Saturday, July 9, 2022

The Fourth, Tyler Turns 39, Parentals Arrive, Carriage Accident

Since we arrived home from Missouri in the early AM hours on Sunday we spent the day recovering. Monday was the Fourth of July and we were hosting a BBQ so I spent that day cleaning, grocery shopping and baking a cake- I decided last minute we should celebrate Tyler and Grace's birthday at the BBQ (they have the same birthday). It was fun to sing to them and I got Grace a fanny pack full of some "emergency" things for her trip to Spain. It was more like a gag gift but she said she loved it- she is just super nice like that though. Besides celebrating birthdays, we also lit some sparklers and set off a few small fireworks. For how much money Tyler spent on fireworks, I was a little disappointed, didn't feel like much, but I think it was still enough to make the kids happy.

After the BBQ Tyler and I stayed up far too late watching the last 2 episodes of "Stranger Things" so we slept in late and by the time we got up and at it, it was basically lunch time. I'm living life like a teenager this summer. That night we had to host dinner again, but this time for the Sister Missionaries so I spent the afternoon prepping for that. They were a little awkward at moments- telling us how one of their companions peed their pants, speculating that we are as old as their parents and getting off on tangents during the lesson- but overall a good time.

Wednesday Steven was supposed to have his first tennis class but it got cancelled due to weather and rescheduled for when he has camp. Boo. That afternoon the weather cleared up and we met a few friends at Heritage Park. As I was leaving I started to see spots and by the time I got home I had a really nasty migraine. I haven't had a migraine in forever and I have not missed them one bit. I blame it on the fact that I have been staying up too late and sitting in the sun. Honestly I still feel like I haven't quite shaken it. It's not as awful now, I had some yucky nausea before, but it is an uncomfortable ache. 

Wednesday night, despite the migraine, I started watching "Stranger Things" with the boys. I am not in love with them watching it, I don't think it's super appropraite for them but "all their friends are watching it" :/ As Tyler pointed out, they'll probably watch it at some point and at least if they watch it with us we can skip bad parts and discuss inappropriate things. Whatever.

Thursday was Tyler's birthday and for his birthday he do nothing. So boring. He got spoiled with gifts from the kids and I (Lego sets, "stupid" shirts, a funny sign) and phone calls from family. We went and picked up his cotton candy cake in the afternoon. I was lucky to get the cake because apparently they weren't taking orders, even though another person had told me they didn't need much of a heads up. So I got a cake that maybe had been laying around for a bit? But it was a lot of fun to have it (even if the next day it ended up rock hard and smushed down from the humidty). We also went out to dinner at Red Robins where we had a fun conversation where we all came up with downfalls for different super powers. And when we came back from dinner Grams and Poppy had arrived so they got to enjoy the banana pie I had made and the cotton candy cake too!

Friday was a pretty chill day. Our neighbor, Sharon, allowed Lucy to join in her garage sale so Lucy went and sold some water bottles and some of my puzzles. The only people who bought water parents ;) But she did sale 7 of my puzzles. I am proud of her for being willing to put in the time to make a little money and maybe next time she will put in some effort too. Steven also had his first tennis lesson. He got stuck with the younger kids because he's a beginner but I think he did well. I am glad we are doing this so he will have some basics down before joining the high school team. He is not glad and his only remark was that it was confusing. Maybe someday he will thank me?

Friday afternoon the Mays came over for a little bit and Tyler and Poppy went and did some "manly" shopping and went out to dinner. Glad they were able to bond.

Saturday Lucy did part 2 of the garage sale and this time our family was the only one to buy from her. Disappointing I'm sure. Then that afternoon we went to Greenfield Village. This started off rough- the children doing all the annoying things that children do- bugging each other and complaining. I was feeling frustrated because I feel like now that my kids are older they should be easier to take out in public. Ben also had a wicked bloody nose and we had to spend a good amount of time letting him bleed out over a trash can. Then we came across a historic baseball game and sat in the shade to watch it and it was really fun to watch- they didn't use gloves, the umpire wore a top hat, there was a live band. We decided after that to start heading out and they all got better attitudes so it was feeling like we were at least ending on a good note. 

But on our way out we suddenly hear this really loud galloping coming our way. We turned around and there was a closed carriage coming down the road with 2 black horses galloping at full speed and this is not normal for Greenfield Village. I made sure the kids were all on the sidewalk and we watched in horror as the carriage ran into a lamp post on the otherside of the street from us. Debris flew into the street, pretty close to us. We stood there unsure what to do as we watched the driver stumble down from his seat and then those inside the closed carriage spill out in a daze, all their stuff (including an empty baby carrier) fell to the ground. The worst, honestly, was the horse that had gotten run over from the carriage and was in a twisted heap underneath it. It was really horrific and I am grateful no one got hurt. There were other people on the scene and we knew we'd just be getting in the way so we decided best to just go home. It shook us all pretty good and I am worried this might make the girls less than excited to go to Mackinac Island next week which is full of horse drawn carriages. I certainly have developed a new anxiety.

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