Monday we did homeschool in the morning and then we went to the Great Lakes Crossing Mall to try and find Lucy a pair of jeans that fit. That was an ordeal that no one enjoyed. Ruby and Penny were bored to tears and Lucy was sick of trying things on by the end. It is just so hard to find something that fits her tall and thin body- I can totally empathize with that. At first she was all about the flare pants but then she tried on wide leg pants and realized how comfy they were and we ended up finding a pair of wide legs that fit her (it just requires using the adjustable waistband). So after an hour of trying on things, she ended up with one pair of new pants. We got pretzels to make up for the frustration of it all. Later that day we did one more shopping trip to Hobby Lobby so she could use the giftcard she got for her birthday. She ended up getting nothing crafty and instead bought a makeup bag, eyeshadow and lip gloss that were all candy themed. Not quite what I thought she would buy at Hobby Lobby but she was happy with her purchases.
Tuesday the kids all had off of school for election day. Tyler and I went voting after I got Ruby breakfast. The line wasn't bad at all so it was a quick outing. After voting I did a workout and then we all got ready to go on our annual outing to Bronner's to pick out new ornaments. Unfortunately, Steven did not want to go with us. He claimed he had too much homework but when we got back, he was long done with it and gaming. It makes me sad that he doesn't want to spend time with us anymore. Other than not having him there, it was a good outing.

Ben picked out his usual marshmallow snowman ornament. This year he was able to find one that was a soccer player which was perfect. Lucy took ages to decide what she wanted but she finally chose one that looked like fruity candy. Of course, Penny picked a Stitch ornament. Although there was a marshmallow snowman that placed a close second. Ruby actually had an opinion and turned down a few dog ornaments before choosing one that she did not want to give back. There was a baby shark one that she held for a bit but in the end, she ultimately put it down for the dog ornament. She is choosy. And the kids picked out a nerdy marshmallow snowman for our no show Steven.

After Bronner's Lucy still had a giftcard she wanted to spend so we went to Home Goods. She ended up finding a mushroom bedding set that she loved and bought. She was tired of her "little girl" bedding that she had. Then I made her go to Old Navy and try on another pair of pants. She was not happy about doing more pant shopping but we did find her one more pair of pants that she loves.
That night I stayed up too late watching the election results. When it seemed like it was pretty promising to Trump, I went to bed. When Ruby woke me up the next moring at 6:00 (thanks Daylight savings, for the earlier wake up calls) the results were in. Trump ended up winning. I honestly don't love him, but I am going to be hopeful that he does good things for our country. I trust him more than the other candidate.
Wednesday while the girls were at school, Ruby and I ran a couple of Christmas errands. When I got back home I was going to try and get outside with Ruby but I got distracted by the kids' rooms and did some cleaning. Both rooms needed more cleaning than I had time for but I did slightly improve them. The boys had a half day which was nice. It meant I did not have to wake up Ruby from her nap to pick up the girls. Wednesday night Lucy had volleyball practice while everyone else went to the church. I was feeling a little cranky so Tyler watched Ruby and I went and got a few things at Krogers after dropping Lucy off. It is amazing how just a short moment of kid free time can recharge me.
Wednesday night was rough for Ruby and me. She woke up at 5:00am coughing and would not go back to sleep. I ended up downstairs with her after an hour of trying to get her to sleep and eventually she climbed onto the couch and fell asleep on me. Tyler almost woke her up coming home from seminary and so I almost murdered him.
Thursday Ruby was super fussy because of the rough night and to make the day even more challenging, she had a dr's appointment. Ruby found the whole appointment traumatizing- she did not want to stand on the scale, be measured and most of all she did not like getting 3 shots. I was glad that Lucy had come with me. She was really helpful. Ruby was pretty cranky for the rest of the day and did not like her legs to be moved or bumped. That night,after dinner, I took the girls to the library. I am struggling with it getting dark at 5:30. That means no more going outside so I thought the library might be a nice alternate. It was alright but I miss the outside.
Friday was rough. Ruby woke up at 5:30am coughing and did not go back to sleep. Since this was day 2 of interrupted sleep, I was extra exhausted and on edge. Then to make matters worse both girls gave me grief during homeschooling. Lots of anger and frustration. I don't know why it has to be so difficult. Then it was Penny's turn for a doctor's appointment. She was really anxious but only had to get one shot so it wasn't too terrible. Later that afternoon I left the kids and went painting with Debbie. It was nice to get away and do something creative. I have missed our painting "dates". She was dog sitting for a dog that actually did not annoy me too much- although some of its hair got in the paint. I came home for a bit after that and then ditched my kids again to go on a last minute hang out with my friend. She is officially filing for divorce and it's such an emotional rollercoaster for her. We just picked up some Sonic's and talked in the car for a long while. My heart hurts for her.
Saturday we had no plans so I was able to be somewhat productive and then Tyler and I went out on a date that evening. We went to the Filling Station which is so pricey but their burgers are just so good that we have to go every now and then. It was a lot busier than it usually is which is good. I want them to stay in business. After dinner, we did a quick stop at Target. I am also looking for pants but I did not spend as long as Lucy did shopping.