Monday, August 28, 2023

Birthday, Renaissance Festival

Sunday was Penny's official birthday. When she woke up she got to open all her presents- she was spoiled as per usual. We got her a mermaid barbie, a mermaid meemeow, a cat squishmallow, a wallet, a hoodie for her beanie boo and school supplies for her dolls. Hatch grandparents got her a squishmallow drawing kit. And Brady grandparents got her Build-a-Bear clothes and a stuffie she could color. The rest of Sunday was business as usual. And then that evening Mariah's family came over and we celebrated with cupcakes and ice cream.

Monday night I was eating a carmel and almost bit down on my crown which apparently the carmel had pulled out. Blech. I was able to pop the crown back in but knew I better get it checked out. Thankfully they were able to see me Tuesday afternoon. I hated calling the office because this isn't my first time losing a crown to candy but the dentist never seems to remember me. Every time he asks me how many kids I have and is shocked by the number. I guess I am not that memorable. Anyways, he fixed my tooth and all was well.

Tuesday evening Tyler took the boys to do baptisms for the dead at the temple. It has been ages since I have been to the temple and I wish I had been able to go with them but having a nursing baby complicates things.

Wednesday Steven had his first tennis match early in the morning. Tyler dropped him off at the high school and then Steven carpooled over to the match with a teammate who he later told me drove like a maniac. The match was due to end at 3pm but when the second team didn't show up they were going to end it around noon. Tyler quickly drove out there to pick him up and right as they were going to leave, the second team showed up. Tyler ended up having to work from the tennis courts while they played for several more hours. I'm so glad he was able to do that though, that would have been a super difficult wait with Ruby. 

That evening the girls got to go kayaking for a church activity.  Penny attempted to paddle her own kayak but apparently was so slow they ended up putting her in a canoe with some other people. Penny is hopeful to try going on her own again sometime soon.

After the activity, Tyler's parents arrived. They came bearing gifts for the kids. The girls got fun bracelet making kits and the boys got these remote controlled bug looking things. Ben said his had "joy con drift". That night there was a massive lightening and thunder storm- perfect timing for Poppy Hatch because he loves them but not great for Lucy. She ended up in our room for most of the night. The storm left the otherside of our street without power but somehow we got lucky and didn't lose ours.

Thursday morning the younger 3 had orientation at Renassiance. Parents needed to be there so I took them. I was proud for getting us all out the door and there on time. Caroline sat in the back with me and held Ruby while the kids sat with their classes. When they dismissed the kids to go walk their schedules, Caroline and I left too. Caroline claimed they dismissed us too (parents returning to the school) and even though I was pretty sure they hadn't, I was not in the mood for a boring meeting so I left with her. We went and got our materials, signed them off and then gathered our children and got out of there. It was nice to not have to sit through a meeting on all the things I already know. 

When we got back from the meeting we found out Tyler's parents had met Mariah at the nearby park so we went to meet them there. We didn't stay too long, the weather was iffy and kids were hungry. From there they all went to Costco (including my 4) but Ruby and I went home. After Costco my in laws went to Steven's tennis match- Mariah and her kids went too. This made me feel some massive mom guilt for not going but also, not enough guilt to go. As much as I like to watch Steven play, I hate the lengthy matches. It is so hard to be there for hours when I only want to watch the match my kid is in. I am still burnt out from last year. After the match Tyler's parents made dinner and it was very yummy and very nice to not have to worry about cooking. That night my parents were supposed to arrive but their flight got cancelled due to crazy weather. The storm from the night before had left roads to the terminal flooded and then there was lightening and thunder for hours again. Poor Lucy had another bad night. 

Friday morning Steven had tennis pictures and then a match. Tyler's parents took him to both so it was nice to be able to take the morning slow and not worry about getting him somewhere. The match didn't end until early afternoon and then they went out to lunch. When they finally got home they rested for a little bit and then we met up with Mariah's family at Innovation Hills in Rochester Hills. My kids were good at helping watch Mariah's kids but near the end they started to get worn out- taking care of kids is hard ;). The drive home was long but thankfully Tyler picked up pizza for us all.


On Saturday- once I managed to get out of bed, get ready and get Ruby fed- we met up with Mariah's family at the Renaissance Festival. We were there a bit before Mariah's family so I went ahead of everyone, with Steven, so I could find a spot to feed Ruby. She eats every 2 hours so I have very little time in between feedings. By the time I finished, everyone had arrived at the festival and we started to walk around. Tyler's dad was nice and paid for face painting for all the grandkids- except Steven who was not intrested.

After their faces were painted, I parted ways and sat with Ruby to watch a tight rope walker. He was the exact same one as last year and he did the same routine so I was less than impressed. After he was done it was time for the joust so everyone joined up with me and Ruby. The speakers were not working well so we couldn't her the announcer but it was still fun to watch them run at each other with sticks- although the sun wanted to come out so it was a bit warmer than I would've liked. When the joust was done, Mariah and I took the kids to meet the mermaid.

By the time we were done meeting the mermaids the kids were starving so we stood in line forever to get food. I thought I was in the corndog line but ended up in the chicken strip line- that was ok, the kids were happy with chicken. Besides Mariah's family got in the correct line and they got the last corndogs ;). We did some more strolling after eating, Tyler ran into someone who he had volunteered with at Robotic's Club (this adult was all dressed up for the festival) and then it was time to head home. The kids had wanted to buy a sword but decided they were too expensive there and that their dad could help them make one that would not only be cheaper but would also be better.

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