Saturday, March 16, 2019


I feel like daylight savings time really threw me for a loop this past week- loosing that hour somehow made me exhausted for the week. It also seemed to give us more irritable kids. Makes me miss Arizona where they are smart and don't do such silly things. 

Anyways this week was pretty busy and not super exciting. Monday we got to watch my friend's 1 year old, Addie. She has mellowed out since the last time we watched her and didn't get into stuff and was actually pretty complacent to just play with toys in the playroom. It made me feel a little less worried about adding one more to our family whenever that time comes.

Monday night we had middle school orientation. At this point it still seems surreal that I'm going to have a kid in middle school. It also scares me to have a kid in middle school. Middle school is such a hot mess of hormones and growing up and I worry about all that my kid is going to encounter as he enters this new realm. The principal seems good though and Steven got real excited about all the "encore" classes he can choose from. He's already determined to take band and play the clarinet (he can later trade the clarinet for the saxophone). He gets two other semester long classes to choose. I do hate though that PE is not a core class. Kids need that movement everyday- especially since recess is no longer given.

Tuesday I had a substitute job for a third grade class. They had switching in the afternoon and that is not my favorite thing. It means that I teach the same lesson to 3 different classes. It also means I have to review my rules and remind the 2 classes that I see for a short period that yes, I am in charge and no, I am not a pushover. It really wears out my voice and my mental health, ha ha.

Tuesday night I had Bunco. My friend was nice enough to give me a ride because Tyler had a neighborhood meeting at the library to attend. I am getting so over only having one car. Anyways I had a good chat with my friend and heard about the hard time she is having health wise. It's a good reminder that most people are going through something no matter what outside appearances my be. Also there is this one lady that keeps subbing for people at Bunco and she makes me a little crazy. Sometimes she can be super funny but other times her humor verges a bit too much on the inappropriate side. Everybody seems to love her but I find her exhausting and often times a bit uncomfortable. 

Wednesday morning Penny had her speech class and she still really loves it. It makes me excited for her to start school. The teacher once again said how good she was doing so I said I feel like Penny can do really well saying words alone but she loses sounds in sentences. The teacher agreed and said she was just looking at changing her goal (not kicking her out). That was reassuring. I do feel like this class is really helping her though. I notice her trying a little more often to get the c/k sounds and now the g sound too.

Wednesday afternoon I got to hold my friend's baby while she got her new house prepped to paint. It was pretty great and Penny was super cute with baby Wynn. Singing her songs and building towers of blocks for her to break. Once again, a little reassurance about adding another one to our family.

Thursday was another sub job- apparently I am back in business for the moment. I just think there were a lot of teachers out this week so they were desperate enough to ask me but I'll take it. I can always use a little extra spending money. The challenge for this sub job was teaching a lesson on unbalanced and balanced forces for Science. This was a lesson for the rotating classes so I had to teach it 3 times and the explanation for the experiment was super confusing. I had to call up Tyler for clarification and watch a Youtube video because I didn't want to totally confuse 3 classes. In the end it actually seemed easier than first thought and it made me realize how much motherhood has fried my brain.

Also while subbing I had a kiddo totally melt down. I've had him before and I am usually able to keep him calm and I usually can tell when he needs to be sent out for a break. But I failed this time and  so he threw down a water bottle, threw his chair, and screamed in rage. It was super. Apparently the kids have this routine that they all leave the classroom to the library when this happens. Extremely distracting but it was brief and we survived. 

Thursday night I took the kids out for milkshakes with mom. They had muffins for mom at school but those sort of things are always crazy busy and my kids don't really like muffins that much so we decided ahead of time we were going to do our own thing. We went to McDonald's for shakes and the kids got to play in a germ infested play place- it seriously looked super dirty and I hope we don't go through another round of sick. The kids all had fun though so that's what counts right?

Friday I had a nice recovery from a busy week day and ended up finishing the photo books I had been making for each kid. They were a lot of work and I am super excited to give them to the kids. They have a summary of each year- some pictures of things that happened and some funny stories. I basically made them as a back up in case this blog ever disappears. At least now they'll still have some memories to keep.

Saturday morning I went to go get Ben new shoes (he has demolished those and his backpack) and I discovered we had a nail in our tire. Tyler went to go get that fixed and a couple hours later, he's still out. Plans are meant to be broken. Later this afternoon Lucy has a birthday party for a friend at school. This friend is the GF one from her class that's parents seems to be kind of a pain. Hopefully we don't somehow offend them by just being us. And that will basically be our week in a nutshell.

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