Saturday, November 16, 2019

Field Trip with Lucy and Snow Galore!

Sunday was Ward Conference and afterwards we had some training by the Stake YW's Presidency. Of course the counselor that really needed this training was not there. But it was still some good information and some good ideas for things. The only frustration was that I felt like my Secretary kept trying to be president- sometimes I want to be really rude and tell her that she is just the secretary. Instead I kind of lashed out in another way and equally offended her. I had went back and read the text messages from the great dramatic group text with YW's parents that past week and I had seen how a mom (who was already upset and irritated) could have taken my secretary's first text wrong and been offended. Yes, that mom should not have been offended but I could still see how it happened. I told my secretary this and thereby offended her. Reading back what I just wrote this is all so confusing but basically I offended my secretary by telling her how her text could have been offending. Oh my gosh. My life as YW's president has been so ridiculous. I ended up smoothing things over with my secretary but I am so over all this drama.

Monday we woke up to snow and it continued to snow until late that night. Of course that day also happened to be the day I was chaperoning Lucy's class on their field trip to the Outdoor Education Center. It was stressful getting Penny to her bus stop and then going to Lucy's school because the snow had left some pretty slippery roads and some fun traffic but I made it (car only spun out once). The field trip itself was not super exciting- they tried to camouflage a potato (Lucy's favorite part), they pretended to be spiders, they got to dress up like bugs and they learned about dirt. But Lucy had fun and it was nice spending time with her.

Monday was also Veteran's Day and Tyler had it off so after Lucy's field trip, I made him drive me to Walmart to pick up groceries so I didn't die on the snowy roads. My Stake YW's Pres called me while I was on this errand and we had a good conversation about things...but then she kept going. She is such a talker. She was telling me all about her week and she would keep saying she was going to let me go...but then she would keep on talking. I've got to make sure not to answer her calls unless I have a long time for chatting.

By the time Monday ended we had gotten 11 inches of snow. So much snow for November. Thanks to all the snow, school was cancelled Tuesday. It was also super cold that day but the kids didn't mind. They went out and played in the snow and seemed to have a lot of fun. Here's a picture of them burying Lucy in the snow:

Tuesday night was Bunco. I drove my friend Melissa over and the car ride with her was fun. I love that I can be my weirdo self around her. Bunco itself was alright. It gets real loud and lately that loudness is just not my jam. I did work hard to get the loser prize though, and I totally succeeded. I earned myself a blanket scarf. But afterwards the host handed out what she called "booby prizes" to everyone and there were actually some of those that I liked better than the blanket scarf. Oh, well. Since everyone was there for once, no subs, we took a picture of the gang. 

Wednesday night started off a bit heart breaking. My YW whose mom has breast cancer was looking upset so I pulled her aside to check in on her and she broke down. It was so hard for me to see her that upset because I am a fixer and I want to be able to fix her problem. But obviously I can't. I am just continually amazed by her strength, even when she is struggling you can see her faith in Christ. It's just such an awful situation for a 16 year old to have to go through. On a lighter note, the rest of the night went really well. We had a pretty good turn out and it was a game night and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. It was nice to see some of my YW come out of their shells.

Thursday I had a YW Presidency Meeting and Bishop came. This past Sunday Bishop had met with Stake Presidency leaders who had basically backed up everything I had been saying. It bugs me that he had to hear it from them to believe me but I think this helped immensely. The meeting went smoothly and for that I am grateful.

Right after the meeting, someone sent me a text asking me if I could sub so I did. Then I also subbed Friday. Good to be making some more Christmas money and the jobs went fairly smoothly so that's always nice too.

And today,Saturday, is the first day in a long time that I have no Saturday plans so I am going to enjoy this nice, calm day!

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