Saturday, June 21, 2014

Henry Ford Museum

Today we took a trip down to the Henry Ford Museum. The membership we got to Greenfield Village was good for the museum too so we thought we would check it out. Despite the fact that Ford Motors is Tyler's sworn enemy, I still think he had more fun than the kids. He loves machines of all kinds and I know he wishes the kids weren't so ADD so that he could actually stop and read more of the plaques.

First we saw some awesome trains. Check out this snow plow train:

Then we saw a huge model train set. I'm sure Poppy wishes he had a set like this:

 After that the kids got to "fix" a car. I learned that they would not make good mechanics:

Next we saw lots of old cars. This Chevy convertible was mixed in with all the Fords and Tyler informed me that this his dream car:

Ben insisted on getting a picture in front of this sweet car:

After this I slacked on pictures but we saw some planes and then some machines. Machines that just looked like lots of gears and boring things to me but totally got Tyler's nerd on. All in all a good morning out. I do love that we get to go on these little adventures more frequently as a family.

Our next adventure will be a huge one. I was going to try to fly with Lucy to AZ by myself over the 4th (Tyler has the whole week off and could have watched the boys) but it didn't work out because ticket prices decided to jump before I could be decisive. So instead, as a family, we are going to make 8.5 hour drive to Tennessee to visit our besties, Brian  & Pattie. Both Tyler & I are dreading the drive (him because he actually has to drive it and me because sitting with this big pregnant belly is awful) but I have a feeling after the drive, there will be some good times had SO for that, I am excited :)

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