Sunday, August 14, 2022

My Birthday, Milford Memories

 Monday was my birthday. I guess I got all the fun out that weekend because my birthday was extremely lame. The best part was probably sleeping in and the phone call from Lucy and Steven. Tyler also spoiled me and got me a Kitchen Aid Mixer, and Succulent Lego's (plants that will never die!). When I did get up, I cleaned the house because it needed it. Then Tyler picked me up lunch at Tropical Smoothie. After that I went to Grace's so she could cut my hair and style it. She was my only friend to really acknowledge my birthday and make me feel special so I appreciate that. My other friends were turds. After that I made my own cake because I had something specific in mind (vanilla, whipped cream frosting, strawberries) but the cake did not turn out right, it was really dense, and not delicious at all. For dinner Tyler picked up Culver's- I have really been craving their pretzel bites with cheese- very yummy. 

Tuesday I took Penny and Ben to see the "DC League of Super Pets." Not my favorite to sit through and it had some inappropriate things that I didn't love but I still love escaping life (and eating popcorn) with my kids. That evening Tyler and I went to the temple. It had been awhile so it was nice to get back. Guidelines have changed since we last went and they can fill up sessions again so ours was completely full. I liked them better when they were less peopley. I went into the session just looking for guidance/thoughts on seminary and the word "joy" really stuck out to me. My hope is that seminary can be a joyful and uplifting place for our students. Tyler was negative and said that all depends on the teens but I am hopeful that we can do our best to foster that environment.

Wednesday I invited some friends to our beach and we spent a couple hours there. One of the friends I had invited was Penny's friend Luna. Her mom had dropped her off and came to pick her up as everyone else was leaving. I ended up having a really good chat with Luna's mom about the church. I had mentioned Penny was getting baptized and she expressed that she wasn't sure what to do for her children regarding baptism. She was the first friend I have discussed the church with that genuinely seemed interested and not just interested because they think I am weird. She even seemed really excited but certain practices- like missionary work. I invited her to Penny's baptism and I hope her and her family come. 

Wednesday evening I had a parent tennis meeting. I had sat in the back and ended up by a couple dads talking about various sports. I really felt like I needed to make some mom friends- especially because I might need help getting my kid to games and practices- so I forced myself to be an extrovert and went and sat by 2 moms that I heard mention their kids were freshman. I attempted to insert myself in and well they were happy to answer my questions, they seem uniterested in asking me any :/. The meeting felt overwhelming. We have to pay all this money just to have our kid in tennis AND then we still have to give them all the rides to games and practices and buy their uniforms. There are also all these rules that must be followed. I never do good with getting all the information like that, I need small chunks to digest at a time. At the end I had us all exchange numbers and at that time the 2 other moms realized that they are practically neighbors. I have a feeling I will get pushed out of the carpool because I am not that close to them but at least I tried?

Thursday I went to Walmart to get Ben new Crocs because he had lost one. Turns out that he had lost it in the Suburban and of course we found it just 2 days after buying the new ones. Thursday was my last day with just 2 kids. Ben spent his last day with Andrea and Penny spent hers with Isla. I spent the day getting seminary stuff organized and I made Steven and Lucy a fun little welcome back poster. When they arrived with my parents they were not that excited by the poster but thrilled for the candy. Not at all surprising. Within moments of them getting back the house was immediately louder and messier. I really was spoiled while they were away. 

Friday morning we went to Milford Memories. It was the perfect day weather wise for it. We met the Mays there as well. Caroline definitely shops differently than me. She talks to the shop owners and get their cards, whereas I would rather avoid all eye contact. Regardless it was a really nice outing. Around lunchtime we got pretzels and shaved ice- super healthy. Grams got some yummy funnel cake that she shared with all of us too. Lucy was the only one to buy something. She ended up buying a crochet frog from a teenager and she was really proud of herself for supporting a teenager- it was pretty cute. We ended up staying at the festival for a few hours and then when we left, we took Steven's friend Max home with us. Side note- Ben wore his bat hat that Grams had gotten him the entire time at the festival, he is such a character.

Friday evening Steven had his first official Freshman High School Tennis Practice. He left with a negative attitude and came home with a negative attitude but according to Tyler, he looked like he was enjoying himself while there so I am hoping that this silly sport is worth all the money were throwing into it.
Saturday was busy. Tyler and I had a seminary training from 10-3. It had some really good stuff but it also always leaves me feeling overwhelmed and like I should be doing more. I think my favorite part was the lunch where we ate good food and got to talk to other seminary teachers. It always feels good to know that we aren't the only ones who don't know what we are doing ;) After the training (which was an hour away) we picked up the kids and my parents and went to clean the church. Then we drove everyone back home and Tyler and I took the boys with us to see one of our seminary students get his mission call. Jake was one of our best students and he is such a good kid. He got called to Tampa, FL which I think was a little unexpected- his dad and sister went to Japan. Not to mention his mom is from Japan and he was born in Japan. I think Florida will be lucky to have him. After the mission call and some socializing, Tyler had to go help Caroline replace her battery in her car. An extra long day for him.

Also this week, Tyler fixed out the part that he thought was causing my car to be broken but discovered that was not it. He ended up having it towed to a local car shop because it is out of his wheel house. I really hope it comes back to me in top condition and doesn't cost a fortune. With school starting and all these extracurriculars we are going to need 2 working cars.

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