Saturday, December 12, 2020


It was a pretty quiet week and it kind of rushed by. I was able to accomplish quite a bit. 
-Presents are all bought and wrapped. 
-The kids all bought white elephant gifts to exchange and we'll have our first annual family white elephant party this coming week. They picked up some real fun stuff so I think it will be pretty fun. 
-Tyler and I became Costco members again- Executive Members none the less. It was a real good deal so we thought why not be fancy. Then we spent way too much on food in bulk which made me regret this membership decision a bit. 
-I loaded up a bunch of stuff from the basement and made a Salvation Army Run. The first time I went I discovered they closed at 2pm. I was there at 2:15. The second time I went I waited an hour in line. Crazy times at Salvation Army thanks to Covid. 
-I made dinner and Christmas cookies for my friend Caroline's family (their daughter had her second surgery). 
-Led a Christmas Family Feud game for a YW's Activity and between a crummy internet connection and a computer that couldn't handle a power point with a zoom was a little stressful...but the girls loved it.
-Delivered some Christmas gifts to friends and neighbors. My bowls and soup mugs that I personalized seemed to be appreciated so that felt good. Got some nice thank you texts. Delivered a hand lettered plant pot (with a plant of course), too, to my neighbor Christy and then she came back with blankets, candy and popcorn bags for each of my children and that sure made my plant seem measly. Yes, I know, it's not a competition but if it was.... 
- I booked tickets to Arizona- for a month. We were all going to drive but I was having some anxiety about 32x2 hours with all the children in a car and decided to look up flights. I found a great deal and snatched it up. Tyler will still drive so we can have a car and so we don't have to worry about lugging homeschool supplies on a plane. I am feeling both excited and a little anxious about being away for a month. It's a long time away from our own space but also a long time away from the cold.

And in terms of fun things this week. I had a puzzle night Thursday with my friend Melissa. I always dread having to leave the house and socialize a bit but then once I go, I am so glad I did. I so needed that night out. We can unload and ease each others burdens and we also had lots of good laughs. We extended the fun and got together again Friday- but with our families. The kids get along well and so do us parents. 

And the kids have continued to go to Sharon's house this week to work on crafts. They all finished their ornaments and now have been just walking Sharon's dogs and playing games. She always says she's grateful to us for lending our kids but I just feel so grateful for her getting them out and entertaining them for a couple hours. We have some good people in our lives.

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