Saturday, September 17, 2016

Speech Delays & Things

This week was busier than last week and that was good, especially for Miss Lucy who was struggling with boredom last week. It was also challenging since I had a pretty fun cough that I had to douse out with Dayquil in order to not miss out on all the fun things that we had to do.

One of the fun things that we had on our agenda was Penny's first Mom and Tot class. We had done a speech evaluation for Penny and the end result was that she was delayed but not delayed enough to qualify for speech services. I was frustrated but the Evaluator did offer to let Penny join a Mom and Tot class (and Lucy could tag along too). So this week we had her first one and I wasn't sure what I was expecting but it was essentially it was play date with a few other kids and 2 speech teachers where they  had a word of a day ("play"} that they said and signed a lot. The girls had a blast though and it will be good for them to have this once a week.

Also this week, Lucy took her turn and got her speech evaluated and she got exactly the same verdict as Penny. Delayed but not enough to qualify for services. They recommended I put her in preschool but that is just not financially in the cards right now so I started going through other options...

Option #1: A co-op with ladies in the ward- not enough interest, one of the ladies kind of scared everyone away with an intense approach to a co-op.
Option #2: I start my own preschool. Except I would have to do it under the table which would making getting students challenging and I don't want to risk getting myself sued or anything so no go.
Option #3: I find a cheap one day a week preschool or mom/tot thing that I can get Lucy in. The closest thing I found was for 2.5 year old's and thereby no good for her. 
Option #4: I get into subbing again so I can make some money to put away so that Lucy can go to preschool next year. 

In the end Option #4 seemed the most feasible so that's my current plan. I'm working one step at a time towards starting to sub again (because if I think about the big picture of how I am going to make it work logistically I start panicking). We'll see how it all pans out and though it scares me a bit, I also feel a bit excited at the idea of being in the classroom again. 

On another note, the weather has been fabulous this week and so we've been outside a lot which is apparently dangerous for Penny. She tripped and literally fell on her chin, causing herself to do a pretty serious bite down on her inner lip. There was lots of blood and it was super deep and a I panicked and called Tyler. He was so good to me and came home from work to check it out, and he was concerned too. So we sent pictures to a doctor friend who determined she would probably be fine without stitches. She was super fussy the rest of the day but it seems to be growing back together, poor girl.

And let's end on a more fun note...I went to Curriculum night at the boy's school this week and another mom informed me that her daughter calls Ben, "Benny Boo" and has told her that she is going to marry Ben. Oh my little charmer, getting the girls already, ha ha! 

So Penny discovered the shoes above in her closet and has been wearing them everyday since> They are church shoes with a small heel so it's been pretty funny having her wear them to super unfancy places like Walmart and the park. And Lucy discovered that bib in her closet (it was with the doll clothes) and thought she was soooo funny wearing it!

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