On Wednesday we made the 9 hour trek. We decided against bringing tablets and things and instead we just had a fun playlist on Spotify and the audiobook How To Train Your Dragon. It went surprisingly well. The book was a good one, the music was fun and the only complainer about boredom was Steven- which is not super surprising.

Once there the kids seemed to become quick friends and we had lots of fun just sitting and chatting with our buddies. It was like no time had passed since we last saw them in person- even though it had been a whopping 4 years!
The Turley's were nice and setup their trailer for us to stay in. It had 2 bunk beds for the kids and a Queen bed for us. It was the perfect set up- we could hang with them but still have our own space so we didn't feel like we were imposing too much on them.
Thursday was Thanksgiving and it was a perfect Thanksgiving day. I had brought the rolls (which had not turned out well, I can never get Tyler's mom's roll recipe quite right), we brought sparkling cider as well, then Tyler made the turkey and I made mashed potatoes. Patty made this amazing pretzel Jello, green beans, and sweet potatoes. Since all I had to do that day was make the mashed potatoes, it was a real chill day for me. I got to chat with my friend, shop some online deals, work on a puzzle (because Patty loves them too) and then later on enjoy so much good food. Tyler's turkey turned out perfectly again. The kids had fun with their kids and that night we turned on a movie for them in the living room and us grown ups watched a movie in the sun room. It was perfection.
Friday was not my favorite day of the trip. I wasn't in the greatest of moods- it seems that when I am about a week out for my period I get super emotional. Friday was my emotional day. We were going to go for a hike which might have helped but it just didn't happen for various reasons. Too chilly in the morning, boys went to Knife Shop, Patty wanted to show me their tiny homes that they rent out, everyone was tired and cranky...by the time we thought of rallying up the kids for the hike it was too close to sunset to have a decent amount of time for a hike. Being cooped up in the house did not help my emotionalness and then my friend's kids were having a lot of tantrums which furthered my bad mood. Finally I went into the camper, had a good cry, took a short nap and felt immensely better and was probably a much better person to be around for the rest of the evening. But still not my favorite day. I think the kids still enjoyed it though- Leia used chalk to turn the girl's hair pink and green which was like a dream come true.
Saturday was a much better day. Once everyone was up and ready (which took some time since there is 13 of us all together) we went to see Santa at Santa's Clauset. Despite all the Covid precautions this place was pretty great and I would love to go back every year- it's only a 9 hour commute after all. They had him in a tent outside but it was fabulously decorated. The wait wasn't terrible and when it was our turn, the kids got to sit 6 feet away from Santa and have a pretty great discussion with him. He asked questions about their lists, he took notes, he asked them some Christmas trivia and chastised Tyler for his bad cheating. It was way fun. Then they took a picture (green screen so they photoshopped him in next to them) and he gave them each a personalized ornament and candy cane.
After our fun with Santa we strolled the store and found me an amazing nutcracker puzzle. When we finished shopping we were all hungry so we found a restaurant that surprisingly had a table for all 13 of us. It was in the back and raised up so we felt like we were on a stage for all to see, kind of awkward and at times a bit chaotic but it was still good times. The spinach dip appetizer we got was so delicious, the rest of the food was meh.
Our next stop was a hike in the Smokey Mountains. The drive to get there took us through Gatlinburg and the traffic was crazy. Definitely not a town to hang in during the holidays. But once we got to the Smokey Mountains things clamed down. It was a really beautiful river walk. And it was all fun and games until the kids decided they wanted to walk on rocks to get to a middle part of the river covered in rocks. Of course all of them slipped at least once and got wet feet. Penny was the most upset about it.
We capped off our day leaving the kids with a movie on (all except their baby of course) and us grownups went out for dinner. I got some amazing pork nachos and we had some fun banter with the waiter. Pattie requested water with no ice because the cold makes her have to pee, lol- the waiter than determined that she was high maintenance and we all had some pretty funny jokes from there.
Sunday we were awful Sabbath Day breakers and went to Dollywood. With their membership they got free passes that we were able to use so all we had to pay for was parking- lucky us! We started off in the kiddie section which was a wise choice. We built the kids up from a little scary to super scary rides. However, Penny was definitely scared for the first ride (Shooting Star). But when it was over she was all smiles. And as we hit up all the other kiddie rides she kept shouting about how amazing everything was. Her joy was pretty contagious.
After the kiddie section we went onto the little scarier rides. We went on the Blazing Fury which had a few little drops which Penny told me afterward that she thought she was going to fall out of. Then Ben and Lucy (not Steven) went on rides that I wouldn't even go on. Way too scary and high, Wild Eagle & Tennessee Tornado. I have grown into a chicken in my old age. But after those terrifying ones I went on the Mystery Mine ride with them. That was so much fun I actually went on it twice.
At this point we were starving so we got some pizza that was actually amazingly good and the kids got cotton candy for dessert. Then dad and Lucy went on the terrifying Drop Line. Lucy was really regretting getting on as they got close to that 230 foot mark and I am told that as Tyler tried to reassure her, Brian was spazzing out saying he was going to die. Sounds like it was loads of fun, lol.
It was time for some more tame rides after that. So I rode on the Treetop Tower with the girls which and then the kids did the Great Tree Swing.
Then all of us, EVEN Steven did the Dragon Flier Roller Coaster. As it started Penny began to freak out and I'm going to be honest, I'm not the best support. I didn't want to hold her hand because I have to hold on for dear life myself. But we all survived and both Penny and Steven were proud of themselves for going on it but I am not so sure that either one of them loved it. It didn't have huge drops but it moved fast and that can be scary.
I think everyone was getting roller coastered out because we attempted to all go on the Fire Chaser after that but Penny started crying as we entered the line so her and I got out of line. Then I got a call that Lucy was getting scared and to come get her but somehow Patty convinced her to stay on. Steven stayed in line up until the end where I guess he decided to just wait on the other side for everyone else to do it. So in the end just Ben, Lucy and Tyler went on it.
At that point it was getting dark and cold and I was pretty much ready to go. But Brian insisted on going on the Barnstormer which is like a pendulum. That was a nope for most of us but Lucy and Tyler did go on it. I was freezing so Patty sat on me to keep me warm ha ha.

That was our last ride of the day. After that we just hit up the gift shops for some taffy and cinnamon bread and then headed back to their house. It was honestly such a fun day full of bravery and all kinds of good memories.
Monday all our fun with friends was over and we had to head back to real life. It rained and slushed most of the way home and the book we picked for the ride home was not a hit (Green Embers) but somehow we survived the 9 hours. We did take a quick stop at the Cherry Republic in Ann Arbor on our way home and that was well worth the effort- even with parking being super frustrating and the walk being super cold- so worth it because their cherry chocolate covered pretzels are my most favorite thing ever right now.
And Tuesday it was back to real life. No surprise we had kind of a rough couple days getting back into the groove of homeschooling. Steven told me he wanted to run away so he didn't have to work. And Penny was pretty whiney. But she still gives a great face when she's concentrating that is pretty adorable.
Wednesday night for Young Women's we had an activity to celebrate the girl's goals from the year. We had half the girls there, always the same crew. It can be disheartening because it seems like nothing I do helps to get the missing ones there. But the ones that came were in good spirits and it was a good time.
Thursday evening I met my friend Stefanie in town in Milford. We got some hot cocoa (which was sooo good) and then we attempted to sip it outside but it was way too cold so we ended up chatting in my car. We had a great conversation about all the things in our lives. It was some much needed girl time.
And today, Friday, we finished homeschool by lunchtime and then I spent the rest of the day attempting to accomplish all the things on my to do list. Lots of Christmas errands and Christmas crafting. And of course, catching up on this blog ;) But one exciting thing that happened today was during our errand running Lucy and I decided to stop at Great Clips and get her hair cut. She hates combing it and getting it done so it was a mutual decision to cut it short again. I am so happy. It looks so much better and no more fighting over her rats nest.
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