Our week started off with lots of rain and then temperatures that dropped. That meant for icy roads which meant church was cancelled Sunday. I had already gotten up and taken a shower since I have to leave with all the kids at 7pm to get to Ward Council on time. When I got out of the shower, I learned it was cancelled so I promptly changed back into jammies and went back to sleep. When I actually do have to go to Ward Council I am going to be a real tired person on Sunday. Though it was nice to get extra rest, I was a little disappointed because I was teaching that day and I had a real good lesson planned. We were also supposed to have Class Presidency meetings after church so since I didn't have that, I did a lot of texting and calling to get some things worked out that we were supposed to have discussed at that meeting.
Besides all the texting (and sleeping), I helped Lucy bake cupcakes (this recipe was a little better) and we also had a nice little family church session where Steven got to pass the sacrament to us and I got to teach a modified version of my yw's lesson to the kids. It was a good sabbath in the end.
Monday I ended up with a last minute substitute job and it was a real looong day. The kids were not very good listeners and were constantly talking over me. It left me cranky and irritable. My mood was not helped when I had some frustrations with church things- just minor things that felt bigger with my bad mood. I also had to have a big lecture with my kids about working on their church goals. We ended up having to add them to their after school checklist to make sure they are getting worked on daily. I struggle so much with Steven especially- he just seems to not care about anything or have any motivation to do anything hard. It can be frustrating.
Tuesday was another sub day. I had one class in the morning and a different class in the afternoon. Despite 5 people being absent in the first class, it was still rough. Basically one kid getting everyone distracted and causing problems for me. The class in the afternoon was a lot better so it was a nice note to end on. When I got home from work Steven informed me that he needed macarons for school the next day. I was irritated that he was telling me last minute but we rushed out and got them before my meeting with my yw's presidency that night. Unfortunately, even after reminders from me, he forgot to bring them to school the next day. I decided to not bring them to school for him and instead had him pay me back for them. I felt like it was a good logical consequence but when I asked for the money, he gave it to me without seeming upset, like it was no big deal. So just more frustration with him.
Wednesday I was able to clean the house, go for a run and run a couple errands (my kids keep tearing through pants like crazy this winter). That night for Youth Activities was a pie eating contest (the ym were in charge). I didn't love it because a lot of the kids seemed uncomfortable with eating a whole pie and I couldn't blame them- I know that would upset my stomach. Still Steven ended up participating begrudgingly and then I got to hear for the next 24 hours how sick he felt- just as I suspected he would. Oh well, some of them really enjoyed it. Steven's friend David ate the whole pie in 36 seconds flat so there's that.

Thursday I got a last minute sub job for the morning and this one went really well which was surprising because usually that teacher is kind of mess with discipline. Thursday evening we got a babysitter so both Tyler and I could go with Steven as he did Baptisms for the Dead for the first time. All the newbies from our ward were there plus a few others from our ward. It was a real nice experience. Before we did the Baptisms a temple worker spoke to us and he talked about how we can't always see the future that God has for us. How Abraham and Sarah couldn't foresee that they would have a child. When he spoke about Abraham and Sarah I felt the Holy Ghost rush over me and felt further confirmation that we will have one more child- I just have to be patient and trust.
Tyler and his friend Alan thought it would be funny to pose together in the picture above. Below is me with my Young Women that came that night (L-R: Whitney, Mia, Aleahna, Maizie, Alissa, Abby Penner)
And then below is a picture of Steven with all the youth from our ward that were there (L-R: Jake, Steven, Mia, Gavin, Aleahna, Whitney, Maizie, Alissa, Abby Penner)

Friday morning I got to wake up super early and introduce the scripture 1 Nephi 3:7 to one of our wards Seminary classes. My friend Melissa teaches it and had asked me if I would introduce it and I know that was divinely inspired since I had had such a touching experience with it recently. I was a bit nervous but it went well. I talked about not being casual with scriptures which we can tend to do with ones we know so well. I talked about how even though the Lord prepares a way it's not always easy. And I talked about how it is in those hard moments that we can feel our Lord's love the most. As I was going to get a little extra serious and spiritual my friends little boy came tromping down the stairs with their dog and kind of killed the moment but overall still good. At least they were all listening and seemed attentive. Also on Friday I got to go on a lunch date with Tyler. It's always nice when we can get have child free time.
Friday late night the snow finally came, we haven't had much this winter. I had promised Penny a smoothie date Saturday so I had to drive through several inches of snow to get her there. Not my favorite thing but it is also nice to have special time with her.