Saturday, June 21, 2014

First Week of Summer

This week was the first week having all 3 kids home all day and it actually was kind of beautifully calm and perfect. Here are some things that happened....

Lucy developed a sense of style. After church on Sunday she insisted in changing out of her dress, into the one below. She also insisted on wearing Ben's Crocs with it:

Later on in the week she let me paint her toe nails. She even waited for them to dry:

She did not let me give her pigtails but I forced them upon her, hence the reason they looks so sloppy. She also would not let me get a good picture of them and then yanked them out minutes later. Epic fail:

I got to get another ultrasound of Penny and she even gave me a little smile. She is still right on target with growth and healthy as can be:

We took a spontaneous trip to the zoo! The weather was perfect, it was not super crowded, Steven got to see his beloved Sting Ray, we got to watch the seals swim in the water tunnel, Ben was amazed that the polar bear stood on 2 legs, we successfully avoided having our lunch eaten by seagulls and not a tantrum was thrown: 

The kids found a new hobby. Sitting on the coffee table, tuning into a favorite station on Pandora and clapping after each song. Every once in awhile they'll run around the table dancing but then they'll peacefully return as respectful coffee table spectators. Entertainment for hours: 

1 comment:

  1. Lucy is getting to be sassy! Oliver insists on wearing hat, shoes, etc, but he has yet to insist on a particular outfit. Cute Lucy. That's really funny that they do that with Pandora.
