyond rooting through piles of junk that have formed in our house over the summer. After that I took Steven to another match and gratefully Caroline picked up the rest of the kids from school since the times collided. I am so lucky to have her at the same school. But I will also be so happy to have another car, I'm dying always needing to arrange rides. Plus Ben had soccer so I was rushing from tennis to home to soccer to tennis to soccer. Blech. But miraculously everyone got to where they needed to be at the right time and then back home. Steven did not win this match, he was creamed. 0-8.

Friday we had our graduated seminary student, Jake, guest teach- I thought he did great. We had some good discussions on things the world teaches are good, that are not. However, one student did not think LGBTQ should have been listed on the board as things the world calls good and had some words with me on the way to school about it. She seemed shocked that the church does not support that lifestyle and then went and told her parents that we were teaching people to not love and respect the LGBTQ people. So of course I got some strongly worded texts from her parents. I eventually just resorted to playing somewhat dirty and said that I was hurt that after all this time that we have known her that she could think we would support bigot behavior. It worked and she backed down. But honestly...I was hurt..,and this feels like it's going to be a looooooong school year.

Friday afternoon Penny wanted to go on a bike ride and I did the stupidest thing ever for the second time this year- just different door and different finger. As we were leaving I went to shut the sliding door and slammed it shut on my index finger on my right hand. This is my second blackened nail and I really hope this doesn't lead to another lost fingernail. One was enough. It throbbed so bad and that night I could not sleep. Tylenol and advil weren't helping and neither was an ice pack. It wasn't until I wrapped my whole hand in a cold, wet towel that I finally slept. 

Saturday Ben had his first soccer game and his team won, 4-1. He didn't make a goal but he did assist in making a goal. His Deacon's leader came with his family to watch the game so that was nice. The girls were happy to have friends there to play with because they are not fans of just watching the game. The weather was wacky. Random sprinkles of rain mixed with burning sunshine. I was grateful for my shaded chair. The girls were grateful for an umbrella.

Also this week, my friend Corinne was a month off and wished me a happy birthday on September 8th. It was a pretty funny conversation- she even sent me some succulents that hang on my fridge. Let's see if I can actually keep these ones alive.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

School Starts, Picnic, Nailed It

Monday was Steven's first day of high school. We had decided to start seminary on the second day of school so he didn't have to wake up extra early but it was still pretty early since high school starts at 7am. I made him ride the bus which he wasn't super happy about. Later he told me that the kids are all bad and say bad stuff. I am not surprised so I offered giving him headphones for future bus rides so he could listen to music or something but he acted like that was an awful suggestion. I don't understand that kid. Anyways after school he had nothing but complaints- he didn't have time to find his locker, he left his schedule and map in the bus, he was confused on how much things cost for buying lunch, he didn't talk to anyone except his friend Adam....He was just a ball of sunshine. But honestly, it sounded like it was a fairly uneventful day. He is just trying to learn all the new things that come with high school. 

While he was at school we had Peter and Andrea over which seemed like a good way to end summer for the younger 3. They had fun with their friends (and had a water balloon fight) and I was able to get the house cleaned up and bake some cakes for seminary. A couple hours after Steven got home from school Andrea and Peter left and then I had to take Steven to tennis practice. Midway through tennis practice I got a call- turns out a thunder storm was coming and a teammate had offered to take him and a few other kids home. The thunderstorm did indeed come and it was furious but quick. Probably less than hour. But in that short time we lost power along with thousands of other people. Our power ended up being off for about 24 hours so once again, another chance to be grateful that we have a generator. 

Due to the widespread power outage, there was no seminary or school for Steven the next day. However, Renaissance still had power so the younger 3 still had their first day of school Tuesday. It was fun getting ready by the light of my cell phone and the one lamp we had hooked up to the generator. This year they combined the orientation with the first day of school. That meant I didn't just get to drop them off and enjoy my first day of freedom. I had to stay and listen to a super boring meeting. Boo. But at least this year I had people to sit with. Cherish has become a good friend and now Caroline's younger 3 kids are going there too. (Can you tell how unhappy Ben was about taking pics? He was in a foul mood that morning because he had school but Steven and his friend Jacob didn't.)

While they were at school I hooked up the oven to the generator and worked on getting a casserole ready for dinner because I thought Steven was still having his tennis match and I needed an easy dinner to throw in but gratefully they ended up cancelling the match. It was going to be such a pain trying to get him to the school and then rushing to pick up the other 3. I was glad it was cancelled (and so was he). I also ran some errands with Tyler on his lunch break (getting extension cords and a large gas canister for the generator) and Steven spent a lot of time hanging with Jacob on his lucky day off.

We were all very happy when the power came back on late Tuesday afternoon. I was lying on my bed when I heard the fan turn on and I got pretty excited. Unfortunately the power still did not turn back on at Steven's school so they cancelled school for him again Wednesday. This meant another day of no seminary and since there was no school Friday for the Labor Day holiday, we decided just to cancel seminary for the week. I was bummed because I had all these lessons planned but I will just have to save them for next week.

Wednesday was the Renassiance Back to School Picnic at Heritage Park. Since Steven was off school that day he decided to go too. Caroline and Cherish both took awhile to get there so I was forced to try and socialize with other people. I did not like it. There were also bees everywhere, swarming anytime people brought out food. Not ideal for a picnic. When Caroline finally got there, she was smart and put a slice of bread with jelly on it a good distance away from us. It really worked, the bees went to it and mostly left us alone. The kids had a good time getting their faces painted (and then playing at the splash pad so it ran all down their face), decorating and eating cupcakes and hanging with friends. Steven also put my name in a drawing for flowers and I won- that kid has the best luck. 

The Mays came over after the picnic to borrow internet since their power was still out. Also Andrea was having a hard time figuring out what work she was supposed to do so Ben helped her with that. Then Steven had tennis practice (which he was super unhappy about) and then I had to try and shuffle kids to different church activities because they never seem to have them at the church anymore. It is so frustrating since we still have just one car.

Thursday everyone was in school! The high school had power again and the younger 3 had their second day of school. It was glorious! I went through all the random school supplies that had been piling up in the basement and then took a load of crap to Salvation Army. I ran a few errands and then had a lazy hour before picking them up. It was nice. 

After I picked up the younger 3 I went to Steven's tennis game. His partner was not so great and neither is Steven so they got creamed. Hard to watch sometimes. After he was done there was another group that still had to play so I went home and made dinner. When I finished with dinner, his game ended so Tyler went to pick him up. He got home just in time for me to get Ben to his soccer practice. I hate the rushing from one thing to the next. I think having my car again will help but I also think this will be our life for the next couple months. The girls start their soccer in a couple weeks and of course the practice days are the same days as Ben's soccer practice. It's going to be so fun.

Friday the kids did their work in the morning and then we had all our friends over to do a version of "Nailed It". I had made the cakes to do "Nailed it" in seminary and since seminary was a bust, I needed to put the cakes to use before they went bad. I knew it would be a lot of prep and the kids would probably finish the activity quickly and I was right. But the kids had a good time and it was fun to see the results so I won't hate on it too much. They were all attempting to make a taco cake and the teen girls (along with Penny) definitely did the best. While my friends were here I word vomitted all my anxieties with this school year and tennis and soccer. Then I felt like I probably sounded just like Steven with all my complaining. I gotta work on my attitude.

Saturday was truly uneventful and it was actually really nice. Ran a few errands, chauffuered Steven to various friend hang outs, got some things done around the house, got a slushee at Sonic that I had been craving and read a book. Steven had decided to ditch a friend's birthday party because a friend from church had invited him to an end of summer party at his house and he wanted to go to that more. This friend with the birthday is the only kid Steven has to sit with at lunch so I hope there are no repercussions from this...He did end up planning another day for a birthday get together but I am not sure how he'll handle things if his friend asks why he couldn't come to the original get together. Do boys have drama like that? We shall find out...