Saturday, June 13, 2020

Teeth, Sunburns, School Ends

On Sunday Penny lost her first tooth! She came running downstairs saying it hurt and felt weird- it was ridiculously loose and twisted funny. She was sobbing so hard and freaking out so much that I literally had to sit on her arms and legs so that Tyler could pull it out. Ironically, just a bit later she said she had another loose tooth and she actually ASKED Tyler to pull it out. So bam her first two teeth in one day! Then just a few days later another tooth was ready to go so Tyler pulled that out. Three teeth in one week. That is simply unheard of in the Hatch home.

Monday I got to do the weird Covid pick up of the kid's school stuff. First I picked Penny's stuff up at a very empty school- they had everything laying out by teacher in alphabetical order in the gym. Then later I picked up Ben's and Lucy's via a drive by- I pulled up to a spot with my last name posted in my car window and they placed the bag of things on the front seat. It's all weird. 

For lunch Monday we packed a lunch and then went to Scarlet's Park so the boys could have their turn to check it out. Coincidentally the girls wore matching shirts (most likely purposely) and the boys were both in orange (not purposely) so I had to take a pic.

Also Monday, Ben had an orthodontist appointment and they decided it was time to take off his braces. That was a happy surprise for Ben. I was just surprised, and also surprised that they decided he didn't need a retainer. I hope that's not just because they want to make more money off of me.

Tuesday we went to the beach around lunchtime and didn't come home until dinnertime. I love our beach days with friends and am so grateful for our neighborhood beach- it's close and rarely crowded. 

I let Lucy and Ben re-apply their own face sunscreen while at the beach and clearly they didn't realize they needed to apply it to their WHOLE face. But at least we know that sunscreen will work where it is applied.

Wednesday we did a bike ride to the river by the library and the kids had some fun playing in it. However, Lucy got some dirt in her Crocs from playing in the water and whined the whole way home about it. She does not like having dirt in her shoes. 

Wednesday afternoon I had my tele-appointment with another doctor at the practice. I guess my questions were answered but not fabulously. Mostly I am a unique case and this mass isn't really acting like a blood clot but it also doesn't have the characteristics of a fibroid so it's probably a blood clot. But just to be sure I'm getting an MRI next Thursday. Super excited for that. The MRI will also help with getting the exact location of the mass. I also really awkwardly brought up my trust issues with the doctor who has been doing the d and c's and she told me he is reliable and was her mentor. She explained as well, that the ultrasounds at the hospitals are meant to pick up third trimester babies and are not really accurate for small masses so that could explain how it got missed. A last disappointing bit of news I received was that there is still a chance that they could not get it all with the third d and c. It is a fairly big clot and the plan to insert it with water during the next d and c should help break it up but they can only put in so much water before it becomes dangerous to me so they might not be able to break it all up and get it all out. Super. I guess it's good I've reached my out of pocket maximum with an unknown number of surgeries in my future.

Thursday I took my kids, plus 2 Bloomfield kids, plus 2 neighbor kids on walk to Scarlet's park. Yes friends, that was 8 kids. Probably not the wisest choice I ever made. It was a little chaotic. While at the park Steven, Jacob and AJ decided to go on a walk in the nearby woods and after a bit I decided to check on them. Ben tagged along and when I couldn't find them right away he started freaking out and crying (he hadn't gone on the walk because he said "the woods are scary"). His crying stressed me out so I walked him back to the park and left him crying at table (I'm such a great mom) so I could go look for the boys without added stressed. Thankfully as I was about to re-enter the woods, the boys emerged and it was no big deal. Sometimes Ben can really amp up the stress level for me. The walk back from the park was not super fun either, Lucy was really whiny about walking and I finally ended up booting up one of the littles (Jessie) from the wagon just to get the whining to stop. Yeah, so definitely not one of my favorite trips to the park. But Penny did take this super fun selfie of her and Jessie in the wagon on the way to the park.

Friday was everyone's official last day of school so we did our traditional last day of school pictures. It has been such a weird school year being quarantined the last 3 months of it and it's sad that it ended without any real sort of finality- no parties, no teachers and classmates to say goodbye to in person. A part of me is so relieved to be done with this crazy but another part of me also realizes that we now have an extra few hours each day with no structure. We'll still do our own summer learning but it definitely will be much simpler and less time consuming. I wonder what the next school year will look like. Right now I am working on preparing a contingency plan in case this Covid crap continues.

At lunchtime I went over to my friend Jessica's house and we had a good cry about her cancer and my miscarriage and health issues. Life is hard.

That afternoon I took the kids on a hike at Proud Lake. Perfect weather, minimal fighting and only one child whining at the end (Penny) so all in all a pretty good hike. 

Also here's a before and after picture of the new paint color (living room is still a mess, ha ha)

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