Sunday, August 28, 2022

Penny's Baptism, Renassiance Festival

Sunday we had church in the morning and when we came home I got things ready for dinner and prepped some fruit for the baptism. We went early to the church to get Penny's hair done by Ranell- she is much more talented at hair than me. I had this plan of having a low key, small baptism in the RS Room and serving food out the kitchen but when the baptism started, the RS room was basically full. And then as my mom gave the first talk on baptism the room overflowed. So after Penny was baptized we all moved into the Chapel. Although  I would have preferred it to be more low key, I think Penny enjoyed all the people (and the gifts!). After the baptism we ended up moving the treats into the cultural hall. Then I had the stress of trying to say "hello" to all the people and make sure everyone felt welcome. Yes, that stresses me out. Mike and Sharon (our neighbors came) which was nice. They didn't stick around for treats but she did text me how she was impressed with how nice our Bishop was and what a good support system we had at our church. Lucy's friend Angelica came with her sister and her mother and so I tried to introduce the mom to the missionaries but she started to walk away as soon as I brought them over. Awkward. Oh well, she sent me a nice text after, saying how Luna was explaining what she had learned at the baptism to her dad. So even though I felt so awkward about the whole thing, I don't think she felt awkward. When everyone had left and pictures were taken, it was back to my house for dinner and then I zonked out that night. It was a long day.

Monday morning I had to take my parents to the airport so they could go back to Arizona. Goodbyes are always hard. While I was at the airport the kids went and played tennis with their Grandma Hatch. They were still gone when I came back from the airport so I was able to get a bit of cleaning done. When Grandma Hatch and the kids got back we had some lunch and then headed to Marvin's Mechanical Museum. The kids all got $10 worth of quarters and had a good time spending them and the Grandparents even played some pinball. At the end all the kids were excited to get some silly things with tickets...except Steven who came up 10 tickets short from getting the mini playing cards that he had wanted so his life was basically over.

After they bought their stuff with their tickets it was now time for Tyler's parents to go to the airport. They had a rental car so we parted ways and went back home. It was time to get back to real life.

Tuesday Steven had Freshman Orientation. We picked up his friend Evan so they could go together and the boys sat in awkward silence with me trying to make conversation for them. Sometimes I worry about Steven's social skills. Afterwards, Steven said the orientation was was mostly just people talking about rules. Sounds thrilling. 

Wednesday Steven had another tennis match. It was another doozie. It was 2 hours before he actually played and then another hour until he was done. I spent the first 2 hours talking with his coach's mom. She was a nice lady and we actually had some pretty deep talks about covid, politics, and religion. We had a moment where we both shared experiences that we felt God's love, it was really nice. Anyways, when Steven finally played he was really lucky to have a partner that was really good (and nice to him) and he didn't lose by quite so much- 4 to 8 this time. 

Wednesday night I had some frustrations with kids at different places for church activities and still having just 1 car. Thankfully friends came through and the kids got where they needed to be. I really wish they would just keep activities at the church. I know that can be lame but it is just so much easier on my life.

Thursday afternoon I got to be a Karen. I saw on an email that Children's Place had $13 backpacks so I decided I would let the girls get new backpacks, even though they really didn't need new ones. However when we got in the store it was not showing the $13 price so I had to be that lady at checkout saying "but the ad says this" and it took far too long for me to get them at the price in the ad.

Thursday night I had more frustrations with just having one car. Tyler went out with his friend and said he would be back at 9pm to take Steven's friend who was over home. However, he ended up not getting home until 10pm and his friend's mom wasn't super happy about the long delay. I hate feeling like a flake.

Friday Steven had tennis pictures and at least they weren't 3 hours long but they were still 1 hour long. Afterwards we did a beach day with some friends. Cherish came and we had a long talk about school and how much we should shelter our kids from the world without making them unable to handle the world- does that make sense? It is a tough balance. Also at the beach Lucy's doughnut floatie and her friend's floaty drifted off. After much tears, and giving up on the  floaties floating to shore, we decided to leave but right as we were leaving a boat came along and rescued them and brought them over. It was a little miracle and we were grateful for that young couple that got them to us. Friday evening we had Gabby's Grad party. One of the families from church that have been fairly inactive came and so I got to catch up with them and find out how their daughter is doing. She is apparently super into power lifting now and I learned all about the powerlifting diet, ha ha. I think I'll stick with my itty bitty weights. After we left the party, I had a girl's night with some friends. Sometimes I feel like I don't fit in. They're all a little bit  more rebelious than me. I am definitely more conservative and more of a traditionalist then they are.

Saturday Ben had a birthday party to go to but we took the rest of our kids to the Renassiance Festival. I am not sure why but I just felt a nostalgic desire to go and I also just wanted to have one last hurrah with the kids before school started and soccer started and life just gets to be too much. It was a busy day at the festival so we had traffic just getting to the parking lot and then a long walk from the lot to the gates. It was also a warm day so that meant we were all a little sweaty and the kids were a bit whiney about it. Things we did while there- we looked through shops, the girls made fairy wands and got dusted with fairy dust, we walked through a cool fairy garden, the girls got to see a Merman (the Mermaid left the tank just 2 families before us) and he gave them magic stones which Penny made a wish on when her tummy ached and is convinced it helped, we watched a jousting which was a lot of fun, Lucy paid to throw tomoatoes at a guy (he was really rude to everyone so he deserved it, and she was a good shot), and we ended with watching a man tight rope walk (and ride a bike). I think overall it was a good time, just maybe if we went again we'd go when it was less peopley and warm.

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