Friday, September 11, 2020

Summer Fades

 On Sunday we had in person church which meant we actually had to look put together for once. It was fast and testimony meeting and with only 25 people in the group, basically everyone bore their testimony- including me and Lucy. It was one of those Sundays where I just kind of knew that I was supposed to bear my testimony and I actually gave in to the prompting instead of giving in to my anxiety. Hopefully it made sense but even if it didn't, it did seem to inspire Lucy to bear hers. When I came back down Lucy asked me if they had asked me to go up and I said no. She then asked if she could go up too and told me what she wanted to say. It was a sweet and simple testimony in which she said that she knew the church was true and that she knew her Heavenly Father loves her.

Here's a cute picture of Penny with her hair all done for church:

Monday was Labor Day and I thought it would be fun to go on a family bike ride somewhere new. A friend suggested we go on the Air Line Trail and since we drive under the bridge on this trail often, we decided to try it out. It ended up being quite the adventure. As we started down the ramp on the bridge I started to say to Penny that I felt a little nervous about her going down- especially since she has no handlebar breaks- and at that moment she veered right into the wall of the bridge and crashed. There were 2 really nice ladies that offered tissues to clean up her wounds and they kept telling her how brave she was. She really soaked up their words and we walked down the ramp. Then she got back on her bike and kept going. I was proud of her for being brave. Not too long after that Lucy's tire went off the path a bit and she crashed. She scrapped her knee up good but she was brave too and we continued on a bit longer before we decided to call it a day and go back. On our way back we saw a muskrat which Penny thought was pretty cool. In the end we had rode 4 miles and were grateful that despite all the kids' swerving, they hadn't hit any other bikers.

When we finished the bike ride I had the opportunity to clean the house with no kids! I haven't been able to do that for awhile and it was amazing! I'm grateful that Tyler took out the kids so I could do that. That evening we went to my friend Melissa's house for a BBQ; Caroline's family was there as well. It was a nice evening with friends and we even got some puzzle time in. I have a good group of friends here.

Tuesday, I melted down a little with homeschooling. The kids were just giving me attitude and not putting forth their best effort. I had been trying to be so patient but I ended up snapping at Steven in the afternoon. Tyler came up mid my yelling catastrophe and sent the kids upstairs so I could calm down, ha. The rest of the week homeschooling went better but I am sure we will always have difficult days sprinkled in their. A lot is dependent on the kids attitudes and honestly, how hard the boys math is. I don't always have the time to help them with it when they need it and I don't always understand it either. 

Tuesday evening I had my first Bunco since March. It was really nice to have a sense of normalcy. The only thing we did differently was we each had our own set of dice to roll and our own little box of candy to eat while we played. We had a lot of fun goofing off and making manly voices to announce how well we were or were not rolling but I sadly was not a winner. 

Wednesday night I had the young women over at my house to paint rocks. We only had 4 girls show up but it was still a good time. I really enjoy the artsy things and I had fun joining in. I made the cactus, doughnut, face and "hi" rock. 

Thursday the kids went to the dentist in the afternoon. They supposedly don't have any cavities but I always wonder. I think they like to wait until they're real bad so they get more money but that's just me being negative. It was definitely a different experience going during Covid. We had to call before we could go in, then we all had to cram around the 2 chairs in the waiting room and then when we went back we were still basically clustered together. Also no prizes which is lame. The kids really struggled with sitting still when it wasn't their turn and I am pretty sure Covid has ruined their ability to sit still. They had the same struggles at church Sunday.

Friday we took a break in the morning to go on a nature walk and hide some of the rocks that my young women had left. Steven complained the whole time that it was cold and also told me that school was too hard and I was teaching him eighth grade stuff. He just doesn't like that he actually has to think ;)

Friday afternoon we had the Mays over to paint rocks with the leftover supplies from the Wed night activity. Their rocks were definitely not as fancy as the young women's and they finished a lot faster but I think they had a good time hanging out.

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