Sunday, August 15, 2021

Back to Reality

Sunday was my birthday and for the most part, it was pretty uneventful. It being Sunday meant I couldn't go out to eat, so I had gotten all the good food the night before. And Mike's family was sick so we didn't get to hang with them. I ended up going to church with my parents, and just being lazy afterwards. 

Around dinner time, Penny and I went to the Hatch home. Tyler's mom made me enchiladas and she got me a bundt cake so that was nice of her. Most of our time there was loud and chaotic. It's hard to get a word in with his family and it seems like everytime I move to the room where his family mostly is, they leave so it wasn't super fun. And then I always feel awkward being sung to with everyone watching...But later in the night, mostly everyone left and it was just me, Tyler's mom and Keshia's family. That was probably my favorite part. I sat with Knox and we talked all about "thunder bees" and other silly things. He's a very entertaining kid and it was nice to be in a smaller group. That's more my jam.

Monday morning I woke up and got all the things packed. Amazingly I could fit all the souvenirs in my suitcase so that was a relief. Our fight didn't leave until early afternoon so we had some time to kill. Penny killed some of it playing games with Poppy and Grams. She was not a very kind winner, instead she shouted out her amazingness because somehow she won every game. Then we went to go walk around DI but when we got there, we realized it was Monday which meant it was closed. So instead we walked around the Dollar Tree and Tuesday Mornings. Penny found a sticker book that had guinea pig stickers and that just made her day. I found an awesome $500 dragon statue that I wish could've fit in my suitcase ;) Then we had some lunch at Kneaders and soon we were on our way to the airport. Everything went smoothly with our flight. I had a nice lady next to me that didn't talk too much but also we didn't sit in super awkward silence. It was the perfect mix. Penny flipped from movie to movie and I watched a super deprsesing movie called "Unbreakable". I kept hoping it would get happy but it was not that kind of a movie. And then we were in Michigan. Tyler apparently wasn't on top of things so we had a good 20 minutes of waiting before he picked us up but when we got home, it was so nice to be back in my own home.

Tuesday it was back to reality and it was a pretty rough day. I had so many things to catch up on and it just felt overwhelming. On top of it, I had a really annoying phone call from the new yw's president. I thought she had questions but instead she talked about how everybody was so excited to have her in yw's and basically just about how amazing she was. It was irritating and not what I needed when feeling overwhelmed. The kids were also fighting and driving me nuts. And I was trying to figure out if going to my Aunt's Memorial would be feasible. It was just a lot. Especially when my hormones felt all out of whack. But thankfully I survived the day.

Wednesday I decided I needed to take a break from it all and spend some positive time with the kids so I met some friends at the beacb for a few hours. I didn't stay as long as usual because I still had things to do but it was the mental health break that I needed. When we came back, we apparently timed it well, because we had a sudden huge downpour and we lost power again. Tyler ended up driving to get pizza since we had no power but he got stuck in traffic because of construction and the power outages. What normally is like a 5 minute drive, became a hour drive. It was just insane. Thankfully the pizza made it home ;)

 That evening the yw were supposed to meet at my beach for a last hurrah but because of the weather we met at Melissa;s house instead. It was a good little good bye party. I gave out candy awards to the girls (which they all left at Melissa's house but whatever) and then Melissa had them all say something they liked about me. That was awkward. It was funny that most of them said they liked that I fed them. One said she felt like I spent so much money on them (she's not wrong). Another said that she liked how I always seemed energetic (Really!?) And someone said that they liked how quirky I am. Ha! After that we ate cake and did a puzzle. Then once all the girls left, Melissa and I chatted for awhile. With us both having been gone on vacations it had been awhile. She is still in the yw's presidency we chatted a lot about the new yw's pres and her struggles. The new pres had called Melissa 11 times that day. Oi. It's going to be a rough journey for my friend.

Thursday I did another short beach day. This time we met Stefanie's family at Spring Mill Pond. She talked about her road trip that she took with a friend and her friend's boys and I decided I should probably never road trip with her. She was appalled that her friend's kids never ate fruits and veggies while road tripping....well that's typical for vacation life right? Right!? But really we had some good chats and the weather was beautiful so it was a good time.

Thursday evening, Steven went see "Jungle Cruise" with some friends from church- no parents came. Apparently the girls talked the whole time so hopefully they didn't annoy the fellow movie goers too much. And Steven said it was a very violent movie. Makes me curious to see it. Here's a pic of the gang on the car ride home.

Friday morning I took the kids (and Jacob) to Milford Memories. We had a rocky start getting there, Penny was having an emotional day, and then at the playground, Penny was still being emotional. But once I bought pretzels for everyone to share the attitudes got better and the kids started to have fun. I guess food is the key to everyone's heart. The only bummer was they moved the kid's activity/craft tent so we had a much longer walk to get to it. But still fun. Kids had ice cream, made sand art, played BINGO and ring toss, got tattoos and made art of craft scraps. We also hung out there with the Mays for a bit. Overall it was a good time.

Friday afternoon the girls went to play with Isla and Reggie and I ended up bringing Etta over to hang out with Steven. Etta has a huge crush on Steven but I don't think he feels the same. I'm ok if they are friends, but it better be just friends ;) They played video games and then rode bikes to Seven Eleven. Apparently she fell off her bike and Steven was more concerned for her fallen slushie than her, so that might be an indication of his feelings. Oh that boy.

Saturday, Tyler and I had our Seminary Symposium for most of the day. It was just a collection of classes on how to teach seminary. I basically left feeling like the most important thing is not to cover all the material and be a super fun teacher but to connect the kids with Christ and make sure they feel loved. I need to remember this when I see all the creative/fun things other teachers do because that can feel overwhelming. The Mays still didn't have power back from the Wed storm so they came over and watched our kids while we were at the Symposium (it just felt like too long of a day to leave Steven in charge) But the weird thing was they opened all our windows. Instead of enjoying our a/c, they let it all out. I'm super confused and slightly annoyed but they watched my kids all day so I can't be too angry.

When we got back, Ben headed off to a Tree Runner place in Frankenmuth with AJ which he had a total blast doing and is begging to go back, I'm thinking passes might be a great Christmas present since it's so pricey. Tyler and I ended up leaving the kids again for my "make up" birthday. This time we just left Steven in charge. We did some shopping for birthday gifts and ate a yummy dinner at 21 Burgers. It ended up being a nice night. 

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