Saturday, January 25, 2025

Henry Ford Museum

Monday was MLK Day and the Henry Ford Museum was offering free admission for the holiday so we ended up meeting Mariah's family there. The museum was crowded since it was FREE and also it was one digit temps outside but I still think it was a good outing for the day. The kids had fun seeing all the things with their cousins and I only lost Ruby once for 30 seconds- we didn't bring a stroller and she can move very fast. Lucy said her favorite part was the 90's stuff and Penny enjoyed the 90's music in that section- so preppy ;)

Tuesday school ended up being cancelled for the boys because of negative temps. I gave the girls the day off from homeschool as well- they get to have the same schedule as the boys. It really was a cold day but we still got out. In the morning I took the girls to the library. Penny and I had fun making a zoo out of the Duplo's for Ruby to play with. The girls also insisted on doing a snowman scavenger hunt at the library because they really wanted prize. They had done it before so I am pretty sure them doing it again was frowned upon.

Later Tuesday, after Ruby's nap, I took the younger 4 to Chuck-E-Cheese. They may not be tired of it yet but boy am I tired of it. Ruby rides on like the same 3 rides over and over again. One of the rides plays this police song by pinkfong and I managed to find it on youtube and it makes Ruby so happy when I play it. One day she kept gesturing to Alexa when it ended so we ended up listening to it like 4 times in a row. 

Wednesday the second semester of classes at Renaissance finally started for the girls. It was a super cold day again and high school was cancelled for the boys but they did not cancel school for the girls since no one at Renaissance rides the bus and runs the risk of freezing to death at a bus stop. The girls had a good day back. Penny had lots of new drama to share with me and is very excited to have theater again. She is currently working hard on her audition part which is a sort of "vote for me as school president" part. Lucy insists on being anti social and refused an invite to sit with some people at lunch and instead sat by herself. She is excited by her script writing class and mock trials class though. I just wish she would make friends. While the girls were all at school I took Ben, and his friend AJ to Chuck-E, along with Ruby. I was going to get the boys a crappy pizza since it was lunchtime but AJ said pizza makes him sick so I ended up getting wings that turned out to be even more crappy than the pizza there. They cost me $12 ( with a $5 off coupon) and there were only like 8 little nuggets that were burnt. They also took forever to be done- just like the pizza. Sorry Chuck-E, not impressed. 

All activities were cancelled Wednesday night because of the weather so instead we stayed home and watched "American Tail". A super fun classic. Now the kids will know what I am singing when I sing "there are no cats in America and the streets are paved with cheese!!"

Thursday the boys were back in school, thank goodness, and it was back to homeschooling for the girls. Penny was feeling extra dramatic that day and got upset that Lucy started her school work before she did but she also did not want to start school when Lucy started. These girls are exhausting. Friday was more homeschooling and this time Lucy chose drama. Math can really infuriate her (and me). 

Friday, during Ruby's nap, I took the girls to the mall to see if we could find Lucy the jeans we loved for her (that she ripped) because they weren't selling them online. Unfortunately, they were not selling them in store either, so that was a bust. She did try some junior jeans on from a couple other stores but her waist is just like one size under their smallest size. 

Friday evening I went to Grace's. It was just me and her and we had a really nice chat about all the things in our lives. We were talking about books and then she got stuck on a word to describe the book I had read and it took her awhile until it finally came to her "wholesome"! lol. Anyways she also offered to cut me some bangs Saturday so I took her up on it. So Saturday I spent the morning at Grace's salon because I ended up coloring my hair too. I am adjusting to the new color and bangs! But I think I love them?

Saturday afternoon I took Lucy and her friend to Salvation Army and managed to find Lucy a cute hoodie and me a couple sweaters. Then we picked up Penny and Ruby and went to Chuck-E. Boo for me. Penny complained the whole time because Lucy and Claire weren't playing with her. I don't know why she expected them to. It was also WAY more busy than it ever is on weekday and I hated that. I really am grateful for the passes but it is just not a fun place for me. 

Also Saturday, Ben and Steven had an archery tournament in Okemos and it went well. Ben's score went up a smidge and he got a 224 and Steven stayed around his average 253.

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