Sundays I typically like to rock Ruby to sleep near the end of Sacrament and then stay in the mother's lounge with her until she wakes up. This is going to be tricky when I start playing the piano in Primary because I will actually need to get there on time and can't just hang with her in the mother's lounge. I am bummed about that because I am not sure that Tyler will be able to get her to sleep and he certainly doesn't have a place as quiet as the mother's lounge for her. Maybe church needs a father's lounge too ;) For Primary I had the lesson. We played a matching game and talked about the Anti Nephi Lehi's. It actually went well but it's always just a hit or a miss with that class. After church we didn't have anything going on so I enjoyed a nice nap. I love Sunday afternoon naps with Ruby.
This week Lucy and Penny went to Create and Care Camp. It was Mon-Fri morning for 3.5 hours and it was hosted at the church where their school is. Lucy says she loves the snacks at the camp. So she wasn't happy when there was one day where they had vegetables- but she especially loved the day where they served watermelon and popcorn. Penny loves the camp for the crafts but one of the crafts fell apart when she got home and left her spiraling when she couldn't put it back together again (it was a koala out of clay). Lately Penny has been really struggling with her emotions and anything hard or frustrating is the end of the world for her. We need to work on this. Other than that dramatic craft and bad snack, I think they both had a great time. They both have friends there that they met last year and were happy to hang out with again. Penny was excited to find out that her friend will also be at the school Wednesdays with her so they can have lunch together. I love that the camp gets them out of the house (and off screens) in the morning. It also meant that I didn't feel like I needed to entertain them this week so we didn't do too much for most of the week.
Monday Steven and I had eye appointments. I didn't want to get my eyes dilated because I had to be somewhere and they seem to stay dilated FOREVER. The doctor reprimanded me and told me I need to do it because of my bad eyesight. Maybe next time I will comply. Steven has always gotten the same frames but he finally outgrew them (they are kids sized) and had to get adult frames. He got some basically the same style but they look much nicer because they fit his face. Can't wait until they get in!. After the eye appt I got my hair cut and colored at Grace's salon. I was in desperate need of a refresh and it does feel better. She did my hair all cute before I left but I can never recreate the cute waves. I am just not hair talented. Here is me trying to document the new hair. I also used a filter to smooth away all my wrinkles ;)

Tuesday Steven had lost computer privileges so he actually made plans with friends (David, Renee, Mia). They all went to our beach and decided they were bored and went to another one. Then they came to our house and played on the switch. And they walked to seven eleven which is funny because all of them can drive. I appreciate that they still want to walk as something to do. Ben had a couple friends over too. His bestie couldn't hang out and he was being very mopey so I suggested a couple boys from the ward instead. I am glad the last minute hang out worked for him. It did mean for a lot of teens at my house though. I tried to hide from everyone upstairs in the girl's when Ruby was napping in mine and then Steven brought them all upstairs to see his guinea pig. There really is nowhere for me in this house. Ruby needs to move into the girl's room but she still isn't sleeping through the night. Boo.Wednesday Lucy had yet another activity at a leader's beach. I made sure we got her some wax ear plugs because I did not want her ears to get infected again. The yw are really loving the beach apparently because they have another beach activity in August and they have already been 3 times. This leaders beach is fun because it is deeper than ours and has an awesome slide. Meanwhile the boys had an activity at the church with Tyler in charge, teaching about HAM radio.
Friday after Create and Care Camp we decided to stop by the Farmington Founder's Festival since it was right by their camp. I think it was good choice. My favorite pretzel truck was there so we had to get a couple pretzels to share. Ruby was a little weary to try it but ended up liking it. I mean of course she did, salty pretzels are amazing. While we were sitting and eating our pretzels an older lady came up to us and admired the girls big eyes and asked where they got them from- obviously their dad, lol. She also asked if the girls were twins. After that we went to a part where they had different vehicles you could sit in. Ruby was funny and really seemed to enoy sitting in the back of the cop car. I hope this doesn't foretell her future. We also looked all the cute art vendors and decided we need to come up with a craft we can sell. They had some really fun stuff but it's all so expensive.Saturday the girls and I hit up the Sheriff's Open House. We got free shaved ice which was awesome but then we stood in line for ages so the girls could their faces painted and that standing made them grumpy. Ironically Ruby didn't seem to mind. She can be a really good baby sometimes. I did get to chat with our neighbor Christy for a bit while we were in line. Her brother is a police officer and was behind the planning of this event. I sometimes wish our boys were still friends because she really is such a nice person and I don't get to talk to her much anymore. After the face painting Lucy threw some balls to dunk a Sheriff. Her last ball hit it dead on and dunked him. They were all impressed. Especially because the person who had just gone before her was a police officer and had been unsuccessful at dunking the Sheriff. Next Lucy sat in the seatbelt convincer which stopped her at 5 miles per hour. She decided seat belts were important. By that time they were both being very grumpy and mean to each other so it was definitely time to go. Although we did stop by a really cool swat vehicle. I have to wonder how often they actually need those in our county.

This week Ruby really started walking. She took a few steps last week but this week we watched her walk from one side of the room to the other. She doesn't always choose to walk but she is getting quite good at it. She can pivot, pick things up, all sorts of talent. She also started waking up really upset during the night this week. She usually always wakes up but not crying. I had stopped using the humidifier which has a soft glow to it and I am wondering if she is not a fan of the dark and is just scared. Saturday we gave her her birthday gift because it came early and it's not like she knows what a birthday is. Plus it's not something we could really wrap. It's called a pikler triangle and is meant to be climbed on. She was a little weary of it at first but I hope she will get more comfortable with it and start having more fun with it. I am hoping it will be entertaining on long winter days!
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