Saturday, November 23, 2019

Bear Rank, Band Concert

Monday evening I was able to go visit one of my girls that doesn't come to Wednesday Activities and her Sunday attendance can be kind of sporadic. It was a good visit and I felt like I was able to create more of a rapport with her but she gave me a very flaky response about why she doesn't come to activities and I don't think much will change.

Tuesday I had plans to volunteer and meet my minister for lunch but I got hassled into subbing instead. It started out with the automatic sub line advertising a job at Lucy and Ben's school, I rejected it and put in a non-work day but then the district absence manager called me and left a message. Then the secretary from Ben and Lucy's school called. I was feeling annoyed but ended up calling the secretary back and agreeing to take the job. They said I could still help out in the library while the class I was subbing for had their specials- so nice of them to let me spend my break volunteering 😑 It was an ok day, the class itself is a pretty good class (I had subbed for them Friday) but the lesson plans stink. They are full of way too much sitting and listening for the kids and so the kids got real restless by the end of the day.

It ended up being a good thing that I took the job Tuesday since I had no more come up for the rest of the week. That led to a real relaxed rest of the week. I was able to work out, do crock pot/casserole dinners so life was less hectic when the kids got home, I got binders ready for new YW's class presidencies, I prepared my talk for YW in Excellence (starting to feel nervous about that), I prepped and wrapped Christmas books for our Christmas countdown, I got all our Christmas cards for family addressed with my fancy lettering...All around it was a productive but at the same time relaxed few days. It was nice to do everything without feeling rushed about it.

Wednesday night we had a skit night combined with the Young Men for our Youth Activity. I am so grateful I am not over the boys- holy cow were they wound up and not great listeners. I ended up having to ask the YM leaders to step in so the skits they created actually had substance and weren't just all violence. What I don't understand is why they didn't just step in and that I had to ask... The highlight of the night was when Lily came- she was late but she came! I had met with her and her sister a few weeks back and had a good visit about coming to Wednesday night activities and I was so glad she was there. She is such a chatty Cathy and we talked for a good long time after the activity. She is struggling with school- a lot. But she has no plans for college and I feel like that might be one of the reasons she's struggling. Lack of motivation... Anyways my girls got to participate in the skits too and here is Lucy defeating the "Scottish man".

Also that night I got to sneak over to Cub Scouts and watch Ben earn his Bear Rank. They knighted him and it was pretty cute.

Thursday night Steven had his first Band Concert. We had to bring him there a half an hour early and it only lasted like 20 minutes. So basically the wait was longer than the actual concert. It was fun to hear him play with all the other instruments. I really hope he sticks with it. There was some drama at the end with finding him after it was all done. They told us to wait in the gym and the kids would come back to us after packing up their instruments. We waited and waited and he never came. Tyler had a neighborhood meeting he needed to be at so he was getting real frustrated. Tyler went to our car, went to the band room- still couldn't find him. Then as we were about to give up we see him huddled on the floor near the gym entrance with a friend, looking at his friend's phone. Unbeknownst to us he had invited this friend to come to the concert. I wish he had told us because Tyler very rudely jerked Steven away and we might have been a little bit nicer had we known they came just for Steven. As we were trying to rush out another band mom (also friend from church) insisted we needed to get a family picture. I am glad she did, even though Tyler was very unhappy about it all and just wanted to leave.

Friday the kids had a half day and Steven's friend Adam (the one that came to the concert) came home with him after school. He's kind of a quiet kid and seemed uncomfortable with me but Steven and him play well together. And his friend went along with my screen time limits with little complaints so that was nice. They text each other a lot so it looks like this is becoming one of his close friends. But according to one of the texts- Steven is Adam's second best friend so they have not quite reached bestie status yet.

Friday night I went to see a high school production of "Cinderella." This time I went not supporting my youth but as a friend- Corinne was going to go with her hubby but he had to work so she asked me to come with her instead. It was not my favorite version of Cinderella but it was nice to get out and spend time with a friend. 

And now today I am going to support 2 of my Young Women who are in the play "Matilda". I am just becoming so cultured ;)

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