Sunday, July 24, 2022

Milford Farmers Market, Lakeport State Beach

 Monday morning I did an intense upper body workout which left me with a horrible achey back but the aches never went away. I found out Monday night my friend (that I had hung with at church) tested positive with covid and I started to worry that it wasn't just a work out ache. That night I felt feverish and woke up with a killer headache so I decided to get an at home Covid test. Well I tested negative but I'm still not convinced I don't have it. I still have a massive headache and back ache. So I took another test a few days later and still negative. I am hopeful that whatever it is, I didn't give to my parents and that it goes away soon.

This week Ben had soccer camp and made me laugh with stories about vanquishing his worst enemy- really he just finally beat a kid in a scrimmage that kept beating him. Steven had tennis 3 days this week and his attitude towards tennis is still not fabulous. He doesn't love trying new things and I am basically making him play which he doesn't appreciate. I just want him to play so he can be part of a team in high school and meet people. One of the days was a High School practice and Steven said that he was the worst player out there. One of the coaches (who can never seem to remember talking to Steven or me) said that even if he was the worst, which he isn't, that means he can only get better. That made me feel better about forcing Steven into tennis. I think it'll be ok.

Monday night we went to Cheesecake Factory with my parents. My kids are still struggling with good manners in public. I tried to bribe them to be good but it only worked with Penny. Maybe we need to start going out to eat more so they can relearn how to behave in public. Tyler and I got our usual Spicy Chicken Chipolte Pasta and found out they changed the recipe. It was still good but not what it used to be. The sauce was different. I wish people wouldn't change something that was already so delicious. At least they didn't change their cheesecake. That was still amazing. 

Tuesday Grams and I took Steven to get some shorts at Kohl's. It was a frustrating ordeal. Steven refused to say what shorts he wanted- it was apparently to dificult to make a decision. I was achey and hungry and ended up snapping at him. I would rather not repeat this experience. That afternoon we went with my parents to see the new Minion movie. It was pretty ridiculous but not awful to sit through. Ben thought it was hilarious and I kind of love listening to his constant giggles. That evening I took Steven to get a physical for tennis and he was nervous about it. Once he got in the appointment and realized it was not that big of deal he got pretty chipper and so I guess the day had a better ending.

Wednesday I took Lucy to get a haircut. It was fun to hear Lucy complain to her hairdresser about how boring her week has been but then she told her about our trip to Mackinac and shared with her all the things that we bought there. I am sure she cared ;). In the afternoon Poppy took the boys to Defy since they didn't get to go to Mackinac with us. The girls were awful jealous and super annoying about it. As my mom says, there is really no way to keep things always fair for everybody.

Thursday morning I worked with my mom on Penny's blanket-we always give the kids a blanket for their baptism. Lucy even helped out. Thankfully this is the last kid getting baptized because my tool to cut the fabric has gone dull. That afternoon I took my parents to the Milford Farmers Market. There was a fun gnome craft for the kids and the parentals got a few things. Then we stopped by the Milford Bakery for the kids to get a treat. It was a warm day and my back seems to hurt the most when walking but I survived and it was nice to get everyone out of the house.

Friday I drugged myself up with Tylenol and Advil and after Steven's tennis, we all went on an adventure to the beach at Lakeport State Park. I actually got into the water. It was cold but it felt good in the hot sun. We were smart and wore water shoes so we didn't hurt our feet on all the crazy rocks. The kids played well together and seemed to have a good time. They all behaved extra well because I had taken away their screentime (because they had not behaved nicely in the car ride back from the farmer's market) and they wanted to earn it back. I feel like I should do that more often ;)

Saturday morning Tyler took my parents shooting. He took Ben too but Ben was too young to shoot at the place. Bummer. That evening, I took my mom and Penny to Tropical Smoothie Cafe for lunch and we got cookied at Crumbl. My mother and I are very similar in our love for good desserts. I love their chocolate chip cookies all warm with ice cream. Perfect combo. That night the kids, my mom and I all finished off the third season of Stranger Things. I still am not thrilled with my kids watching it but at the same time it was kind of fun to share a show with them and talk about all things.

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