Sunday, August 8, 2021

Bishop's Castle, Durango, Farmington and AZ

 Wednesday we took an hour detour to go see Bishop's Castle in Rye, Colorado. This is a guy's special project that he allows people to come check out. It wasn't the most fun drive up to it but it was really neat to see and explore. Grams got too nervous to climb up the towers but Penny and I climbed up one. I got to the top, she got pretty close. She had expressed that she wanted to do the tower on the other side too but when she realized it didn't have a handrail, she changed her mind. I was a little bummed that I couldn't do more exploring but the whole thing never felt super safe so maybe it was for the best.

After Bishop's Castle we drove the remaining 5 hours to Durango where we met up with my Aunt Charlotte. She had got us 2 rooms at the General Palmer Hotel. It is a historic hotel that has been nicely updated, it was super fancy. Penny and I got one of the rooms and my mom and Aunt the other. It was nice to have our own space and probably good for my mom and I to get a break from eachother ;). We chatted with my Aunt and I tried to make conversation but learned that my Aunt feels at my age, I just can't understand her age, I also learned that my aunt is also anti-journal and doesn't want anyone to remember her (so apparently she wouldn't approve of this blog). 

Then we did a little shopping in downtown Durango and afterwards walked over to a restaurant on the Animas River for dinner. It was a fancy place and the pulled pork tacos I had were really good (and expensive). On our way back to the hotel some creepy guy asked my Aunt if he could have one of her daughters. Instead we gave him our left overs from the restaurant and I held Penny's hand real tight. Once at the hotel, Penny took a bath, just because she wanted to wear the robe.

After her bath, Aunt Charlotte took us to ice cream at Coldstone and then Penny and I cuddled and watched a show on her tablet because apparently fancy hotels don't subscribe to kid's channels. Then it was bedtime.

Thursday we had breakfast at Denny's, did some more shopping (Grams bought Penny a stuffie for behaving herself around Aunt Charlotte) and then we headed to my Aunt Irene and Uncle Charlie's house.

At Aunt Irene's she fed us a nice lunch and then Penny made some giant Lego towers that baby Jack (Breanna's kid) kept trying to destroy. She also got to see all of Uncle Charlie's animals (chickens, sheep, ducks and goats) and try to feed the goats a peach. They didn't trust her so she had to chuck the peaches at them.

She came back in and rotted her brain with baby Jack for awhile (watching baby shows) and then she decided to sort Aunt Irene's massive amount of toy cars. It was quite the project.

Thursday evening Aunt Irene had lots of people over- Breanna and Angie's families and a couple of Victor's kids that I don't know so well. It was nice chatting with people, although Angie's husband was a bit irritating. He was having a garage sale the next day and was trying to convince Penny to take some things- we have no room nor any need for more toys. In the end, while I was sitting on Breanna's porch and chatting with her, he got Penny to take a stuffed elephant. But we may have made an enemy because we left it at Aunt Irene's house. She does not need anymore stuffies. Especially used and dusty stuffies.

Friday we made the drive back to Arizona and made it just in time for Oliver's birthday party. There was good food and good cake and of course, good company. Penny ended up spending the night with her Brady cousins so I got the bed to myself that night, it was great. No feet in my face. However the giggling girls all kept each other up late and were all pretty emotional the next day. Penny got weepy twice over very silly things. She is like me and needs her sleep.

Saturday mom and I had our favorite crepes at The Broken Yolk and then shopped at Deseret Book. Then we hung at Mike's house. For dinner I had the amazing Mi Amigo's. It was a very chill day with yummy food which was needed after so many adventures.

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