Friday, September 25, 2020

Apple Picking

This past weekend I went through my boxes of puzzles because Tyler was complaining they were taking over the basement. He was right. I managed to get rid of a few boxes of them but I still probably have more than I should. Ben and I did have a fun time dropping off puzzles to various friends while listening to Minecraft music Monday evening though. It made for some great quality time.

Monday it was back to a full week of homeschooling. I find that I feel all sort of different emotions within just one day of homeschooling. There are moments that I really love and moments that I just get so frustrated. Good moments usually involve something clicking for the kids or a lesson that I just enjoy teaching or our fun breaks outdoors or reading. Less fun moments tend to involve something that is difficult for the kids (usually math and writing) or when they just want to play and are tired of working.

Below are some pictures from a good moment. Tyler and I had went on a date the past weekend. On our date we had picked up some food and ate it at a nearby park called Mill Race Park. The park looked like fun for the kids so for our break Tuesday, I took the kids to the park. They had a lot of fun climbing around the river and it turned out to be educational too. The park was the site of the former Commerce Roller Mill. So we got to talk about some Commerce history while we were there.  

The kids loved it so much that they wanted to go back Wednesday. Our revisit there did not end up being a good moment. I thought they had prepared themselves this time for the possibility of getting wet since they enjoyed climbing by the river best but it turned out they had not. Penny was the first to slip and step into the river. She cried for a good long time before Steven showed her another, easier way to get to where we were. It was very sweet of him to help her out.

The second fall came for Lucy. As we were climbing back to the other side of the river, she got to the point where she had to let go of a limb and just balance on the log. This sent her into a panic and she let go at a real inopportune time, falling forward into the water. It wasn't deep at all or swift so she was thankfully unharmed. But she was definitely unhappy about being wet. Instead of just stomping through the water the rest of the way- she was already wet you know- she got back on the log and after much crying and effort, made it back over to us. It was real traumatic for her and she didn't calm down for a long while after which was real frustrating to me.

Wednesday night I went to the older girls yw's activity. It was a bonfire at one girl's house. I've decided the older girls are lame. They like their phones way too much and they all took off 50 minutes in. After the activity though, I had a really good talk with my advisor. You see Sunday I went to the Bishop and spilled all my frustrations about my counselor and he had basically told me just to pray about it and to do things that I had already tried. I actually started crying at his advice because I am so frustrated with it all. Thankfully after this activity as I was talking to my advisor I found out she had just been following this counselor's lead and in talking to her I found out she fully supported what I am trying to do to help the girls take on more responsibility. She said she would try to help me get this counselor on track and help me get the program running the way it should be. I am so grateful to her for this and it felt like an answer to the dang prayers the Bishop asked me to give.

Thursday after we finished our school work, we picked up some books from the library and read over in the woods by it. It was beautiful outside and I really like the change of scenery. When our reading time was up we walked over to Scarlet's Playground and met the Mays. I love that my kids get along so well with hers. The reading and playing with friends made up a good moment. 

Thursday night I had a presidency meeting and I did a training that I was really proud of- directed right at this frustrating counselor. I talked about the feeling of accomplishment that comes when someone does something themselves and how it helps them to grow in confidence and strength. I talked about how we are not letting the girl do enough for their activities and how when we take over we deny them this growth. It seriously was a good training and it totally struck a nerve with her. She got real quiet and stone faced for most of the meeting but at the end she made some comments that showed a slight change in her behavior. Although she can't seem to let go of bringing treats, I don't know what her deal is with the dang treats. Regardless, I am hoping things will be changing for the good in young women's.

Friday was field trip day. Tyler got off work in the morning and we all went to Spicer's Orchard in Fenton to pick apples. The weather was perfect and it was a nice outing. We talked about Johnny Appleseed and how Michigan is a big producer of apples. We talked about how long it takes apple trees to grow, and what it takes to grow them. It was super educational. Afterwards we had some super educational doughnuts and apple cider. Lucy got crabby with me when I asked her to skip count the apples as we were waiting on Tyler to bring the doughnuts (she hates skip counting) so I got a fun picture of her crabbiness. Steven also acted like a bored pre teen through most of it. Oh the attitude on that kid. He keeps telling me that he wishes there was no such thing as school and he could just plug into something and download all he needs to know.

After the field trip the boys did their usual work and the girls got to count with apples, read some fun apple themed books, write about apples, use an apple as a stamp and see if apples sink or float. I'd like to say it was all fun but the girls got frustrated with writing and the apple stamp was a bit of a mess. 

When we finished our work for the day Ben and Penny went on a bike ride with me to the library to pick up some more books (Lucy and Steven were not interested in going). I had a really nice time with both of them. We made up songs and stories and saw a woodchuck run across the bike path. That was one of the really good moments.

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