Monday Tyler was off for Veterans Day. He had a lazy morning while I homeschooled and then that afternoon I left him with the kids so I could do a quick run to the Outlet Mall. I had a Christmas dress to pick up for Penny and then I wanted to grab some of those silly sodas they have at the sweet shop while I was kid free. The kids really liked trying to guess the soda flavors for New Years last year. I feel like in years past I was always the only one prepping for Christmas things this early but now it seems like everyone is being an early bird and I am not a wierdo anymore. I don't really like it though because having everyone else prepping somehow makes me feel like I am now behind. Anxiety can play some weird mind games with me.
Monday night Lucy had a volleyball game. Tyler stood in as coach since her coach was unable to be there (and I may have volunteered him to help). Mariah came to the game with all her kiddos so between her littles and Ruby it was a bit chaotic. Lucy's team creamed the other team for the first 2 games but the last game, the other team made a good comeback.
Tuesday after the girls finished their work, Penny, Ruby and me went for a walk at Proud Lake. Lucy said she wasn't that into walks and did not want to come. She is getting very teenagerish on me and reminding me a lot of Steven. The walk was really nice. It was cold but with the sun shining it didn't feel so bad. Ruby actually walked for a good chunk of it and she really seemed to enjoy being out and about. And Penny was a good big sister and had fun finding sticks.

Tuesday night while Ben and Tyler were off at Archery, I took the girls to the library. We lucked out and it was super empty. The girls got free reign of the new fort tiles that were there. They are really cool and I had been considering having the grandparents get them for us for Christmas but they aren't super stable, they hurt when they fall on you and Ruby was terrified to go in the forts the girls made. So I think it will suffice to just play with them when we go to the library.

Wednesday, after dropping the girls off at school, I went pant shopping for myself. Poor Ruby had to tag along with me. I went to three stores and found some good deals and that was a lot of shopping for Ruby. At Kohl's I had to go change her diaper (she seems to always poop when we go out)and I was letting her walk after we left the restroom. As we passed the bedding section she immediately went for the soft bedding and stuffies and grabbed as much as she could. When we went to Walmart, I took her to the toy aisle after looking at clothes. She did not care about the toys but once again, went for all the stuffies. She is obsessed with all things soft and would probably love just blankets and stuffies for Christmas but we do not need anymore of those things. After the shopping, we came home for a bit and then I went to go pick up some Water Wow books from someone and she decided to fall asleep in the car. She took a 20 minute car nap and that was it for naps for the day. I hate it when that happens.
That night Lucy had volleyball practice but there were no church activities that night so everyone else was home. I decided to be the mean mom and not let them watch TV. They had been watching "Teen Titans Go" non stop and it is funny but it was still driving me crazy. Penny was really upset with me not letting her watch it but Ben rolled with it and played a game of Scrabble with me. It was a tight game and he kept refusing to accept defeat, but I won in the end.
Thursday was a super rainy day. After the girls finished homeschool (and it was a dramatic day of it), I took them shopping for some clothes. Now that Lucy has her wide leg jeans, she was feeling like her shirts were too babyish. She told me she needed, and I quote,"my age" clothes. And Penny was having wide jean envy and wanted her own pair. Lucky for them, Kohl's was having a good sale so we went there and were able to get some good deals. Ruby was not happy about being dragged along for more shopping though. She was hard to keep happy but we survived.
Thursday night we had nothing going on so 4 out of the 5 kids went to the library with me. This time we were greeted with a very busy library full of little ones. Ben tried to build some things with the fort tiles but the little kids kept breaking what he built. So he gave up and worked on putting together train tracks instead. It wasn't quite as fun as when the library was empty but it was still nice to get out of the house and kill some time.
Early morning Friday Ruby woke up coughing and it was a rough next couple of hours. I hate this lingering cough. Friday I was trying to get some projects done after homeschool and was reminded how tricky that is with a toddler. Anytime she sees me doing something she wants my attention and she is not one who is easily distracted or who can focus on playing with something. That night I went over to Grace's house for a girls' night and we all had a good chat. I vented about the struggles of homeschooling my girls and Grace had some good suggestions for ways to handle their meltdowns. We shall see if they help.
Saturday we watched Mariah's kids so she could get some Christmas shopping done. Jeff is out of town for a couple weeks so I am sure it was a much needed break. That night Tyler, Ruby and I did a Walmart run and got Culver's on the way back. Then I watched the 1980's version of "Poltergeist" with Lucy, Ben and Andrea. It wasn't super scary, just kind of weird and a bit gory at times.
Some silly things this week... Ruby likes to abandon the spoon and eat yogurt from her finger. She also learned a new trick this week- throwing things away. She threw away half the contents of my bottom kitchen drawer before I realized what she was doing. Ben decided he had too much hair so Tyler cut it this week- the pic below is the before when it was driving him crazy.
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