Monday, August 28, 2023

Birthday, Renaissance Festival

Sunday was Penny's official birthday. When she woke up she got to open all her presents- she was spoiled as per usual. We got her a mermaid barbie, a mermaid meemeow, a cat squishmallow, a wallet, a hoodie for her beanie boo and school supplies for her dolls. Hatch grandparents got her a squishmallow drawing kit. And Brady grandparents got her Build-a-Bear clothes and a stuffie she could color. The rest of Sunday was business as usual. And then that evening Mariah's family came over and we celebrated with cupcakes and ice cream.

Monday night I was eating a carmel and almost bit down on my crown which apparently the carmel had pulled out. Blech. I was able to pop the crown back in but knew I better get it checked out. Thankfully they were able to see me Tuesday afternoon. I hated calling the office because this isn't my first time losing a crown to candy but the dentist never seems to remember me. Every time he asks me how many kids I have and is shocked by the number. I guess I am not that memorable. Anyways, he fixed my tooth and all was well.

Tuesday evening Tyler took the boys to do baptisms for the dead at the temple. It has been ages since I have been to the temple and I wish I had been able to go with them but having a nursing baby complicates things.

Wednesday Steven had his first tennis match early in the morning. Tyler dropped him off at the high school and then Steven carpooled over to the match with a teammate who he later told me drove like a maniac. The match was due to end at 3pm but when the second team didn't show up they were going to end it around noon. Tyler quickly drove out there to pick him up and right as they were going to leave, the second team showed up. Tyler ended up having to work from the tennis courts while they played for several more hours. I'm so glad he was able to do that though, that would have been a super difficult wait with Ruby. 

That evening the girls got to go kayaking for a church activity.  Penny attempted to paddle her own kayak but apparently was so slow they ended up putting her in a canoe with some other people. Penny is hopeful to try going on her own again sometime soon.

After the activity, Tyler's parents arrived. They came bearing gifts for the kids. The girls got fun bracelet making kits and the boys got these remote controlled bug looking things. Ben said his had "joy con drift". That night there was a massive lightening and thunder storm- perfect timing for Poppy Hatch because he loves them but not great for Lucy. She ended up in our room for most of the night. The storm left the otherside of our street without power but somehow we got lucky and didn't lose ours.

Thursday morning the younger 3 had orientation at Renassiance. Parents needed to be there so I took them. I was proud for getting us all out the door and there on time. Caroline sat in the back with me and held Ruby while the kids sat with their classes. When they dismissed the kids to go walk their schedules, Caroline and I left too. Caroline claimed they dismissed us too (parents returning to the school) and even though I was pretty sure they hadn't, I was not in the mood for a boring meeting so I left with her. We went and got our materials, signed them off and then gathered our children and got out of there. It was nice to not have to sit through a meeting on all the things I already know. 

When we got back from the meeting we found out Tyler's parents had met Mariah at the nearby park so we went to meet them there. We didn't stay too long, the weather was iffy and kids were hungry. From there they all went to Costco (including my 4) but Ruby and I went home. After Costco my in laws went to Steven's tennis match- Mariah and her kids went too. This made me feel some massive mom guilt for not going but also, not enough guilt to go. As much as I like to watch Steven play, I hate the lengthy matches. It is so hard to be there for hours when I only want to watch the match my kid is in. I am still burnt out from last year. After the match Tyler's parents made dinner and it was very yummy and very nice to not have to worry about cooking. That night my parents were supposed to arrive but their flight got cancelled due to crazy weather. The storm from the night before had left roads to the terminal flooded and then there was lightening and thunder for hours again. Poor Lucy had another bad night. 

Friday morning Steven had tennis pictures and then a match. Tyler's parents took him to both so it was nice to be able to take the morning slow and not worry about getting him somewhere. The match didn't end until early afternoon and then they went out to lunch. When they finally got home they rested for a little bit and then we met up with Mariah's family at Innovation Hills in Rochester Hills. My kids were good at helping watch Mariah's kids but near the end they started to get worn out- taking care of kids is hard ;). The drive home was long but thankfully Tyler picked up pizza for us all.


On Saturday- once I managed to get out of bed, get ready and get Ruby fed- we met up with Mariah's family at the Renaissance Festival. We were there a bit before Mariah's family so I went ahead of everyone, with Steven, so I could find a spot to feed Ruby. She eats every 2 hours so I have very little time in between feedings. By the time I finished, everyone had arrived at the festival and we started to walk around. Tyler's dad was nice and paid for face painting for all the grandkids- except Steven who was not intrested.

After their faces were painted, I parted ways and sat with Ruby to watch a tight rope walker. He was the exact same one as last year and he did the same routine so I was less than impressed. After he was done it was time for the joust so everyone joined up with me and Ruby. The speakers were not working well so we couldn't her the announcer but it was still fun to watch them run at each other with sticks- although the sun wanted to come out so it was a bit warmer than I would've liked. When the joust was done, Mariah and I took the kids to meet the mermaid.

By the time we were done meeting the mermaids the kids were starving so we stood in line forever to get food. I thought I was in the corndog line but ended up in the chicken strip line- that was ok, the kids were happy with chicken. Besides Mariah's family got in the correct line and they got the last corndogs ;). We did some more strolling after eating, Tyler ran into someone who he had volunteered with at Robotic's Club (this adult was all dressed up for the festival) and then it was time to head home. The kids had wanted to buy a sword but decided they were too expensive there and that their dad could help them make one that would not only be cheaper but would also be better.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Penny's 9th Birthday

Monday and Tuesday weren't too eventful. Wednesday Penny had to go get another filling at the dentist. She really wanted me there and since Ruby was going to need to eat during the appointment time, Ruby came along too. Ruby was a bit fussy at first but settled down once I started feeding her. It was slightly awkward nursing Ruby in the corner of the room, especially since Penny had a boy dentist working on her tooth. Penny did really well with getting this cavity filled though so that was nice. Glad we are done with fillings for now.

Wednesday night we went to get pictures with our local photographer that I love. We started at 6pm and did not finish until almost 9pm. The older kids did great and I think we got a good family picture with all of us but it was hard getting Ruby to cooperate. The photographer wanted  Ruby sleeping for a lot of the shots but of course, Ruby decided she wanted to be super awake for once. I ended up nursing Ruby a lot in attempts to get her to relax and sleep. It was a long ordeal and Tyler ended up taking the older kids to the gas station to get treats- I think mostly because Tyler was feeling antsy about sitting around. 

Thursday I had to take Grams and Poppy to the airport so they could get back home for Lillian's baptism. This goodbye wasn't quite as hard as normal because they will be back next week for Ruby's baby blessing so I will see them again soon. After they left I was going to have a busy day- I had a dr's appt for Ruby and Steven had a tennis match- but both things ended up not happening. Well, actually, I missed Ruby's dr's appt. I had put it in my phone for 1:40 but turns out it was at 11:40. I didn't even find out I missed until 1pm when I was double checking the time on a reminder email. I am annoyed that they didn't even call me to ask if I was coming. I totally could've made it. Then there was a big rain storm so Steven's match got cancelled. It was kind of nice to have the day empty out. I ended up leaving Ruby with Tyler for a bit and going to Kohl's where I got a couple things for a super good deal- gotta love Kohl's cash and coupons from Amazon returns at Kohl's. It was also nice to just have a quiet moment to myself.

Friday was spent making Penny's birthday cake, cleaning the house and prepping for her party. It's amazing how long it takes me to get things done when I have a nursing baby. That evening Tyler took the kids to a picnic with some people in the ward and while they were out, my friend Debbie came over to meet Ruby. I love Debbie. She is easy to talk to and just so kind. 

 On Saturday we had Penny's 9th Birthday Party. She invited friends from school and church- 6 came all together- for a strawberry themed party. Cherish was nice and offered to stay and help with the party. I accepted her help since I knew Tyler would have to step away to get the pizza and I was worried about hosting on my own with Miss Ruby. I am so grateful she stayed. She was really good at just jumping in and helping with the various activities. However, she was not the only parent to stay. Both of Mimi's parents and Olivia's mom stayed. Anna and Lara's mom stayed for a bit to meet Ruby and then left. I really wish they had all just dropped off. My tired brain has not been much for socializing with those I don't already have a friendship with- small talk is hard. Olivia's mom did hold Ruby for awhile so that was helpful but she also talked a lot about things she isn't a fan of- like Renaissance (where my kids are still going to school) and public school kids (like Steven). I felt very judged. Mimi's parents were nice but like I said, I have mush for brains. Thankfully when Tyler got back he took over talking with them.

Anyways, for the party the girls: played with red balloons, took turns hiding and finding a stress ball strawberry, painted rocks to look like fruit, ate pizza, played pin the stem on the strawberry (they all cheated and felt where to put the stems, lol), hit a strawberry pinata (some of those girls had some pretty strong hits, and Lucy went crazy on it after it had already fallen), ate cake and ice cream and then they had some water balloon fun (although Penny had some dramatic moments of not appreciating getting wet).

For dinner that night Penny requested Culver's because of the "free" ice cream. Honestly she really wanted Olive Garden but I told her that would be too busy on a Saturday night so she settled. Ruby and I even came with. She was fussy for me but happy to sit with her daddy. 

After dinner I took Ruby to Grace's house for a little get together with my friends. I guess Alissa (Melissa's oldest) really wanted to hang out with all us old ladies (me, Caroline, and Grace) before getting her back surgery. Ruby did not do well on this outing. She pretty much cried the entire time. All my friends made a valiant effort to try to soothe her but she was not having it. Ruby ended up getting super worked up so I just left after an hour. I hated that my first time trying to bring her out with friends was such a disaster, left me feeling pretty bummed.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Turning 38, Milford Memories

On Sunday, Ruby and I enjoyed some alone time while everyone else was at church. Apparently it was quite the testimony meeting I missed- Tyler even bore his testimony. Grace's family came over that afternoon to meet Ruby- sans Etta, apparently she was sleeping. Grace brought some apples with caramel- perfect snack! They all took turns holding Ruby and seemed properly smitten by her ;) She did have on a super cute outift.

On Monday my friends- Caroline, Melissa and Grace- came over to do an early celebration of my birthday. It was a nice gesture but my ability to socialize these days is a bit impaired due to lack of sleep. They did most of the talking though so I suppose that was good. They brought gifts- a succulent candle holder from Caroline, a blanket and candy from Melissa (she is always giving blankets, maybe I should give her a blanket?) and Grace gave me a month of Audible (I think maybe she knows me best). They also brought mini bundt cakes and chips and salsa. It was nice to be thought of.

Tuesday was my official birthday but with a brand new baby, I couldn't exactly do much to celebrate. My favorite thing to do on my birthday is day trips but I definitely was unable to do that. Instead I had to settle with good food. Tyler made me crepes for breakfast. And since a sit down place wasn't really an option I got Jimmy John's for lunch and Arby's for dinner. Tyler also bought me a bundt cake and mini bundlets from Nothing Bundt Cake so along with what I got the day before-- we have a lot of cake! However, Tyler wins the prize for cutest because his had llamas on them. And my big gift from him was a new car radio which is quite amazing. It has bluetooth so it can connect to my phone and get Amazon music, google maps, audible, etc. So we will finally be able to listen to stuff again since my old radio had lost it's ability to connect to my phone.

Ruby also turned 1 week old on my birthday so we had to utilize her blanket where we can mark her age. The kids got in on the action too ;)

On Wednesday Julie came over in the morning with her 4 boys to meet Ruby. Her baby was a bit fussy and her triplets were a bit of trouble but I am glad she came over. I still feel like she is the one person I can best relate to these days- with her also being an older mom with a huge age gap between her other kids. I enjoyed her visit but ooof- I cannot imagine having 4 boys. Afterwards, Caroline came over so her kids could meet Ruby. David held her for a second, Andrea was not interested in holding her at all (what's with these teenage girls?), but Peter and Lizzie were very excited to hold her. It was sweet. Later that day we did an outing to Target so I get another nursing cami- they are great for night time- and my mom got me a game for a belated birthday gift, The game is called Ransom and I had fun playing it with the kids after we got home. You have a bunch of random magnetic words and you have to use them to make sentences based on what a card is asking- for example "write a diary entry for Batman". It wasn't perfectly family friendly- I had to take out some inappropriate words and cards- but the kids and I had a lot of fun. That evening Ashlee brought us dinner. It has been so nice to not have to cook and I am grateful for all my helpful friends. With the freezer meals, Ashlee's meal and my mom- I have not had to cook since having the baby.

On Thursday Grams took me shopping at Kohl's so I could try to find some things to fit my postpartum body. I am having a hard time with this postpartum belly- I'm not sure I have ever retained quite this much weight (about 20 pounds). I still look very pregnant. I managed to find a couple shirts that hide my belly and some nice stretchy, wide leg pants. That was pretty much it for my day. Mariah's family was going to come over to meet Ruby but apparently they are all passing around a cold. Instead we gave Ruby her first bath. She rather seemed to enjoy it...until I took her out of the tub. Pretty sure the other kids were the exact same way.

On Friday we decided to venture out to Milford Memories. I was still not quite 100% healing wise but Milford Memories is a tradition I just can't miss. Gratefully, Max's parents let us park in their driveway so I was nice and close to the event. Once there we headed right for the park so I could find a shady place to nurse Ruby and the kids could go do the crafts and games at the kid's tent. They came back around the time I finished nursing and then we got some of our favorite treats-pretzels and snowcones. Lucy went strange and licked all the salt off her pretzel and then didn't want the bread. Then she seemed irritated by my irritation- she is pretty teenagerish these days. The snow cone turned Ben's lips and mouth bright red- that was a creepy look for him.

After that we strolled the booths and Ruby slept the rest of the outing. I found it interesting that no one was really interested in my baby (which was good, no germs being shared) but their were a lot of people with dogs in strollers and boy did all those dogs get lots of attention. Does that tell you something about the world today? I didn't end up buying anything besides more food- cotton candy and roasted almonds for Tyler- but it was a good stroll. The kids all got a free balloon- which Penny was insistent that she had to get her traditional free balloon before we could leave. Unfortunately she lost it the sky shortly after getting home...And the kids did one more craft and got kazoos to annoy us with all the way home.

Friday night there was a big storm and we had some thunder that shook our house. Lucy, of course, did not handle it well. She does ok when she can listen to the weather reports on Tyler's HAM radio but when he went to bed and put away, apparently she ended up in our room- must have been during one of Ruby's sleeping stretches because I had no idea she was there.

Saturday my mom drove us girls to Dick's so Lucy and Penny could get new soccer cleats. It was a pretty painless process. They have a kiosk where you scan in the shoes you want to try on and then someone comes out with them. The line was long leaving but Ruby behaved herself. In fact she did so good that we ran a couple more errands. I had to make an Amazon return at Kohl's. I got a shirt that did not hide my postpartum belly but rather accentuated it. After Kohl's we went to Joann's so grams could get some yarn. They already have their Halloween decorations out and I was real tempted by the giant skeletons. Is it weird that I have always wanted one so I can dress it for every holiday?

Saturday afternoon Lucy had her friend Claire over so Claire could meet Ruby. She stayed for a bit and we played Ransom again. Then the girls drew some pictures using Youtube tutorials. Then Claire's mom picked them up and took them to the park and beach. Claire's mom has been so good to Lucy. Honestly, she has been a lot more fun and I think Lucy is beginning to wish they would adopt her *sigh*

Anyways, it's been a fairly low key week with Miss Ruby and she is still fairly unpredictable. Sometimes she is a super happy, chill baby and other times she is pretty fussy. We have had a few rough nights but the last few have been fairly good with some longer stretches between feedings.  She takes a bit to get back to sleep- she needs a swaddle, some music and lights from her teddy bear and a pacifier but after about 30 mins she is usually out and stays out for 2-4 hours. I just keep reminding myself when things are hard that this is my last baby and I will never have this struggle again so I might as well just have a good attitude about it, right?

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Ruby Ray Hatch, Day 2 & beyond

Wednesday morning Caroline brought my kids and my parents to the hospital to meet Ruby. She also brought her camera so she could take some pictures. It was a bit cramped and chaotic in my room but they were all focused on Ruby so mostly I just watched the chaos  unfold. The kids were in heaven and all desperate for their turn to hold her. That has pretty much defined our life now- all the kids clamoring for their chance to hold her and arguing over who had her last. I am glad they love her so. 

After they left it was back to hospital life. Ruby kept having to get her heel pricked to check blood sugar levels. I guess my anxiety meds can give the side effect of low blood sugar. Poor thing had to have 3 good tests in a row but kept failing that third test so ended up with like 8 tests. It basically took all day before they deemed her blood sugar ok. There was one point I genuinely thought she might end up in the nursery because of it but thankfully everything worked out. 

Also that day was spent figuring out nursing- it's been awhile. Ruby tends to just want to nurse one side and then she's done and in those first couple days she did a couple stretches of 4 hours in between which I think was part of the problem with her blood sugar. She also doesn't nurse super long. When I got home I pumped to get a better idea of what she was getting and it seems she can just nurse one side because in just 5 mins I got 2 oz per side (total of 4oz) and apparently they only need 2 oz per nursing session. It is a relief to be making more than enough colostrum/milk this time around. Steven was really the last kid that I had a good milk supply with.

Wednesday night Mariah came for a visit and brought her camera as well (and dinner for Tyler). She was so excited to meet Ruby and just gushed about her cuteness. Mariah is much more full of emotions than me. I hope she is not offended by my lack of them- especially when she has her baby. Her kiddos totally let the cat out of the bag and told us that Mariah is pregnant last week. She is 3 months along so Ruby will have a friend soon. I'm really hoping it is a girl. Mariah has been so helpful despite her own pregnancy. She made freezer meals which have really helped my mom out for dinner this past week.

The rest of our hospital visit was full of discomfort (my back has just been so achy no matter how or where I sit) and a longing for my own (non-noisy) bed. Thursday morning I finally took a shower and that was so rejuvenating. I changed out of the hospital gown and into a  dress meant for nursing and I felt like a real person and so much more comfortable. All the stupid snaps on the hospital gown were getting annoying. The gown was really not that conducive to nursing. 

We really wanted to leave Thursday morning but no joy. We had to get the ok from my dr and Ruby's dr and Ruby's dr did not come until after lunch. Then our nurse was a bit neglectful and did not come in with the discharge papers for a couple hours after that. I had to call down and ask when we might be able to leave for her to finally come in with them. I think I will remember that hospital as a place of endless waiting.

I was ecstatic when we finally got to leave around 4pm and I even walked from the entrance to the car instead of waiting for Tyler to come get me- I just wanted to go home! Ruby was not a fan of the car seat at first but she settled down fairly quickly. She has been pretty good as far as babies go. 

Some things about being home and some TMI things... The kids love to hover around me when I have Ruby and honestly I just want space. I don't know if it is my worries about them bumping my incision or if it is the hormones or maybe both but I just want to be left alone. Often I find myself just giving one of them the baby so they will just go away. My back still aches so much and there just seems to be no relief, our slouchy couches are defintely not much help. I really wanted to see a chiropractor but according to Google they won't see me for a month after the c-section. My bowels are slowly returning to normal. I had some massive diarhea in the hospital and then nothing for almost 3 days. But at long last I had a bowel movement today (Sunday). Bleeding has been strange. I bled on and off in the hospital but have had no bleeding since Thursday. Usually I bleed for weeks so I don't know if I should be relieved or concerned. And my milk came in Friday night, swollen and uncomfortable but seems to be regulating now. My feet were super swollen but those are looking better as well. My belly still looks pregnant which my girls love to point out ("it's weird that you still look pregnant" "it looks like you're going to have another baby" "I wish you at least had someone moving in your belly still").

Since we have been home we had a doctor's visit where the whole office staff just seemed to love Miss Ruby. So far I am happy with my choice to have a family dr instead a of a pediatric dr. The office is so close and they genuinely are excited by babies. The dr was impressed with Ruby's weight. She only went down to 7lb 12oz which isn't bad at all. The only "issues" Ruby has are normal baby issues- mostly just red and white bumps on her skin as it adjusts to the real world. She also broke some blood vessels in both eyes so she has had "devil" eyes as my kids call them- poor thing.

On Friday Melissa's family came to meet Ruby and they brought pizza for lunch. Melissa just gushed over Ruby and so did her boys but Alissa wanted nothing to do with her- she is a little weary of babies apparently. I feel a bit exhausted and hormonal to properly socialize with people but I am happy to let them adore my baby. Melissa has been such a good help between cleaning my home and giving my kids rides to places, and bringing the pizza. 

Saturday we were blessed to have all our kids out for most of the day.I am grateful for friends who had them over because it was a nice and relaxing day. This really has been my easiest adjustment to having a baby. I have truly had the time to recover and just enjoy her. She's up quite a bit at night but I have been able to stay in bed late in the mornings and take a nap in the afternoons so that I don't feel unbearably sleep deprived. 

Saturday evening Ashlee brought over flowers which was so nice of her. I now have 2 beautiful bouquets since my parents gave me one as well.

Ruby Ray Hatch, Day 1

 Monday was spent getting things ready for Ruby. I had the kids clean the house in the morning. They did alright but it still was a bit messy. I definitely did not have the energy to clean up after them so I asked my friend Melissa if she would do a deeper clean while we were in the hospital. She is awesome and agreed to help out. It still looked good when we came back from the hospital so I know she did an amazing job. Also Monday I ran a couple errands with my mom. Lucy needed some more jean shorts so we went to Salvation Army. We had a cashier who made sure to let us know that she never wanted to have a baby. Then we went to Kroger's to get some trial size things for the hospital. And that was essentially it for the day. Just taking it easy before the big day. Here is a last pic of the belly (and also a pic of the deck almost being done!)

Tuesday morning we left to the hospital. We needed to be there a bit before 8am because I was going to do some "crunchy things" that might help my anxiety- the hospital was doing a study to see if these things work. When we arrived at the hospital there was a cool blood moon in the sky- red for Ruby's birthday.

Once checked in and back in my room, they started the calming things as part of the study. They dimmed the lights, gave me an aromatherapy stick I could smell, performed a reiki massage on me (which doesn't involve any touching and was honestly a bit hokey) and turned on some Jack Johnson music. Nothing life changing but it was nice. And probably would've stayed nice if my procedure had been on time- at 10am. Unfortunately, the person who was scheduled for a c section before us came an hour late to her appointment which meant my c-section got postponed (I think it should've meant that hers got rescheduled). Then when they finished her c-section, someone needed the OR for an emergency placenta removal. And after that both OR's were dirty so they had to clean them. They did not wheel me back until after 1pm, which meant I had been waiting around the hospital for over 5 hours. That did not help my anxiety and I got pretty emotional that last hour of waiting. At least all the nurses were really kind and the doctor was very good at calming my worries. Also, when it came time to prep, Tyler got a cool hat instead of an ugly hair net like me. He looked like a real life doctor.

When I finally got wheeled back, it was time for the spinal tap. I hate the spinal tap because it is always so cold in the OR and that combined with nerves makes me so shaky. But the doctor and anesthesiologist were really kind and talked me through it. The actual spinal tap didn't even hurt, just some pressure. Then they laid me down and started setting things ups and I did my best to just focus on taking deep breaths and being calm. They did the pinch test and I didn't feel it so all was going as good as can be expected. Then at long last they brought Tyler in and things got real. I still feel like the whole procedure was sooo uncomfortable and when they pulled out Ruby it felt like they were sitting on my chest and I could barely breathe. But at 2:01- after the dr proclaimed he could see Ruby's lips through my uterine lining because it was so thin, then I soaked the dr with my amniotic fluid (apparently several pounds of it) and with a little help of a vaccuum, Ruby made her entrance into the world. She weighed 8lb 3oz and was 21 inches long.


It took far too long for them to bring Ruby over to me- I got a crick in my neck trying to look over at her- but when Tyler finally got her, her soft cheeks against my face felt very soothing. The doctor was awesome and told Tyler that he was not to leave (I had told him how he always left with the baby and I hated it) so Tyler and Ruby got to stay with us for the entire surgery. Even though the tube tying and stitching back up were horribly uncomfortable, it really helped to not be alone- even if Tyler was very distracted with Ruby. This time they did not drug me up so I stayed very awake which wasn't ideal for the pain but it was nice to not be out of it for the rest of the day.

When all was done they wheeled me back to my recovery room and then eventually back to my postpartum room. It was evening by the time we settled in so no visitors for us. After fasting all day I was very ready for food. Unfortunately ordering food was always a process- put on hold for ages (up to 30 mins) and then it took 1-2 hours for the food to come. They need a better system. Then when my food came I had ordered soup, juice and a roll but they didn't have a roll so they substituted it for chili- not sure why they thought that made sense. Chili was not ideal for my sensitive tummy. The kitchen wasn't open for Tyler so he had to leave me for awhile to get food. That was a bit scary since I wasn't mobile at that point and therefore not very capable of taking care of Ruby.

That night was long- I did not sleep much. Lots of nurses visits for Ruby and I, lots of poking and proding, plus I was still hooked up to the leg things that buzz loudly and the bed also was super annoying and kept buzzing/filling up with air. Later when asked if we could turn that off, we were told that the bed would literally go flat so we would just have to deal with the constant sound. I tried turning on some white noise on my phone and it helped me get a few mins of sleep. I will say that the nurse that night was awesome. She was really helpful when I finally got out of bed and walked to the bathroom and just really present when needed. I was glad I had her the second night as well. She reminded me a lot of my friend Elyse from the preschool I worked at. She made the recovery process bearable.