Saturday, June 27, 2020

Adventures Part 2

Sunday was Father's Day. The kids couldn't wait to give Tyler all his gifts. It was fun seeing them all cuddle up in our bed as he opened them all. From me he got a knife sharpener. From all the kids he got a Harry Potter Lego set. Ben used his own money to buy Tyler Mountain Dew and Penny used her own money to buy Tyler Twinkies. My mom was nice and made Tyler scrambled eggs for breakfast and I made my dad pancakes. It was a good morning. For dinner the dads got steak and potatoes- a Poppy and Tyler favorite. I am grateful that we were able to have my dad here so I could properly celebrate him. It's been years since I have been able to spend Father's Day with him.

On Monday we decided to take a trip to Hell. This a town with a populations of 72 and basically has one tourist pit stop with it all- food, ice cream, miniature golfing, a post office, and lots of Hell themed souvenirs. We enjoyed the photo ops, had some ice cream, sent some singed postcards, bought some souvenirs and now we can tell everyone we have been to Hell. I have been having the kids write about what they do each day and so it was pretty funny when Penny wrote that day "We went to Hell."

On Tuesday we drove out to Grand Rapids to see the Frederick Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park. I think it was worth the 2 hour drive. We started in the greenhouse (where we had to wear masks since it was indoors). The kids tell me the cacti were there favorite- I must be rubbing off on them- but I thought the carnivorous plants were pretty cool too. There was one plant, the Pitcher Plant, that Lucy had read about at school so that was really fun to see in real life.

After the green house we went to a gallery while the old people bought food at the cafe (we had ate lunch ahead of time). The gallery was full of naked pictures and statues so within 2 days our kids went to Hell and saw naked pictures- we are winning this parenting thing ;). After the gallery we went to the Children's Garden. That was awesome. Cool statues, a garden that encouraged them to use their 5 senses, a replica of the great lakes that the kids kept wanting to play in the water, fun Hobbit houses (my name for them), a tree fort and a play area. It made me wish I had gotten a membership because I could see my kids wanting to come back here to play.

Just fyi, statue on above left is called "Mad Mom." The kids thought that was hilarious. The one on the bottom right was encouraging the kids to touch the garden behind them.

After the Children's Garden we went to the Statue Garden which had some pretty interesting pieces of art. It also had a man made waterfall that the kids loved because their were giant fish in the water that they could sit and watch. I think they also enjoyed posing by the different statues for pictures. 

After the statue garden, everyone was pooped but I wanted to see all the things so I made them go to the Japanese gardens. This wasn't the most exciting. We did see Bonsai Trees and a Zen Garden but we got a little lost and everyone was just really tired so we didn't walk too much of it before we decided it was time to go.

On Wednesday I was a little pooped from our previous adventuring so we kept it closer to home and went into Milford. We picked up some lunch and ate it at the playground. While the kids were playing at the playground Grams and Poppy went into town to pick up some cookies at the bakery for some dessert. These kids have gotten so much sugar with my parents in town, they're going to go through withdrawals when they leave.

On Thursday I had some pre-appointments to get ready for my third d and c that is scheduled on Monday. The MRI last week revealed that my mass is indeed a blood clot so the doctor will be making another attempt to remove it. Honestly, I am a little disappointed that it is just a blood clot. The normalcy of it makes it even more frustrating that it keeps getting missed. Anyways, they are running low on rapid response Covid tests so they had me get tested Thursday (instead of in the hospital right before the procedure, like before). This test was way less invasive- they don't go nearly as high as they did for the rapid response- so it wasn't painful. The only lame thing about the early Covid test is now I am supposed to self quarantine until my procedure so I don't risk picking anything up. I haven't done a super great job of that. 

After my drive through Covid Test I had to go get another ultrasound so they could confirm that the mass is still there. The ultrasound tech was chatty and yes, the mass is still there and in the same spot. She encouraged me to be optimistic about this next D and C which is something I am struggling with.  

Thursday evening I went on a walk with one of my young women and her seminary teacher (my friend Melissa). Gosh this young woman is so boy crazy and has so much of her self worth wrapped in what boys think of her. I worry about her and it makes me worried to have teenage girls. It's so hard to get these girls to realize how wonderful they are and that they don't need a boy to be wonderful. After we chatted we headed to our cars and discovered an old gentleman playing the guitar and singing in the parking lot. Melissa insisted we go stand by and listen to him. I felt awkward but she had no problem swaying to the music. 

Later that evening my friend Corinne came over to drop off bread and she ended up staying and chatting until 1 in the morning. Woof I am not meant to stay up that late. But it was good to catch up with her and if anyone understands the pain of a miscarriage, she sure does. We laughed, we cried, we felt all the feels. It was needed friend time.

Friday we went to the beach in afternoon. I didn't invite friends this time, that was me making a slight effort to quarantine. The hard part of it was there was a lady there who was pregnant and I overheard her talking to someone about her pregnancy. She is due in October which is when I was supposed to be due. I kind of felt like I had been punched in the stomach and I wish it didn't hurt like that. There were a lot of little ones too and my heart ached because I really do want another baby. Anyways with all these tough feeling we didn't stay too long.

Saturday the boys all went to the Ford Piquette Avenue Plant. I am trying to at least pretend to quarantine and the girls weren't interested in going so we stayed home. Poppy said it was a good choice and seemed to enjoy it. I hope he has enjoyed his adventures here in Michigan. We sure are going to miss him when he heads back to Arizona next week.

Saturday, June 20, 2020


My parents arrived all the way from Arizona on Sunday. We are all so excited to have them here. Sunday was a good day from them to recover from all their travels. We just visited and they handed out all the fun clothes and things they had brought for the kids.

Monday morning Steven and I went to his school to return some books and clean out his locker. Of course he had forgotten how to open his locker. After some angry moments and a call to Tyler he remembered the trick to opening it. And after all that fuss, his locker was empty. Ugh. Also on our Monday itinerary was a trip to CVS so Poppy could get a prescription he needed and a walk down to Scarlet's Park so the kids get there wiggles out.

Tuesday we took Poppy and Grams on a daycation to Marblehead, Ohio. Me and the kids had been there a few years ago but we were happy to return. Our first stop was the lighthouse, it's off a rocky beach and the kids loved standing on the rocks and watching the water crash in.

After seeing the lighthouse and having a little picnic there we went to East Harbor State Park so the kids could play at a beach off Lake Eerie. When we got there I was panicking a bit because there was no beach at the beach. The lake levels had risen so much that the water went right up to the barrier- there was only a wall and water. I was ready to give up and just let the kids play in the water and we'd have to do without the sand but then a nice person pointed out that if we just walked down further (it was hard to see because of a wall that jutted out)there was actually a beach we could sit and play on. I am so grateful he pointed that out so we were able to have more fun. It was quite chilly but everyone still seemed to enjoy playing in the waves and building "poop" castles (the boys thought their castles looked like turds). Penny even turned to me at one point and said "It's a lovely day, isn't it?"

Wednesday we took Grams and Poppy on a walk at Proud Lake. We saw 2 turtles and lots of frogs. The weather was good but there were lots of bugs, thanks to bug spray we didn't get eaten alive but they did keep flying at our eyes and mouths. 

Thursday I took it easy. My back had been bugging me so I decided to rest it PLUS I was feeling anxious about my MRI appt that afternoon so no exciting adventures for me. But Poppy took the kids to Scarlet's park again and he also took them on a walk across the street. Unfortunately they didn't put bug spray on for the walk so they all came back with lots of bug bites and Ben even brought home a tick. The ticks are so bad this season.

So my MRI was Thursday afternoon and that was a bit traumatic for me. Tyler had led me to believe that tube was super spacious and I had deceived myself into thinking it would be like a 10 minute thing. The tube is NOT roomy and it ended up being 40 minutes in that claustrophobic tube. I know I am a baby but I can really get in my head and psych myself out. With my mask on my face (because of stupid Covid), my body stuck in a tube I just started to feel like I was suffocating and burning up. But obviously I survived and hopefully I will get some helpful results from my time in the torture chamber.

Friday I took Poppy and Grams to our neighborhood beach. I had invited a few friends to join us and  Poppy said he felt weird about socializing with women folk so he sat away from all of us. He didn't last too long at the beach before he got bored. Grams socialized with my friends for awhile but the sun started to get to her so she headed home too. I didn't stay too much longer because I didn't want to be a terrible a host. The menfolk treated themselves to a Father's Day dinner in Milford that night and the rest of us had pizza.

Saturday we went on an adventure to Bronner's, the Christmas store in Frankenmuth. I got a few ornaments for a new Christmas countdown I will be doing (Ornaments that represent different events in Christ's life). We were very rebellious and didn't wear our masks in the store. I always feel guilty when I don't wear a mask but I hate wearing them so much. I feel like that MRI with the mask has really traumatized me for wearing them.

After Bronner's we had lunch at Subway- and we actually were able to eat in the dining area. First time I have done that since this crazy Covid mess. Then we drove up to Bay City and took a tour of the USS Edson. This was a place that I had discovered via Google that morning and thought the men folk might like. It was a good discovery, I think it was the perfect outing for Father's Day weekend. We had an awesome tour guide, Billie, who took us through and gave us all sorts of interesting info. The kids were not super interested in the tour info but us adults appreciated it. All the kids, except for Penny who got pretty whiny, actually did pretty good with it all. It was a pretty big ship so it was a pretty long tour and it was warm day but there were some fun things for the kids that probably helped pull them through- like ringing bells, throwing coins down a tube, and honking the ship's horn.