Monday morning I took Lucy to the dentist to fix some fillings that had cracked (due to her ice eating) and she also had a lovely black spot appear on another tooth after her dental check up that we wanted to get checked out. Thankfully they said the black spot was just filing composite, probably from the ring she had on the tooth for a spacer. We had one of the new dentists at the office fix the broken fillings and he was quite the character. Apparently he is very into using weird conversation to distract from the uncomfortableness of getting teeth fixed. He talked to her about all the things- how Johnny Cash is the man, that he became a dentist in fourth grade, he pretended to not know how to count, he told her how he hates the dentist and that he painted his nails once....She thought he was a hoot and I really think this technique worked well for her. She squirmed and complained some but she never spiraled like she tends to do.
Monday afternoon I took the kids to the Bass Pro Shop to see Santa. I had been hesitant because I thought they had that weird plastic sheild up (because of Covid) but they didn't. They just had the kids sit on a bench in front of Santa. We had to reserve a time online which was awesome because then we had a very short wait. Afterwards we lucked out because there was no one in line behind us so Santa had the kids turn around and chat with him. They talked about Christmas decorations and the gifts they wanted. Santa said he should leave some bubble wrap with a bike for Lucy so she doesn't get hurt and he also told the kids not to leave any Lego's on the floor that could hurt his feet. They enjoyed talking to Santa.

Tuesday I attempted to find gifts for our seminary students so we can do a little gift exchange but that was quite the challenge. I don't think there are many things that teens like that are actually cheap. I mostly ended up just getting junk food. Tuesday night I had Bunco. Bunco in December is always fun because we shake things up and don't actually play Bunco. This year we did a sock exchange and played the saran wrap ball game. For the sock exchange, everyone stuffed a sock with a goodie and then we put them on a table and took turns picking (or stealing). I ended up being last to pick which was a great spot because I had my choice of everything. But the embarassing thing was that the socks I had bought were literally the last ones left on the table. They did sort of look like men's socks but they felt super comfy. I ended up stealing someone else's socks because I didn't want to end up with my own, that felt weird. The Saran Wrap Game is always fun but it kind of felt like it was super long- I was feeling extra tired that night. I ended up unwrapping a few fun things to take home (nail polish, hand sanitizer, hot chocolate...). Afterwards we had some dessert, took some pictures and headed home.
Wednesday Lucy and I got our hair cut. Well Lucy just got at trim but I actually cut off a good chunk of hair and got some layers- not that anyone noticed. I am not in love with the haircut but it does feel lighter and that's kind of nice.
Thursday after dinner the kids went and bought Christmas gifts for each other. I took the girls to get gifts for the boys and Tyler took the boys to get gifts for the girls. The girls were insistent on getting Ben a Beanie Boo so we went to Joann's because they have a good selection but we ended up in a long line with only one cashier on duty. One cashier who was sooooo slow. We waited in line for 30 mins just to buy one Beanie Boo. This left me pretty aggrevated and I didn't so much enjoy the rest of the night.
Friday the kids and I delivered gifts to neighbors and friends. This year we gave puzzles/games- more than I usually spend but I hate giving food gifts and I am running out of fun ideas. For the most part I think our gifts were appreciated, Caroline just acted a little funny when we came to drop ours off. She did not seem to want us to linger at all...oh well...
Friday night was Lucy's volleyball game. I have really enjoyed volleyball night because Jenna is on Lucy's team and her whole family comes as well. It's been nice to hang out with them and watch Lucy's serve improve. Next week is the last week and that makes me sad.
Saturday morning Tyler and I went to the temple. I was feeling super anxious about it because it had been awhile since I had been and I felt like I forgot how to do everthing. So the anxiety prevented me from feeling the spirit as much as I usually do. I really wish it wasn't so difficult to get into the temple these days. I feel better about it when I go more regularly. While we were at the temple some crazy wind blew a tree into a power line and started a fire in our neighborhood. Thankfully we have a fire station across the street and only a couple sheds were damaged. Also thankfully the fire was not near our home. But that lovely accident did cause our power to go out. We were going to do graham cracker houses that evening with friends but decided to reschedule because we weren't sure when the power would come back on. Of course, right when we rescheduled the power came back on. But we decided not to change it again. Instead, Saturday evening, I had Caroline and Melissa over for a puzzle night. It was a pretty good evening and we had a lot of laughs over Caroline commenting that "The squirrels are getting fat". It had to do with the crazy weather but it came out so random. Pretty sure that will be a catch phrase in our friendship for a long while.
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