Saturday, April 4, 2020

Houses for Our Peeps, April Fools Dinner, and Gender Reveal for Angel Baby

This week with being stuck at home and school officially cancelled for the rest of the year (heaven help me!), we decided to add some new family traditions to April to help keep us sane. On Wednesday we made Graham Cracker houses for our Peeps. The kids always pour on the sweet things. So much candy! I helped everyone with their house except Steven and I am really impressed with his creation. My kid is getting old and more able to do hard things.

On April Fool's Day we decided to do a "prank" dinner idea that I had seen posted on Facebook. It ended up being a lot of fun and a complete success. Each of the kids had a menu which basically consisted of 10 different colors. Then I had a separate code for each kid that said what each color stood for- napkin, fork, spoon, bowl, drink, bread, fruit, vegetable, dessert, and spaghetti. Each kid then ordered 3 colors for the first course and then we gave them 5 minutes before letting them order 3 more colors. And at the end they ordered 4 colors. The first course was the most entertaining I think. Lucky Penny got dessert, a spoon and a bowl. Poor Benny got fruit, spaghetti and a fork--- no bowl. I think he actually ate cleaner than usual without a bowl though, ha ha. Steven's first course was probably the lamest- he got a veggie, fork and a napkin. Lucy's first course was the most dinnerish- a fork, a bowl and spaghetti. It continued on with lots of fun combinations and the kids did a great job of just having fun with it and not getting upset. I would love to make this an annual tradition.

Wednesday evening I did a Zoom Meeting with my Young Women which was really fun. It was so good to see a lot of my Young Women and play a "get to know you game" with them. Of course because this seems to be my MO I got in trouble with Bishop because I hadn't let parents know about it. It was so frustrating. I am doing my very best to get back to doing things and anyways I had put one of my yw in charge of notifications which is how this new program is supposed to work. Well after Tyler giving him a talking to in a Bishopric Meeting and then me having to meet with him, Bishop admitted he was just upset because his daughter has been trying to get out of church things and he needs some help with this. He also informed me that his daughter "doesn't feel like she clicks with me" and that she says"we ask them to do things but then don't let them." Argh. She loves to give out complicated ideas for activities but is never willing to act on them. Really she's just giving him excuses that seem to get me in trouble. I have got to find a way to reach her so that she stops throwing me under the bus or so Bishop stops taking his frustrations with her out on me.

Thursday and Friday were beautiful sunny days. We took a walk at Proud Lake Thursday and it was nice to get out and get fresh air. However, outings with kids are always an adventure. Somehow we managed to walk through muddy parts of the path without getting super muddy but then Lucy accidentally stepped into the lake and her shoe and sock were soaked. This of course happened right after I warned her about being too close to the lake. She refused to wear the wet show and sock and walked the rest of the trail with one barefoot, and somehow she managed not to step on anything sharp. On a positive note though, Ben enjoyed climbing all the trees and "tightrope" walking all the trunks and Penny once again adopted a stick and said it was her walking cane because she was an old woman. Ben also found a trunk/stick that looked like Thor's hammer. And I had a butterfly circle around me for awhile and decided that must be my angel baby saying hello.

Later Thursday I took a bike ride with Lucy and Ben and discovered how wildly out of shape I am but it was still a beautiful day to be out. Then Thursday evening we started a fire and roasted marshmallows. Penny thought it was funny to pretend like she started the fire with her gas.

This week we found out our angel baby's gender and decided to recreate the gender reveal we had done when I was pregnant with Penny. So once again we created play dough volcanoes and the one "exploded" was the baby's gender.Here is a pic of the volcanoes:

The boy one fizzed so our angel baby is a boy! The kids were all excited, even the girls! I know I had had a dream that the dr had told me it was a girl but honestly finding out the baby was a boy made me even more certain that that dream was to help me with my perspective in all this. I really think that there wasn't a better name then Joy to help get that point across to me. 

That night after internet searches and family discussions we decided to name our fifth baby Isaac Ian Hatch. We wanted a name that was similar in meaning to Joy so Isaac mean laughter and Ian means God is gracious. I am really happy with his name. 

We originally had the kids choose their Lego selves so we could reveal that I was pregnant- the baby was on a carrier on Tyler. We moved the baby onto the eagle so we could announce our angel baby instead. A miscarriage takes so many earthly experiences away from us that it felt good to still be able to do a gender reveal and announcement in my own way. 

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