Saturday, September 18, 2021

Booth Park, Soccer Game

 On Monday the kids didn't have very much school work to do so after lunch me and the 3 youngest kids decided to go explore a new park in Birmingham, Booth Park. It had a really great playground, some fun stone chairs with rocks to climb and a pretty little river flowing nearby. It also had a bakery a short walk away that we went and picked up some doughnuts at. I didn't realize the walk to the bakery would be all uphill but the kids decided it was worth it and didn't complain. It was actually a really nice outing. The only downfall was that a storm decided to unexpectedly and very quickly roll in and it was kind of a terrifying to drive in. The rain came down hard and fast and lots of lightening. I had to pretend that I wasn't nervous so the kids wouldn't panic but ugh, I hate driving in bad weather.

Tuesday while the kids were at school I went over to Corinne's house to help her out because she is still trying to finish house projects so she can move to Indiana (her husband is already there with his new job). I went to her house after I dropped the kids off (9:30) and... she wasn't awake yet so I left. At 10:30 she finally woke up so I went over and took her kids to the park while she worked on window sills. She is so worried about such minute details, I cannot relate. I would just put the house up for sale already. Watching her kids is not my favorite thing. One is into everything and the other lacks knowledge of appropriate social behavior but it wasn't terrible. After I left her house I had lunch with Tyler and then before I knew it, it was already time to pick up the kids.

Wednesday after the kids finished their work I told them we needed to get out and do something. The kids decided we should go on a walk to 7-11. I wasn't a big fan of this idea since their dad had just taken them to 7-11 the night before but if it got them out in fresh air it was worth the extra sugar. On our way back we stopped at the library to grab a few books and the kids discovered a giant worm, So exciting (gross!)

Thursday I was feeling down. I found out my sister in laws due date with her fifth baby is a day before Isaac's due date would have been and I was Marco Polo'ing with a friend that just had her 6th baby and I was just feeling like life is so unfair- all these people having babies. I still have my low moments. Anyways, that night I had an RS Activity and none of my good friends were going and I was regretting my decision to go but since I had signed up for something, I figured I better follow through. It turned out ok. I just asked other people questions and let them chat my ear off and tried not to think about my own muddled feelings. 

Friday we went as a family to watch 2 of our seminary students play soccer- they were playing against each other so we painted a W on one side of Tyler's head (for WLWestern) and a N on the other (for WLNothern). It was also a pink out game (for breast cancer awareness) so me and the kids put a pink "W" and "N" on our cheeks. We sat by the family of one of our students and had a good time. The dad is real intense about soccer and has all sorts of hand signals for his son. He started teaching them to Ben so Ben could help him communicate. It was pretty funny. The teams were equally matched and no goals were made until like the last 12 minutes of the game. Western won 2-1. It was a good family outing and a good way to support our students.

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