Saturday, September 3, 2016

End of Summer

Some moments I forgot to mention from last week...

As I was taking Steven and his friend to Scouts for some geocaching in Kensington I happened to not be paying attention to my speed and I got pulled over for some major speeding. I told the cop that I honestly was not paying attention to my speed and I apologized and somehow I got lucky and left with only a warning. My second warning here in Michigan and I have a feeling my last one. I'm sure next time it'll be a ticket! I must do better at watching my lead foot!

I also forgot to mention how easily sold Steven was on the Chevy Traverse we got. The moment he stepped foot into it, he said "Let's buy it" And for the rest of our time there he kept asking me if we could take it home. When the salesperson was showing us the price with the warranty and price without, he pointed to the lower price (the price without) and said, "Do that one." Smart kid.

And now for this week...

This week was our last week of summer vacation so we made sure to fill it out with fun times. Monday night we went geocaching for family home evening. I was terrible at it, I could never find the caches, but Tyler was great at spotting them. And Ben was very excited by the prizes inside. Lucy and Steven didn't always trade for something in the cache, but Ben ALWAYS did. He collected a prize out of each one. The kids are now addicted and want to do it constantly.

Tuesday we went to a swim birthday party and it was all going really well until Ben got his first ever bee sting (first one of my kids to get stung too). Poor kid was in some pretty good pain but after putting on some topical Benadryl he felt much better.

Wednesday we went to a splash pad in Indian Springs Metropark. We had such a good time and no major malfunctions, it was great! We splashed, attempted to find a geocache (and failed), climbed the "spider web" and rock wall and ended our fun at the playground. For lunch I forgot a spoon for Penny's favorite Spaghetti O's and so she problem solved and used her dirty, sandy shovel instead. So gross but genius right? 

On Thursday I arranged to meet some friends at Greenfield Village. They were having this awesome promotion, pay for one adult admission and all kids are free. We had such a good time hanging with friends there, the weather was perfect, and once again no major malfunctions from my kids. We spent over 4 hours there which was amazing, we have never lasted that long there. 

After 2 successful outings in a row, I pushed my luck and took my kids geocaching in Kensington. Steven knew where some caches were from Scouts and wanted to show us them. The weather was perfect and I thought it would be another great outing but it was less than fun. Penny was tired from all previous outings and did not want to walk. I ended up carrying her on the trails and it was exhausting. She also fell at one point and got super fussy. I was glad when we reached the end of the trail and were able to go home.

Saturday Tyler went out fishing, leaving me alone with the kids for the day.  So we decided to get out and go to a playground in Kensington. The kids made a friend there and had lots of fun. Unfortunately I had to run to Kroger's afterwards and Penny threw an epic high pitched screaming tantrum. So although Kensington was fun, the tantrum shortly afterwards left me cranky. Oh Penny, she is lucky she is so cute!

Monday is the kids official last day of summer and I think we'll end it with a little daycation to Tawas to see another lighthouse and enjoy another beach. Summer has been both fast and long and I am both excited and sad for my kids to start school again. We have had some really awesome moments and some really terrible moments but I know I am still going to end up missing those boys of mine and the sweet moments that they (sometimes) have with their sisters.

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