Saturday, September 28, 2024

Farms, First Jobs, Dance

I was sort of hoping for a chill Monday after a busy weekend but the girls were invited to visit Three Cedars Farm with their friends, Gelie and Luna, and I just couldn't say no. The girls just love their friend time. With the promise of an outing the girls got their school work done quickly and thankfully Tyler was home so I could leave Ruby napping. It was nice to not have to worry about packing a diaper bag. It was a little chill outside but not too cold. We tried the dougnuts at this farm and determined that Longs' doughnuts are definitely better. The girls had fun playing in corn, feeding cows, climbing hay bales, riding a train and just being together. Me and Grams were a bit bored but at least we had each other to talk to. It was a long drive so I am not sure I would return, but I am glad the girls had a good time.

Tuesday the boys had a half day and were home early. Andrea came home with Ben on the bus so they could hang out. Grams and I decided we needed some Longs' doughnuts after the disappointing dougnuts from the day before so we took the girls to Longs' Farm. The boys were not interested in going so they missed out on our fun pics and the cream cider slushies but they did get doughnuts when we got home. While we were there I saw my friend Amy Day. It was fun to run into her, she is always so nice to me. I miss seeing her at Bunco. If only I could still see my Bunco friends without having to be in Bunco. Anyways, Amy was nice and took our picture on the giant chair so all us ladies could be in it.

Tuesday night was going to be a juggle with Steven having his night class and Penny and Ben having soccer but Penny's soccer got cancelled so that helped lighten some of the load. That was especially good since we are still operating on 2 cars. Getting the Suburban fixed is taking some time between having to wait on parts and new problems arising. 

Wednesday the girls had their classes at Renaissance so we did a little adventure just Ruby, Grams and me. We went to the farm at Kensington. It wasn't quite bustling with animals like it is in the spring but Ruby still had a good time. She was really fascinated by the goats, donkeys, hens and ducks and could have stared at each animals for ages. We had to force her to move on each time. We were also going to go to the nature center,  but they randomly closed the road to it, so we ended up just parking and walking down part of a nearby trail. Kensington really is beautiful.

Wednesday evening everyone was at their various activities except for Penny, Ruby, Grams and me, so we watched "Migration". It is a silly movie but was a nice way to spend the night.

Thursday was Grams last day with us. Penny had some particularly explosive drama with her homeschool work that morning which probably made Grams glad that she was getting out of here. We were sad to see her go. It was nice to have her company.

After I dropped Grams off at the airport, the girls had their dentist appointments. The boys originally had theirs too but I had rescheduled for them because they both were supposed to have stuff going on. They did not end up having things going on and so that meant I rescheduled unnecessarily. That was a bit frustrating. Anyways, the girls visit was kind of strange. Instead of the hygenist cleaning their teeth, the dentist did and did a very short cleaning. I am not sure why, it was weird. But I did have a nice chat with the dentist. We have been seeing her since my kiddos were little so it's easy to feel like we "know" each other, even though we really don't. I actually learned a bit more about her at this visit. 

Friday morning the boys had their dentist appointments. Steven was able to drive them both from school and I met them there. It is nice having Steven be more independent. What was not nice, was the Steven has 4 cavities. That is going to be expensive.

Also Friday, Steven had another evening of work. This time he actually got to do some work. He is not very communicative with me, lol, but I think he enjoyed it. He says he does the toppings or cleans up things in the back. He also worked Saturday from 9-2, this time with his friend Max. He is not complaining too much about it and I really like seeing him use his time productively. He wouldn't let me take a picture so I had to sneak one of him in his uniform.

Friday night Lucy had her first dance. She went to the Renaissance Fall Dance with her friends, Claire and Geli. Claire came over before the dance and tried to undo the damage Lucy felt I did to her hair when I attempted to make it wavy, lol. Lucy is not a fan of my "style" and definitely has a style all her own. I dropped Claire and Lucy off at the dance but Geli's mom was chaperoning and sent me some pics. Lucy seemed to have a good time just hanging with her friends. She did not dance with any boys, nor did she want to.

Penny had a soccer game Saturday morning and it left her feeling very upset. They lost 5 to 0 and she had all sorts of reasons for why it went so terrible and all sorts of things to say about how everyone on her team was mad at everyone. Their head coach was gone and I wonder if that was why it went so bad or if it was just an off day for everyone. 

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