Sunday, December 26, 2021

Christmas in Arizona

Friday was Christmas Eve and it was super rainy. That morning I ran to Kohl's with my mom because the Christmas sweater I had bought for my jammies hadn't arrived. We were doing a Super Mario theme and I got lucky and found a shirt that fit the bill there and thankfully for cheap. Then I made some of my bean salsa for Christmas day, we loaded up all our things, picked up the kids from Mike's house and headed to Tyler's parent's house where we will be staying for the remainder of the trip.

I had an unusually lazy Christmas Eve. It was nice not to be cooking all day but also weird. Our only contribution to Christmas Eve dinner was green beans and Tyler was making them. Around 3:30 the Hatch families started arriving. Everyone came but Tara (they wanted to do their own thing, sort of offensive since we were in town all the way from Michigan) and obviously Mariah's family didn't come because they are out in Missouri. The food was all really good, the kids ran around like wild people and I felt my usual awkwardness. I still don't feel like I fit in with all of them but possibly that's partially me being a quiet introvert.  

Later people started heading off but Keshia's family stayed and we did another round of decorating cookies. This time so that Santa could have some cookies. It was funny to watch Knox purposely dump about a half a container of sprinkles onto his cookie.

Then we opened up jammies (matching pants and Super Mario shirts) and the kids got to open up the presents that they had gotten for each other. We decided to do this on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas Day so that they could properly be grateful. I would say it worked, they all gave each other hugs as a thank you. Lucy and Penny had gotten a Beanie Boo for Ben and a Minecraft Lego Set for Steven. Ben and Steven got Roblox figures for Penny and Doll accessories for Lucy.

Then we drove around with Poppy and Grams to a nearby neighborhood to look at lights. A lot of the lights seemed to have gotten knocked out by all the rain and we even saw a cactus that had fallen on someone's driveway, just barely missing their car. After that the kids watched a weird Netflix  movie called "A Boy Called Christmas" and then Poppy told them the story of Christmas before they were all sent to bed. 

Later we went and got the boys because they were supposed to help Tyler build Lucy's bike but mostly they just watched "A Christmas Story." When I had them go throwvout the box for the bike, Ben got real emotional when they couldn't find the recycling bin. It was at this time that I decided that they were overly tired and sent them off to bed. I had forgotten my glasses at my mom's house and with my eyes feeling super dry, I went to bed just a little while later. I'm too blind without contacts or glasses to be of any use.

Christmas morning they all did a good job of not waking us up and staying in their rooms. Around 7am I put in my contacts and we released the children to go see their gifts. I think they all seemed happy with what they got. I just hate how fast it all is opened and done. I think I get sad about that before the present unwrapping even begins.

Penny got a scarpbook kit, pictures to put in it, a giant Friends Carnival Lego Set, a Beanie Boo, a doll bed, a Wings of Fire Book and a Gollum stuffie (this was a joke gift because she HATES Gollum- she shouted "Are you kidding me!" when she opened it up).

Ben got 2 Mario Lego Sets, a Wings of Fire Book, a Penguin Beanie Boo, a Zelda Book, and a Zelda Shield. I was hoping he'd be really excited by the shield but apparently it won't be any fun until we go home and he has his sword too. The biggest bummer for Ben though was that one of his Mario Lego sets was missing lots of pieces. We were sure that he threw away a bag but after searching through all the garbage he couldn't find one. I think he got an incomplete set but I am not sure how we're going to get the missing pieces, it looks like we have to go through Lego. He was really upset for awhile but then he started building his other set and since it wasn't missing pieces, that improved his attitude.

Lucy got a new bike (with flat tires so she hasn't been able to ride it yet), a Lego Friends Carnival set, a scrapbook kit, pictures to put in it, A Wings of Fire Book, a Beanie Boo and book about Beanie Boo's.

Steven got 3 Nintendo Switch games, a Lego Architecture Set, a Wings of Fire Book, a Guinea Pig Book and a SD Card for his Nintendo Switch. He finally has games to play on the Nintendo Switch he bought for himself!

Tyler got a fancy drone, 2 Harry Potter Lego Sets, a 2nd Amendment Beanie, a "That's What She Said" button, a Marble Climber and some reference books for Lord of the Rings.

Apparently I forgot to take a picture of me with all my presents but I got some really nifty weights for lifting, socks, some cute small serving bowls, a pack of Golden Books, nail polish and a Lego Bonsai Tree. I had wanted Lego Flowers but Tyler had been unable to find them in store so he got the tree instead. It about killed me trying to make it because I am not a Lego builder but with some help, I got it done. I am quite proud of myself.

The kids also all got a remote control car and Doodle Board to share and their Hatch Grandparents bought them a youth kayak with a paddle and a membership to Henry Ford Museum. I would say they all made out well. They spent the morning building Lego's and playing with their toys. Logan's family came around lunchtime so they had some cousin time for a bit and then we all went over to my parent's house.

At my parent's house they got more presents! Beanie Boo's, slippers socks, candles, shirts, a Nintendo Switch Game, a movie giftcard, a Bass Pro Shop giftcard and an Olive Garden giftcard. Tyler and I also got a really cool Study Guide Old Testament that will be great for teaching seminary. 

After present opening I made my sweet potatoe casserole. Everyone was hungry so it made me aware of how long it takes to make it. Matilda kept getting in her high chair begging to be fed already. When I finished it, it was finally time to eat. The food was good as was the company. My mom, Mecca and I worked on a puzzle after eating and the men and kids all went to the park to fly Tyler's Drone. We all lingered for awhile after they got back from the park and then it was back to Tyler's parents house to recover from all the holiday fun.

Sunday morning we had early church with Tyler's parents and I got my traditional Christmas picture of all the kids in their fancy Christmas clothes.

Arizona Fun

Sunday we went to church with my parents and then that afternoon Tyler and Ben arrived, just in time for dinner with my parents and brother. Their drive to Arizona had went quickly and smoothly and it seems that Ben did well holding his pee (he had been practicing before they left). After we ate dinner we had some fun at the park. I played with Matilda and she said I was her "best friend"- I felt special even if she says that to everyone. Later on when it was dark we drove to a house in a nearby neighborhood that had a pretty cool light show. We got a little lost trying to find it but finally did and it was worth the effort. The lights were a lot fancier than the one in our neighborhood, the music was cool and their was a creepy Santa in one of the windows.

Monday morning my mom, my brother and Lillian joined us at the new Mesa Temple Visitor's Center. The kids all hung out in the Visitor's Center with Mike and Tyler while my mom and I scanned in scrapbook pages at the Family History Center that was upstairs. Then we wandered the newly remodled temple grounds.

After wandering the grounds we walked over to Pete's Fish and Chips for some lunch and then did a quick stop at Deseret Book so Tyler could pick some things up for his dad. 

Our next adventure Monday was a hike with part of Mike's family near the Superstition Mountains. I'm so out of shape and felt winded hiking up and over the hill to get to the trail. It was all fun and games until Lucy was climbing up a rocky incline and stuck her hand in a pile of cactus needles. She then began screaming bloody murder and claimed that she couldn't move. Tyler had a heck of a time getting the needles out of her hands as she waved them around wildly. It took a long while to get them out and calm her down and help her hike back down. It was not my most favorite hike because of that drama and I am sure Lucy will be less inclined to explore because of that.

Monday evening we ate at my most favorite place, Mi Amigo's. I got smart this time and emptied out one of the kid's water cups and filled it with the salsa we hadn't eaten and took it home. It was so yummy to eat throughout the week, although it gave me some major heartburn, I think it's even more spicy after it sits a few days.

As if our Monday was not full enough, as we were leaving Poppy Hatch called needing some help picking out a Christmas gift for Grams Hatch so we met up with him at Costco (and then Best Buy) so Tyler could help him pick out a computer screen and speakers. This was hard for the kids who were tired and crabby but at Best Buys they discovered phones that were out on display that they could play games on and this made things somewhat better.

Tuesday morning Tyler took Lucy and Ben ice skating with Mike, Oliver and Lillian. Ben got the hang of it after a bit but Lucy never really did. She still says she loves it but apparently she fell down... a lot.

Tuesday evening we went to Schnepf Farms with Logan's family and Keshia's family. The kids had a blast just hanging with their cousins. I was less impressed. It was a lot of waiting in lines to do not that great of things. We did start out with no lines and got to do a big slide and ride a carousel with no real wait. 

But then we waited forever to see Santa and he wasn't that good of one. They only took a quick pic and then he asked what they wanted and that was that.

Then we waited in another huge line so that we could go on a hayride to feed deer. The deer were probably a bit full of grass because they were not that interested in eating. 

After that was probably the best part for all the kids- a blow up obstacle course. This, of course, cost extra but they played there for a good long while. 

When the kids finally got tired, they went and decorated some pinecones with glitter (which we hung up on a tree there, I was not bringing that glitter into our car) and it was time to head out. While leaving, the craziest thing happened, our suburban had moved parking spots. It was clearly not behind the semi truck trailer where we had parked, instead it was over by a fence. We still don't know how that happened. Maybe one of his siblings played a trick on us? Maybe the towed it because it was blocking the trailer? It sure was weird.

Wednesday the kids went to Elevate (a trampoline park) with Mike's family. They had a blast until they started getting hungry. My favorite part was when Tyler threw Penny into a pit of soft blocks upside down and she got stuck- he had to help her back out. 

When we were done there mom, Ben and I went to my favorite place- the Broken Yolk. Everyone else went to Chick-Fil-A. The wait for food at Broken Yolk ended up being pretty long but they were nice about it and gave us a free meal. Ben made some angry eyes with his pancake.

Wednesday afternoon Ben and Steven had a sleepover at Logan's house. They had a blast with cousins playing video games, watching "Karate Kid" and playing at a nearby park. The rest of us had tacos for dinner and then we went to a Churro place for dessert. They were pretty authentic Churros according to Poppy. The dark chocolate sauce Tyler got to dip his churros in ended up upsetting his stomach though so I am not sure we'll go back. Afterwards we stopped by the house with the cool light show again and then watched some Holey Moley- miniature golf meets Wipe Out.

Thursday I spent the morning baking cookies and making frosting then we picked up the boys from their cousins house and headed to Mike's house to decorate the cookies. My kids are doing a little bit better at not just dumping sprinkles all over their cookies but they still love to taste the frosting.

That evening we left the kids at Mike's house for a sleepover, did a quick Walmart run and watched "Sherlock Holmes" with Grams. It was nice quiet evening without all the kids for us. Not so much for Mike and Rebecca. The kids had a lot of fun with them though, they walked to a house with a bubble machine, painted fingernails and watched "A Charlie Brown Christmas."