Saturday, March 2, 2019

Dentist, Barf and Things

On Monday I got a last minute request to sub that day but I passed on it. I figured it would be too stressful to try and make it and I was just really looking forward to getting back into routine with the kids going back to school. I also already had a job Friday so I didn't really need to take it. Too bad that sub job fell through due to reasons I'll get into later. Anyways Monday was a really nice day. Cleaned the house, exercised, did Penny's reading lessons-it was so nice getting back on track. 

Tuesday I volunteered in Ben's class and though I have had some frustrations with his teacher back in Ben's emotional days, he really is a good teacher. I was impressed with the work he was having them do for a research paper. The kids actually had to read articles and highlight things, rather than just going straight to Google. 

Tuesday afternoon all the kids had their 6 month check ups at the dentist. I always get super nervous about these check ups for two reasons- 1: Penny is usually an emotional catastrophe and 2: The kids are usually diagnosed with all sorts of issues that are costly. Thankfully it went really well. Penny did the best ever- she didn't cry at all! I had told them that she didn't like it when they spray the water so they just wiped everything and I think that might have helped. They also turned on "Frozen" music for her. I was so grateful that it went so smoothly. And as far as issues Lucy had one cavity and that was it. They've decided since Penny had such a positive experience we should just watch the crowns that have chipped for cavities and not fix them right away. I am on board with that plan.

Wednesday Penny had her second round of her new Speech Class. She loves it but her teacher once again told me that she is doing so well. I worry her teacher is going to try to graduate Penny out of speech services quickly. Penny may do well when asked to repeat a specific word/sound but put it in a sentence and that's another story.

After speech Penny and I put together a little care package for a friend who just had her third miscarriage in the past year. This friend has not been a fabulous friend to me so I had kind of taken a break but she had initiated to do a play date and then had to cancel because of the miscarriage. Her phone call was heartbreaking and though our friendship isn't what it used to be, I know she especially needs a friend right now so care package it was. I can't imagine the heartache she must be feeling.

After we dropped that off, my other friend was having laundry issues so she came over to do a couple loads. This was a last minute thing so it shook up my plans but it was good to be able to help. And it was good to catch up with her.

When my friend left I took Lucy back to the dentist to get her cavity filled. She is so funny on laughing gas. Always just a little loopy. They asked her what grade she was in and she just nodded her head enthusiastically. Overall she did really great she cried/whined a couple times but only briefly, she was able to calm down and get through.

Wednesday night Ben had a last minute invite to Jacob's brother's birthday party. Jacob is a neighbor and in Ben's class and Ben and him have become really good buddies. So much so that Ben gets pretty upset when he can't hang out with him at night. He's a little obsessive but I am glad he has a friend. Anyways he had a lot of fun at the party and he got a really awesome eye patch there.

Thursday we had made plans for someone to pick us up so Penny could have her precious story time BUT I forgot to take out her car seat and we weren't able to go after all. Penny literally cried for 10 minutes about it- she loves story time so much. Instead we had Corinne and little Lucie over for lunch. We made mac n cheese and cookies and socialized a lot and it was a really good time. I am grateful for her friendship.

Thursday afternoon, 10 minutes before school ended Steven threw up all over himself and his desk. He had complained about feeling sick that morning but I attributed it to the junk food he had at scouts.  I felt so bad that his teachers and the school and the office staff had to deal with that. Worse yet I didn't have a car (they didn't want to send him on the bus in barfed on clothes) so his dad had to rush out of work and go get him. Gosh, I miss having 2 cars.

Thursday night was book club for the book The Storied Life of AJ Fikry - I was hosting. Only 2 people ended up coming- 2 others who were going to come had things come up last minute. Honestly I didn't mind the small group. We had a really good discussion and with a smaller group I felt like I could actually contribute. The only con is that my hormones have been so out of control since getting my iud out that I kept blushing for no good reason. I wish I could say I was having hot flashes or something- I looked so ridiculous turning red talking about a book.

Friday was the day I was supposed to sub but I didn't want to send Steven back to school after he barfed everywhere so I had to cancel on it. I have said no so much lately and with this canceling I think I am pretty much losing this part of my life. I have such mixed feelings. It is a pain to find bus stop help and babysitters and sometimes so challenging in itself but I also like having a part of my life outside of the home. Something that I feel like I am good at. I guess it can be a self esteem boost and it helps me feel like I am contributing to the family funds. But I have had so much going on this year and so little sub offers and things are just not panning out with the new school so...I'm trying to accept the change. With Tyler's raise and a loan almost paid off the money is a little less needed anyways.

Anyways Friday Steven was recovered and it was a nice chill day overall. Minus me having some issues in the afternoon which I can't decide if they were my normal bowel issues or if he gave me his sickness. I am just hoping we all stay healthy for our trip to the Great Wolf Lodge this Monday! The kids are pretty excited ;)

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