Saturday, December 7, 2019


Monday Penny was saying her tummy hurt. She seemed like she was faking but since I didn't have anywhere to go that day and she is only in Jr Kindergarten I decided to let her play hooky. In the end it turns out she was indeed faking but we had a real nice day together- just like old times. I made her a smoothie, we read books, I painted her nails...lots of nice quality time. That night the kids and I made cookies for my friend Jessica and then we ate the extras with some ice cream. So yummy. One of my favorite treats.

Tuesday I finally got to have a regular volunteer day. I enjoy my first task, shelving books- organizing always makes me happy. My second task, helping in Lucy's class, is not my favorite. I am never quite sure what she wants from me- help with writing or help with behavior. I feel less useful there. That evening I went and delivered the cookies to my friend Jessica. She was counting her blessings that night. Here she is going through chemotherapy and talking about how grateful she is for everything. She's a good lady. We also had a real good talk about young women's and creating resilient Youth. When I told her I was nervous about giving my talk for YW in Excellence, she told me to practice it on her. She was real supportive of it and built up my confidence. She's a good friend.

Wednesday night was YW in Excellence. I was feeling really anxious and nervous about everything but it turned out good. I set up the church in the morning with Jenny Briscoe. Moving the piano to the cultural hall was quite the task but we did it. I was glad Jenny was there because I couldn't have moved that on my own and she also added a little fancy to my simple decor. 

That night I finished with the set up. Corinne was there to hand off the beautifully framed new YW's themes she had made for me. I had her do half (they were poster sized) and then I did another half that were smaller and with store bought frames. Everyone there picked her's- they were a definite hit. She is so talented. I was glad she was there because I had some issues with the balloons I had bought and she helped me figure out how to weigh them down and keep them pretty. I was also grateful for Brother Maxwell who happened to be there and helped save my balloon that I accidentally let go of. Lastly I was grateful to my husband who set up the technology aspect of it so the slideshow at the end went off with no issues.

The program itself went fairly smoothly- minus a beehive who almost refused to go up when it was her turn to talk (she's also the new younger class president so this could be interesting) and minus not having a microphone so it was kind of hard to hear sometimes- definitely would get one next time. There were some good thoughts said overall and I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost who got me through my talk- even allowed me to improvise some which I normally never do. I am also grateful for the chance I had to bear my testimony. I have been feeling like I should bear it the last 2 Fast Sundays and chickened out. I'm glad I wasn't able to chicken out this time. 

After the program was nachos and various Costco desserts (including the delicious creme puffs- love them so much!). Then the guys who come to play basketball Wednesday nights totally pushed us out but that also meant that they did a lot of the clean up since they wanted us out so that was kind of nice.

Thursday I subbed in the morning and the class was RoUgH- the Holidays are definitely approaching. Then after that I went and helped out Ben's class- hot gluing projected. There were 2 other moms doing it- one mom who I see at the bus stop occasionally (when her husband can't make it). I properly introduced myself and was talking to her thinking she recognized me from the bus stop too- she did not. Sometimes I feel so invisible. I also noticed that Ben's was the least pretty of projects (they were making monuments and then adding working lights to them). Everyone had painted there's and made it presentable. His teacher claimed that was ok, it was just for a science grade. I guess none of my kids are over achievers like me.

Friday was another sub job and then that night I got to go to WL Central High's Collage Concert with Steven to see a couple of my young women. It was about 2 hours long (its a mix of band, orchestra and choir performances) and while I really liked it, it was a little hard for Steven to sit that long. I am enjoying seeing my YW in there various extracurriculars. It gives me a chance to chat with their parents and get to see them in their elements. It also gives me a chance to get some culture ;)

Saturday morning was Candle Day at Bath and Body Works. I got there at 6- just like last year- but it seemed way busier this year. They made us wait outside for 40 minutes because the store had too many people. And then I waited in line for another 40 minutes. But hey, I got 6 candles at $7 a piece so that's real good! After that I rushed home so Tyler and I could go do sealings at the temple. We had originally planned to leave the kids home alone and see how it went but a sweet Young Women of mine, Abby, offered to watch my kids for free. I felt much better having her there and am so grateful to her for that. Lots of good people in my life. I hadn't done sealings in forever and never at the Detroit temple so I needed some direction where to go and I forgot how uncomfortable it can be to kneel for so long but it was still good to be reminded of those covenants made during a sealing.

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