We had snow Sunday morning so they decided to cancel church. I spent the morning working on my memory books for the kids (which I finished!), Lucy and Penny hid upstairs playing with their stuffies and the boys were up in their room being lazy. I think this made Ruby feel neglected because she started getting pretty fussy. Tyler decided to take her to Lowe's right before her nap time, just so she could get out of the house. Ruby enjoyed getting into things at Lowe's and apparently even set off an alarm a tool had. She is such a toddler. That afternoon the kids all got outside and played in the snow. I decided to send Ruby out with them but she only lasted 5 minutes before she wanted back in. She doesn't like to put on gloves so she ended up with just one on and her one mittenless hand got super cold.

This past week was mid winter break so no homeschool and the boys were home from high school- Steven still had his college classes though. I have been low energy these days and trying not to spend monies so we didn't do too much. It was a very low key week. Monday our only outing was to Five and Below so the kids could spend the Valentine's money that Grams had sent them. Steven didn't come because he just wanted the cash. He's so lame these days. Ben was very decisive- he knew he wanted candy. Ruby was less decisive. She picked a ball, then a horse, then a baby shark coloing book, then she was back to the ball and in the end she decided on a giant orange rubber duckie. I think that's the last time for a bit that I allow her to choose. Penny of course chose something Stitch themed and Lucy took almost as long as Ruby to choose but ended up getting candy.

Tuesday I ended up taking all the kids (except Steven) to Chuck-E-Cheese in the morning since we still have our passes until March. We had been away for long enough that it wasn't awful to be there. Ruby was less focused on the same 3 rides and actually wandered around quite a bit trying to "boop" the card on different things. She was actually really into skee ball for part of our visit- she liked to roll the ball and then I would get a turn and throw it for her. Near the end we realized we were close to 2000 tickets (which is what the better prizes cost) so Ben who is the best at earning tickets focused on getting us to our goal. The "Monster Smasher" game was his top ticket earner and we achieved our goal. They ended up getting a stuffie that looked like a bag of animal crackers. They got it for Ruby but also because the girls thought it would be fun for the "games" they play with their stuffies.
Tuesday evening I took the middle 3 to see "Dogman". I really did not want to see this movie and the kids fighting on the way there did not help my attitude. The kids ended up disappointed with the movie because it was different from the books and I was not super entertained by it so it was a bit of a bust for all of us.
Wednesday the girls still had their classes at Renaissance and after I dropped them off I picked up some stuff the girls were buying from Facebook Marketplace for their dolls. One of the things was a doll jeep and it did not dawn on me until I saw it in person how big it was. It takes up so much space but I was letting the girls lead the way on this. They shoveled snow to gather the money, searched the FB Marketplace listing for what they wanted, added up the costs and then I just made the contact and picked up. After we got back from picking up the stuff, Ben, Ruby and I ended up making another trip to Chuck-E-Cheese. Ruby got super excited when we pulled up and walked in- lots of squealing. Ben earned some more tickets for Ruby and got her a ball and he got lollipops for both of them. It was a really nice outing with just the 3 of us.
Wednesday night I went over to Grace's, just me, to hang out. She knows my favorite snacks and we had a good chat. She told me her 15 year old daughter wants a tattoo because her friends are all getting them. Of course Grace is not going to let her get one but what is wrong with all these parents? Letting your 15 year old make a permanent decision like that? Nope.
Thursday morning I took the girls to the library and struck up a conversation with this lady that had twins Ruby's age. I really wanted to be weird and ask her for her number because I could see us doing toddler playdates together- we just got along so well- but I chickened out and didn't. Ugh, making mom friends with kids Ruby's age is going to be so tricky. I don't know what is acceptable behavior when it comes to making new friends, lol.
Thursday afternoon Lucy's friend Jenna came over for a sleepover and her mom, Stacey, stayed and chatted with me for a couple hours before leaving. I enjoy our chats but think we have very different tastes in movies so I should probably never give her recommendations, ha. After she left, I took the girls to the Dollar Tree to get some crafts and treats and Ruby ended up getting a little chick toy, a Steve Minecraft figure (she has become obsessed with Minecraft Minifigures lately) and a Daniel Tiger book. She is spoiled. Then that night they watched "Stargirl" because the girls had listened to the book but, once again, the movie didn't really align with the book and the kids were disappointed. I also think Lucy found it cringey because the main character was awkward and didn't care about being herself BUT that was the point of the book as well so she should have known that theme would be in there.
Friday, Jenna was here until lunchtime and her and Lucy made cookies. Lucy is a little hopeless with cooking sometimes and I think added too much flour but they were alright. That evening the older 3 went and did baptisms at the temple.
Saturday I had a Ministering Interview around lunch time. We drove to the house of one of the ladies in the presidency and then they came out with a treat (cinnamon roll and hot chocolate) and chatted in the car with me- asking about the sisters I minister to and about me. It's always nice to chat with grown ups and get a treat. That evening we babysat for the Jones family. They mostly watched Ben and Andrea play Minecraft and watched a little bit of Octonauts. Ruby was a big bully and hit Maverick before I could stop her. I told her to be nice and had her hug him. While hugging him, she stole his toy. Ugh. She is such trouble but on the other hand, she was really cute with Wesley and belly laughing at things he did. The next day (Sunday) the Jones came over again and Ruby immediately "petted" Maverick and said "nice". Maybe she is learning?
One of Ruby's favorite activities this week was putting her barbies in the holes on her little xylophone toy. She is so weird
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